Bakku no kuronotsurugi...roughly translated to the Black Sword of the Buck, was one of many countless 'legendary' swords known throughout Japan. Said to be made of an exceptional quality and thought to be used by a well known warrior in a famous battle. Now in the possession of the Kuwaddo Clan, the sword was locked away and guarded by a single samurai.
Kinsha wanted that sword. Not only for the quality and history of the blade, but to prove his skills as a ninja. One samurai would be easy enough, the sword was as good as his.
He remained hidden in a tree, watching as the candle lights along the manor were snuffed out. Soon all that remained illuminated was the armory, where the sacred Black Sword was located. And inside, his adversary waited, the ninja could see him sitting in meditation before the sword
In actuality, Quad had fallen asleep, sitting upright and snoring. He never was the best at the night shift for this reason, but the Kuwaddo Clan never bothered to check up on him at night.
Kinsha took a deep breath. It was now or never, he took his first step down on the tree bark, and slipping he hit the ground with a loud thud.
Quad's eyes opened just a bit, he yawns and stands up. Walking to the entrance of the room, he opens the door and steps outside, looking out into the courtyard. Nothing out of the ordinary...a few small pagodas remained lit on this night, a full moon was out (Kinsha picked the worst night for this), and several fireflies buzzed around. The samurai looked around a bit, wandering over to the area where he thought he heard something.