Three(or five) Things I Want To Know About TEF!!

Hey everypo---deer, I have some questions that maybe older residents of TEF might be able to answer:

1-I read somewhere that some deer sets were originally ideas from players, they had gotten their custom set made into the game. . .or something like that. Is this true? If it is , well thats just lovely I would like one too.

2-Does anyone know how to get the candle antlers AND the dark brown pelt?(Shhhh it still counts as one question if the others aren't related) Please, do you have to walk through a giant candle??? Whut about the dark pelt---I've seen it in the TEF list of pelts.

3-Are there any TEF deer comics out there?? I would LOVE to see one!

(4)-Are there any other games like TEF where you get to be a Deer?

(5)-There is an Icon of a deer standing with its front legs together, head held highishly, and its hind legs apart. I've seen many custom ones and I would like to know how to get this Icon and customize-it myself.

Aivilo's picture

1 - It's true! Many of the

1 - It's true! Many of the set designs have come from players. You can find their original concept art on the Tale of Tales game design forums if you go hunting. New set additions are rare, however.

2 - Dark brown pelt is acquired through regular casting. The candles need to be cast by a player with a 1st generation pictogram running an old version of TEF (3.13). Normally I'd offer to do it for you, but I don't currently have it installed after getting my new computer. I need to do that, actually...
I can help you get the pelt, though, if you're on :3

3 - There are a few. I think Ravenflight had one...? I don't know the others. Look around TEFc and DeviantART.

4 - None that I've seen.

5 - Do you mean the little avatar that shows up to the left of a user's post? (Like mine: ) Go to your profile on the "edit" tab and you'll be able to upload or link to a picture there. It needs to be certain dimensions, though.

1-4 Thanks so much! Wow that

Thanks so much! Wow that was a fast reply!
The icon--yes I would post a picture of it in this message but i dont know how
hehe sorry
Thanks though for the answers!!
Aivilo's picture

Haha, not a lot going on at

Haha, not a lot going on at this hour. Glad to help :3

Images in a blog or post can use either html:
<img src="URL">
Or BBCode:
[ img]URL[/ img]
(no spaces - it won't let me use the code tags to make it show up right)

Where "URL" is, of course, the link to your picture.

OK after twenty minutes of

OK after twenty minutes of searching i got this:
its the 2nd to last comment--on the right of the commenter's comment
or you can go the Biography and scroll down to the entry called Hannah
Aivilo's picture

Oh! The one in the

Oh! The one in the signature?

Those were done by Saosin, I believe. I don't know where the thread's at, but if I recall correctly it was a requirement to request for a friend instead of yourself.
If you ask around, though, there are plenty of folks who're willing to make signature art or who already have such threads open.

Oh thank god! I'm not going

Oh thank god! I'm not going insane! I saw those everywhere but when I look for them they're gone! xD Thanks once again for the help, I was so lost!
Oh, there was a question I wanted to ask you. . .what time is it on your clock?
Aivilo's picture

lol. It's 2:47 am for me. I'm

lol. It's 2:47 am for me. I'm going to go to bed in a minute here; I work in the morning.

OKAY then thanks again! I

OKAY then thanks again!
I should let you go now hahaha. . .
bai bai
Aivilo's picture

Any time :3 Good night~

Any time :3
Good night~

haha loved this

haha loved this conversations. I just had to drop in and say "Welcome to the community(and game?)!" Laughing out loud

If your search in here you can find a lot of neat things :3
Like signature art threads, Avatar icon things, Faq about how to act in game, Css coding and a lot more awesome things. ^u^