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New account!

So im changing my account to:

All of my bios will be there!
Im deleting them off of the ShakyMelon account... so retrack on the gloomcluster's account! c:

shanks guys! ;A;

Do not use art without permission! For anything!

There seem to be a few cases of this lately so just as a news flash to new members and a reminder to returning ones: on TEFc we do not use art made by other people without getting the original artists' permission! It's super easy to ask and if they say no, there are also plenty of people taking requests for free art and even some great artists who are open for commissions.

Something that makes TEFc so cool is seeing all the art that members produce. When art gets stolen and re-posted trust gets broken and people stop feeling comfortable sharing what they make. Not fun for anybody.

If you have any questions about how to go about contacting an artist about using their artwork, or what to do if you see someone using art that is not their own, comment and we can chat about it.

Do not use this thread to point out or harass players who have done this. That isn't the point of this post.
JinxedSecrets's picture

How Do I Get Candle Horns?

How do I get candle horns? I keep seeing other deer in the game with Candle horns! I don't know how they got them. I heard you can get Candle Horns SOMEWERE in the game. BUT WERE?
TehFloofeh's picture

Kaede's events and my updates :D...


Today has been such an amazing day!She had frolicked with two very close friends,Slept for an hour or two (I was AFK :3 )On the large concrete slab in the Graveyard.Kae then woke to a stag and his doe and fawn it seemed,And hung about them for a while.She was visiting the twin gods when she spotted a Blue antlered and Bird like pelted male,Whome she followed,For she longed to play and Frolick.

After a while,He sensed her and stood tall,His Mask mimicking hers it seemed.She played for a while,Rolling and dancing in the grasses.She even cast a spell on him,Turning him into a black and white deer.they rolled aroung laughing,Their sides almost splitting with laughter.They then trotted to the playground,And sniffed,Rubbed and danced at the top of the Rocks.But then sadness engulfed the pair as the Stag had to leave.She looked from underneath the Orange flowers on her antlers,And bid him goodbye as he faded.Shortly after that,She too Faded into the Land of Sleep and Mystics...

Hey guys!So i was wondering guys what would you think if i //tried// to draw my Doe and post up the art?Please comment your thoughts on my idea and if you would like //your// doe/stag/fawn to be featured in my drawings.I do advise that I can't really draw Pictograms ouo Thanks guys!

TehFloofeh's picture

Springs in Full Swing!...

Hey guys! I'm here on behalf of my doe,Kaede. Its getting to that part of spring where she is searching for a companion,Since she has only had breif friendships and Lonely days Since she has arrived.hopefull a younger stag would like to take up the part?Anyways its just a companion she wants,Nothing more yet.Maybe when shes a little bit older e3e Well anyway I hope to see a friendly face soon!I shall be waiting near the playgrounds,The tree or the pond.I am wearing Default antlers,real deer pelt and a real deer mask ^_^

TehFloofeh's picture

Help me!

Hey guys I am in real need of your help!My doe's pelt colours and Mask have dissapeared because I had accidentally fallen into the pond beneath the bridge,And I am asking you all if you could please cast spells on me to return them to me.I will be in your waiting list for when you need any help to return the favor! Thanks,

TehFloofeh's picture

The Time of Maturing...


Kae has finally returned!Her brown pelt,Magnificent antlers and mask are showing that she has now come of age!She spent her time saying hello to the does of the forest that she got to know whilst out in the other forest,Giving her chance to mature and grow up.Now Kaede Cries is back.And shes a big ole' floofeh Doe!

So guys I have now been a member for a month and 2 days,And I wrote this post to tell y'all that My deer has grown,And I'm going to tell you my picto and Markings!

Pelt: Real Deer

Mask: Real Deer

Antlers: Default

I hope i see you all in the forest!

-TehFloofeh- Laughing out loud
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