
Kenryoku's picture

I bear a charmed life... [Xylon]

false face must hide
what the false heart doth know

the*IMMORTAL [Xylia]

The Immortal/bird of a feather

Xylia[nne] Amrita Correnshire

"the forest"; Sanskrit


presumably and somewhat eternally in low-to-mid twenties
created in June of 2008

June 14

KEY*to her HEART
Vessel &hearts keep her heart safe.

Lorak; was competing with Vessel for her heart, now a good friend

Calisto; Azalea's consort, best friend and savior
Azalea; murdered by Aspen

Chanse & Ketan; sons

Vipin & Aspen; siblings
Devi & Spade; niece and nephew
Cal; considered a cousin/niece

Lorak; former love, now a good friend &hearts
Oz; acquaintance, fond of
Gabriel; curiosity
fawns; a mother to all...

Vasla/The Wolf; fear


Alphafrost's picture


It's fine now, thankies anyway.

Ashes here, or Alpha. I have NOCLUE as to how to make those fancy bio things, so shut up and comment. x3 Anyway, I will post snippets and stuffs here, tending to sttary away from my deer a wee bit? Wow, i sound lame. Anyways, Here are my Bio's.

Index: | Pelt | Antlers | Mask |


| Real deer pelt | Real deer antlers | Real deer Mask |

- Well, I really have no other Bio's, so no description, really. >.< but, Raz was growin' up in the forest, no friends or anythin' and well, she just... grew up. There really is nothing in her story because she HAS no story, sadly. I just... Played around with making her a deer, and BAM she was one. the issue is that she is... Plain. I can't do anything with her that I like, or feel is right. I really need to fix that. :|

:.{ Rhapsody }.:

updates; diary entries in comments.

Donnie Darko


(Music is recommended to be heard while reading)


Every Living Creature On This Earth Dies Alone

Coda's picture

C o d a

La's picture

Biography of La

La is a new little fawn. Having woke up in a strange world there are many things that both awe and frighten her.

She has a fondness for the purple flowers already and has found the feeling of safety in the yellow and pink grasses in the birch forest.

She shy's away from deer now, being that from the word 'go' she has had only scary encounters with them. Slowly however she is venturing out and slowly trying to reach out into the world around her.

But for now the brown and silver fawn isn't truly ready to be among many of her kind.

xXx-Kayama-xXx's picture

~Ayashe's Bio & Updates~

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