Marcaello's blog

Marcaello's picture

Biography of FAUST


Marcaello's picture

Something Adorable

I hope to see everyone at the dance tomorrow! "
Marcaello's picture


I am Marcaello (Mar-say-o).
I have played TEF for some time without knowing about this community.
I made a new fawn to join and get acquainted with everyone.
I had no idea that people actually played characters in this game or role-played.
It sounds fun.
I look forward to flushing out my deer Marcaello and meeting your characters.

So hm..what to say?

There is my pictogram in my avatar.
I am Marcaello.

And this is my very silly fawn:

Except he will be naked like all the rest most of the time.
I just had his adult look clinging to him when I logged into his new pictogram.

Thank you to gold deer with big trumpets who helped me get Marc's mask when I was momentarily on my old pictogram to complete his adult outfit.

and for letting me dance with you later.

I am going to go back and run around the forest more now. Evil

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