Understanding Danniidurrs

edit: forgot to add 'ability to turn into fawn'

This isn't really made to give anyone an action-by-action explanation of what my deer are doing. Not exactly, anyway. It's more to point out differences in their behaviours, because I've realised some of my deer are capable of understanding or doing things that the others can't. I dunno, I haven't written the damn thing yet so I don't really know what to call it 8'C It'll probably end up being like...mini-profile things.


Given that he was made in 2008, during the 'old' phase of TEF, Rutilus is a much more conventional forest deer. He is capable of various glitches and is willing to change his set frequently, as well as participate in forest games such as peacocking. Rutilus is likely the most approachable of my deer and is almost never involved in plots or out-of-forest roleplaying whilst inforest.

Water-Walking :: Perfectly capable of this glitch. Also seen pond-splashing.
Sitting Under The Pond Without Drowning :: Capable. Doesn't utilize this often, but may do so if he really wants to be away from other deer, and is feeling down.
Peacocking :: I think you'll find that when it comes to peacocking, he is simply the best there is.
Dancing :: Willing, if in the right company. He doesn't like to dance all by himself, though.
Spellspamming :: Yes. Enjoys it, but doesn't do it very often really; usually as a substitute for anything else to do.
Ability to be Transfomed :: Capable. May keep it for a while and be silly.
Ability to cast Transformation Spells :: Capable. Likes to run past deer and randomly cast one on them.
Ability to turn into Fawn:: Capable!
Airsitting :: Capable, but doesn't do it often.
Jump-Flying :: Capable; tends to do so when looking for or chasing other deer, as it gives him a better view.
Awareness of the Gods :: Has seen proof of their existence, but no longer has faith in them.
Abiogenesises Attended :: Several, including mini-abios.
Fawns :: Does not discriminate
Does :: Does not discriminate
Stags :: Does not discriminate
Namelesses :: Does not discriminate, although sometimes finds it hard to understand them
Set-Changing :: Frequently does this, though usually only his mask
Greeting :: A traditional full bow, or a bow+nod to express approval
Fighting :: Traditional antler-lowering, rearing, and taunting. Fights males only, unless protecting someone.
Involvement In Plots :: Very low


Always in-character and much less traditional than Rutilus, Saxophone is unaware of some old forest behaviours and may react with alarm when witnessing them, as well as being incapable of doing them herself - however, it is likely she is able to learn the behaviours if taught. She may be involved in roleplaying out-of-forest whilst still inforest, but this is rare due to personal preference.

Water-Walking :: Incapable. Has a mild fear of running water, and as a result rarely ventures near the pond as the river is so nearby.
Sitting Under The Pond Without Drowning :: Incapable. Terrified of being submerged under water due to past trauma.
Peacocking :: Capable, and does it quite frequently, usually when alone. Tends to give deer other bird sets, marine sets, or butterfly sets.
Dancing :: Very, very rare. Capable, but unwilling.
Spellspamming :: I think you'll find that when it comes to spellspamming, she is simply the best there is.
Ability to be Transfomed :: Hates it with a passion; does not know how to get rid of it easily. Likely to panic when transformed.
Ability to cast Transformation Spells :: Incapable. Does not seem to have the ability to possess this type of magic.
Ability to turn into Fawn: Incapable
Airsitting :: Capable, and does so when showing off or getting away from others.
Jump-Flying :: Incapable, save for air-sitting.
Awareness of the Gods :: Has seen proof of their existence, but does not believe them to be true Gods, nor does she respect or have faith in them.
Abiogenesises Attended :: 1
Fawns :: Very easily irritated by, and may even lash out at them.
Does :: Somewhat uneasy around, and easily made awkward.
Stags :: More comfortable around
Namelesses :: Nervous around, but accepts their company
Set-Changing :: Unlikely, unless playing around
Greeting :: A traditional half-bow
Fighting :: Traditional rearing/antler-lowering/taunting, however she also uses speed and running around to tire her opponent
Involvement In Plots :: Average (though no-one really...involves me in anything so 8D)


Although he is always in-character, he is much more approachable than the likes of Saxophone due to a generally sociable, friendly nature. However, Keith is still fairly new to the forest and, ultimately, resides in the human world. He is unaware of various forest glitches and also unable to perform them, even if attempts at teaching him are made. Perhaps the most 'realistic' of my characters, despite it being a magical forest; he exists primarily in a realm where he is incapable of utilising magic.

Water-Walking :: Incapable. Freaked out by.
Sitting Under The Pond Without Drowning :: Incapable, and doesn't understand how others can do it. Jealous of those who can.
Peacocking :: Capable, but doesn't do it very often
Dancing :: I think you'll find that when it comes to dancing, he is simply the best there is.
Spellspamming :: Capable. Loves to do so, just because he can't use magic in the real world. Tends to get tired if he does it for too long - likely has a 'limit'.
Ability to be Transfomed :: Incapable.
Ability to cast Transformation Spells :: Incapable.
Ability to turn into Fawn:: Incapable.
Airsitting :: Incapable.
Jump-Flying :: Incapable.
Awareness of the Gods :: Does not believe in them. Has seen no proof of existence.
Abiogenesises Attended :: 0
Fawns :: Protective of, but not always sure how to react around. Avoids somewhat.
Does :: Chivalrous. Protective of. Playful. Refuses to fight.
Stags :: A little more standoffish with. More likely to fight. Playful. Rough.
Namelesses :: Treats as if they were stags.
Set-Changing :: Unlikely, but capable
Greeting :: A nod+headtilt. Refuses to bow.
Fighting :: Despite not having antlers - headbutts others, as well as rearing and darting around them. Tends to try and get underneath a deer to headbutt at their stomach, then get out before they crush him.
Involvement In Plots :: Low/average

You should totally add bios

You should totally add bios and appearance descriptions. They all are very lovely characters! It was interesting to read (:

*insert foreweraloneface*

Paha, thankyou! :'D ♥

Paha, thankyou! :'D ♥ I do have full biographies for them, buried in my blogs and such.