A few weeks ago I mentioned my "Durr" and a user asked for a picture.
"durr" as opposed to deer due to a joke sound effect. One of my mates said that racecars go "huuurrrdurrr". As my deer runs fast it also must go "huurrrrdurrrr".
We've decided it would be more awesome if he looked like a TEF deer.
But then it would be cruel to ride him.
Trying this one more time. I can’t promise that it will get done fast. Sometimes I have a lot of time for things sometimes I do not, however it would not be a real long wait. If anyone is interested at all.
Title says it all ^^ Whenever I log out or go into the circle where you don't have any set on and I log in or get out of the circle I don't get the red pelt back. Any1 know why?
I'm tired of being told my opinions/advice/posts are NOT welcome on something that effects the whole community.
If what the gods said were true and people keep sending complaints to them about all this harassment/bullying/trolling whatever you want to call it and they shut down the site or the whole game why shouldn't we ALL be able to post what we think about it, what we should do.
We are all capable of having a mature discussion about it so I don't appreciate being told to stop posting what I think about it on a public forum. This problem is not up to two or three people of the community to sort on their own or decide what is best for the rest of us.
As there are no official moderators I feel this community does a good job and moderating itself for the most part certainly more than most that I've been on but when there is a problem it was running off the the gods or everyone takes offence and falls apart over it.
I will admit I'm annoyed about the over reaction to the trolling when ignoring it would have solved a lot of grief and I probably wouldn't be writing this journal.
I know some of you think I'm just perpetuating this drama by posting this, but i'm tired of my thoughts and feelings being deleted because apparently there is not a debate on the subject.
Well there SHOULD be a debate on it, on what should be done by the community because this effects everyone if the game is shut down because people keep running back to the gods every time there is an incident in the forest that we should be able to sort on our own.
Flame me if you want, complain or just get it off your chest. I will try to respond in a mature manner or take my own advice and ignore and have a laugh you if you are turning into a troll.
Thankyou for reading.
I hope we can still be civil in game and my deer has not lost any friends because of my thoughts and feelings.