
who are you

not trying to cause drama here just a little question ..who are you?

Ice's view.

My hooves thud on the leaf-covered floor,
As I sprint through the forest.
Birds flutter over my head,
and sing their own little songs.

Spotting the lake I run faster,
Faster and faster until I can not run anymore.
My heart thuds against my chest,
And my throat welcomes the cold water I drink.

I look into the water,
I look deeply and closely.
I see a fawn,
A fawn that smiles.
z.m123's picture

Kiowa's funny dress up {5 pic's, Warning for highly religios ppl}

Kiowa was dressing up... Sooo... Yeah

Weird things at antler's ftw!

Um... He loves doing that XD



And the warned pic'

SarahAshley's picture

I have a question..

I registared, obviously. Is there a reason the game won't allow me to log in?
Verycrazygirl's picture

Red Hill

Reposting because I never had the chance to reply to the old posts, it's far too late now...
I havent deleted the old one, though.
Feel free to criticize this page.

This is an Interaction Blog for The Sentinel.

Preferred Formats:
Role-Play, any style you wish
Can do drawing/painting responces but not so fond as they take up a lot of muse. x3

Isolde's picture


Wanderers Silent Dream

grow strong little one (:
Pegasicorn's picture

Dragonflies and Nobility [interaction]

[This is an interaction, or roleplay, blog. Have fun with the images!]

Seed's picture

Let's Play Moemon: Leaf Green! (image heavy)

I've decided, after some pondering, to post my text-based Let's Play of Moemon Leafgreen both here and on the Giant in the Playground Forums, where it can be found here. Moemon, for those who do not know, is a hack of Pokemon (in this case, Leafgreen) in which the pokemon appear as cute little anime people (mostly girls) in costume.

Now, to spice things up, I'd be playing with a few variations of "Hard Mode" rules. Enough to make it challenging without it being annoying.
#1: When a pokemon faints, It will be released -- that's it. Even my starter. If the pokemon faints, it's game over, stick a fork in them, they're done.
#2: I will only catch one pokemon per area (in normal Hard Mode rules, this would be the first pokemon, but I want what I want. Unlike normal hard mode, gift pokemon do not count.) This pokemon will be decided by votes both here and on the Giant in the Playground forums.
#3: Oh, and no legendaries. Because I agree that seems fair.

[center]Chapter 1: The Psyche of a Pokemon Trainer

"Uh....Yeah, Professor, we already met. I've lived next door to you for my entire life."
Oak:Welcome to the world of Pokemon!
"...Oh. I must be dreaming. Who says anything like that, anyway?"
Oak: My name is Oak! People affectionately refer to me as the Pokemon Professor!
"And? This is my dream! I want a half-naked russian ballroom dancer glistening with oil...I guess I have to go find him."
Oak: Wait a second! Don't you think this dream will have significance in your life, given you'll be starting your own pokemon journey tomorow? Don't you want to see what your psyche holds?
"...My psyche holds my elderly neighbor giving me a lecture?"
Oak: [B]Let me continue.
Annefleur87's picture

Love is forever

I was searching you were on a mission
Then our hearts combined like a neutron star collision
I have nothing left to lose
You took your time to choose
Then we told each other with no trace of fear that

Our love would be forever
And if we die, we die together
Well I, I said never
Cause our love would be forever

Neutron star collision (Love is forever) by Muse
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