
quadraptor's picture

Quad's Directory of Photography

I'm working on getting back to my photography, and I'm going to set this up the same way as my Directory of Writing.
z.m123's picture

How do you put a picture for blog backround?


And yes, I will delete this
quadraptor's picture

Describe yourself with a landscape...

Just another idea I had - google a landscape that represents you and post it here with a short description of why it is you.

Here's mine:

Here I stand at the base of a long trail. A distant mountain sits and waits for me to climb it. The path winds, having many ups and downs as I walk it. I see my goals in my life, and it will be a long and tough path to get to them, but when I finally make it on top of that mountain, the view will be breathtaking.

And I'll enjoy the walk as best as I can.

Your turn Eye
Doro's picture

Dancing Duo

I'm probably not going to blog as much as play, but I would like to say to the two dancing on the mushroom together, that was awesome. Unfortunatly, I didn't have the pictos on, but you did make my night Smiling
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Cynder_Totally's picture

A problem with replying

Okay, so everytime try and reply to something/leave a comment. A red box comes up at the top of the page saying "You have to specify a valid author.12323". What does this mean?

Thank you.
Pretzil's picture


image heavy

Not very funny... But at least I tried.
darkdestiny's picture


I'm still new and I'm wondering how do I get the Pictogram on my profile to show my Picto instead of flashing between every Pictogram? I saw others showing their Picto, but mine keeps changing on my profile. What's required to set it to stay on mine?
Seele's picture

Vacation drawings! (By both me and Vee)

And some belong to either of us!
z.m123's picture

I want to show you something

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