By the way marilasd, I really like how your deer looks. I find it really cool. I just wanted to tell you that becuase I couldn't get to your blog. Sorry, but it wouldn't show me the page. Sometimes this happens when I try to look at other people's acount page. I wonder if there's a solution? Maybe? dunno...
I just have trouble with this kind of stuff. Please help!
Is anyone else having problems getting a new post to show up, or updated posts to head to the first page? Nothing I'm updating is showing up, and I tried to make a new post earlier that just never appeared... anyone else experiencing this? Just curious...
So a while ago I came across some site that had a bunch of old TEF pelts. So I was wondering two things. 1) Are there even really old pelts? Or was it just fun with photoshop? 2) Anybody got a link to it?