Hi everybody! I'm really in trouble!!
I always worked with HTML and BBcode (I opened some forum in past, with backgrounds, icons, coloured titles, link images and all the rest!), but in this community i have some problems!!
I found this Bio CSS (
http://www.endlessforest.org/community/node/83011#1 ) and I'm able to enter all the information about my deer, but sometimes it loses the setting and move some boxes on the right. It makes the same if I try to put my deer image! (I tryed with all the image's size!)
For ending, another problems are the backgrounds and font colours!
The Background change is right, but it put the image alongside so many times in place of putting once extended!
And the font change only somewhere!
Then, I hope that I explained to the fullest, and also hope somebody can help me (Or some kind soul can do it for me...i'll give my e-mail adress if necessary for the Bio information!)