I had some fun with Sunfyra today... we created new sets and called the two deer the Twins of the Night for now. ;D They will only appear at night times...
Here are some screenshots, because they were so adorable. n.n My last "funny" screenshots didn't seem to be that prosperous, nobody wrote a single comment, but yeah. Who minds? (;
Too see the next pictures, too, please click the title or "Read more". =) Haha, I
love this method. xD
EDIT: We decided to call them "The Angels of the Shadows": Aleea (Sun) and Avia (me). :3 Bio & wonderful art for them by Sunfyra will follow soon! =D
The Twins of the Night with peacock feathers. Not the antlers they should have, but it looked so nice that we decided to make some mirror screenshots anyway.
These antlers looked so nice on this pelt!
Also this, so we decided to make more mirror screenshots. :3
Yay =D
That's how they should look like. We both got this set now, but unfortunately exactly
then Sunfyra had to go. <.>
Well, next night time! =D
Cool,Pride Love the
Yes, it's beautiful.
I love that mask with that
--Stays a lonely Seele
Ahh. I've never been in the
and Loque agree's 8D
*jumps on you*
i was a liar in every debate, i rule the forces that fuiled your hate
I think I may know
awwwwwwwwwwwwwww YOU'VE POST
The Angles of Shadows we decided (at school^^) ,we'll call them so...i've started a picture, but it'll take some time...we'll post a bio too! <333
what do you think?
+*Sunfyra's Biography*+
@Misako: I hope it's OK for
@Aelia & all: Ah WOW! 8D Tehehe, shall I feel honored? Lol. ^^
Night times rock. I hope there will be night again soon, so that we can take some great screenshots of their actual set.
Does anybody know if there's a way to play around with some files to make it night for you? Like it is possible with mist? :")
@Raia: IT IIIS? AWW.
THANKIES. Lul Loqueh <333
Ah careful my back! xDD
@Serynn: Lul, Sunfyra and my picto are quite similar. But I don't know any with more like those... except the one, "Mishantia" is his/her name (he/she never was in the community), he/she is there EVERY WHOLE DAY, but just asleep. He always freaks me out when I see the edge of his picto that looks like Sunfyra's, I think "DARN SHE'S ONLINE YAAY". Two seconds later: "oh crap, she's not ):" xDD
@Sunny: YEZ IT WAS =DD
Nice screenshot! ^^
I edited the new info from school today in! ;D
I can't wait! Let's start the bio & such Thursday when you come to me, kk?