To the Twins of Dance;

I have never seen anything so beautiful in my life. The way you two move, it's...impossible. It's wonderful. I stood there, transfixed, and you danced.
It's as if you can read eachother's minds...
But thankyou. Thankyou very much indeed, darlings.

-- Rhye

so Rhye was the deer with the fan pelt, magpie mask and those golden ram antlers c8 <33333333 That was amazing to watch.

We are but humble dancers,

We are but humble dancers, but it doesn't make us any less honored to receive such wonderful words!
Thank you for such lovely company! We enjoyed dancing for you~

Oooh, that was Rhye? Awesome~! I won't lie, Rhye's reactions made me giggle. :]
*sha'll be sure to look out for em' in-forest more often*