A few question about CSS!

Angelus_FreeSoul's picture
Hi everybody! I'm really in trouble!!
I always worked with HTML and BBcode (I opened some forum in past, with backgrounds, icons, coloured titles, link images and all the rest!), but in this community i have some problems!!

I found this Bio CSS ( http://www.endlessforest.org/community/node/83011#1 ) and I'm able to enter all the information about my deer, but sometimes it loses the setting and move some boxes on the right. It makes the same if I try to put my deer image! (I tryed with all the image's size!)

For ending, another problems are the backgrounds and font colours!
The Background change is right, but it put the image alongside so many times in place of putting once extended!
And the font change only somewhere!

Then, I hope that I explained to the fullest, and also hope somebody can help me (Or some kind soul can do it for me...i'll give my e-mail adress if necessary for the Bio information!)

Oh, dear. When you are

Oh, dear. When you are editing your CSS, have you gone down to "Input format" towards the bottom and checked the circle next to BBCode?
GuardianGhost's picture

(psst... I've noticed you're

(psst... I've noticed you're italian, and I am as well. Css is tricky, so if you have any problems explaining or understanding what the others are suggesting, just tell me c: )
siggy by Pegasicorn
Angelus_FreeSoul's picture

Yar FishBiscuit, i had cheked

Yar FishBiscuit, i had cheked the circle next BBcode! In fact I was able to create the bio! But it makes me those two jokes. I do not understand why!

GuardianGhost: *.* Am I dreaming?? You speak italian? I understood right? Anyway... Css is really tricky!! But i always worked with! Is only on this community .... i don't understand!! I really want to create this bio, but if no one can help me I will do something more basic.
Unplugged's picture

1) For the background, it's

1) For the background, it's normal that the image repeats Smiling If you want the image to fill the whole page, change this:
"body{background:#31363a url('http://i.imgur.com/sGw6I.png') repeat scroll;}"
to this:
"body{background:#31363a url('http://i.imgur.com/sGw6I.png') fixed repeat top left;background-size:100%;}"

2) For the font change, you have to make sure you change the font settings everywhere. It's a bit tedious with this code in particular because there is a lot of extra font changes. Ctrl+F for "font-family" and "font-size", and change all that you can find.

3) I don't know what the problem with the image is and the moving boxes. But this can happen if you accidentally delete a < or " or something like that. Maybe if you show an example I can tell you what is wrong.
Angelus_FreeSoul's picture

for the background THANKS!!

for the background THANKS!! *.* just what i needed!! <3

for the font... OMG...I have time to grow old before complete all....

for the third point...I have been very careful not to delete anything!
The fact is that not only with the image the boxes moves, but even if I write ...
wait ... I do not know how to explain, so I make an example (the square brackets with dots indicate the rest of the codes).

[...] Enter you text here [...]

Then I write what I need, which means definitely write more of the four words "enter your text here", so it moved everything again!!

Another example is: the written explanation that appear outside of the codes (you can read it in the BBcode), then in the BIO you can't read, but if I remove it, the layout move again!

In short, it moves to all! I can change almost anything!!
Unplugged's picture

That is very strange. Do you

That is very strange. Do you have a CSS testing blog? If you do, can you link me to it? I will take a look and try to see what is wrong. Or you can give me the code where this happens.
Angelus_FreeSoul's picture

No i haven't because i was

No i haven't because i was bored by this problems and then i deleted all... (So drastic and impatient)
GuardianGhost's picture

Ahah non è che lo parlo, sono

Ahah non è che lo parlo, sono italiana xD
Non sono un genio, ma se vuoi ti aiuto volentieri.
Tuttavia preferirei farlo privatamente, è meno impicciante, magari su skype o via email? Fammi sapere c:
siggy by Pegasicorn
Angelus_FreeSoul's picture

Un miraggio!!!! Concordo!

Un miraggio!!!!
Concordo! Così ci si parla liberamente e senza intasare troppo qui!
Non ho problemi a lasciarti il mio nome di skype, o per meglio dire il contatto che usavo su msn... Visto che io odio skype...
Mi trovi come ... Credo che il mio nick al momento sia Jayu... (Se non è jayu è Angelus) solitamente mi connetto la sera...
Angelus_FreeSoul's picture

GuardianGhost, ho ricevuto la

GuardianGhost, ho ricevuto la tua richiesta su Skype, l'ho accettata, ti ho pure scritto, oramai il 17 di maggio, ma restano lì in carica, non te li manda!! Non capisco.... HO BISOGNO DI AIUTO PER STI CSS!! ç.ç

GuardianGhost, I received your contact request on skype, I accepted it, I have also written to you (May 17), but there remain always in charge, not sent them to you! I do not understand .... I NEED HELP FOR THESE CSS!