
Pink's picture

for Fly (and all who loves little tiny sweet babes) lol

Hi Fly,
i want to bring a little smile on your face and hope you are feeling better soon!Exclaim!!!

This are a few pictures which were taken at christmas (2017 12 25), showing Fly, Sylvanrah and Cu.

this is a cuteness overloard! EVERYBODY must loooooove this Eye

Pink's picture

april pictures (lame title. I know. but who cares? lol)

Hi guys,

presenting you some pics for fun. please feel free to comment if you would or write down what you are thinking.

whiskeybeast in a tree

dazzleflash in sky, Cu and Markrocknroll trying to stay cool

dazzleflash and Cu and her/his Idol (mark)

whiskey in cage (best place for him ) Eye grrrr

dazzle astonished (could that really be)

find the deer (Urschi)

whiskey and Cu doing exercises at graveyard (to be goodlooking for the does)

Whiskey, Cu, Vala, Starling dancing together

new couple in town Eye (all the ladys must be very strong now)

Flyleaf's picture

Love you !

Yeliah's picture


Tkaa chilling by the water
Akronite's picture

promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep

just a little thing of my boy cinis - who i actually need to make a blog entry for - relaxing among some wildflowers
Akronite's picture

Peace in the Sunlight


hello i don't know how to use this site

LadyGabes's picture

Lovin' mates!

I love this game!
GurglingT's picture

Look closely..

Can you find the third deer? Haha!
Deduscze is the deer next to me, I believe.
I was just thinking about doing this and then this happens. I want to try. ;;
GurglingT's picture

First day, yesterday.

Theknaru showed Jestvre (not pictured because I'm unsure if I have the right name?) and I some landmarks. ..And we might've dance. Ahem. Anyway.
Thank you for being so welcoming. It was my first day yesterday.
I may not have been here in the time that there were many deer but I am content with the goodwill of those that remain still.
I'm grateful for the peace this game brings me and for the 'elders' who let me chill near them. ^^
day4's picture

A case of the mysterious blue smog?

Has anyone else noticed this before? When you zoom in it appears to be little flies but when you zoom out to a certain extent it becomes this? :'D
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