
IchigoNyan's picture

Deer with my pictogram bugging others.


Somehow when I started up TEF this morning I stumbled across a default deer with my picto running around and interacting with others? It is obvious they could see it. Closing and reopening TEF did not seem to help with getting rid of it. >->

Anyone any tips?

And sorry if it bothered your deer, It wasn't me.
IchigoNyan's picture

invisible foal.

Did some dancing with this cute little foal, and when it laid down it suddenly went invisible.
SpringBird's picture

Deer screen

find yourself!

Saturnia's picture

Good company

Both the player and the deer are shy but Sal was brave enough to be a camera deer so here we are!

Also he appreciates Fletcher moving closer to him and he apologizes if he was a bit awkward when greeting...

Seriously though I'm enjoying the group so much so I hope the screenshots are okay!

I have a loooot more screenshots but I don't want to keep bumping the thread so if anyone wants them they can add me on Discord or email at !
FukuSima's picture

Dance cult?

My dear friend, of course I know you love dancing, but on this scale I wasn't expecting to be honest...

And, thank you, YOU MADE MY DAY!

FukuSima's picture

Sleep sweet, my friend

Whitewolfeyy's picture

What a coincidence!

I stumbled upon a glitch where other people had the same pictogram as me and some of them were wearing an item the same as mine Shocked
Whitewolfeyy's picture

Finally met the light of day

Yay! Smiling
Azhar's picture

Found my place

Endless Forest is so big... I'm only one little fawn, so lost in this place. But now I at least found place which I will call my hideout.

BonesToPick's picture

Sweet Sleep <3

This screenshot just made me happy.
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