The start of a new begining...

Please press play, scroll down, and enjoy. <3

"Oh, Leviathann.. you've been so brave these past few months, so strong. You're going to be fine. You and your baby. I'm proud of you, sister."

"Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies.
I see one before me.
My sister."

"You will be a strong, courageous, protective and wonderful mother.. just like you are to all of your friends."

"Lev, you're going to be an amazing mother."


"Yes...? What is it?"

"I'm scared."

".. What's wrong? Are you alright?"

"I-I guess so... What if something goes wrong?"

"Then we'll face it when we get there. We take this one step at a time.."



"I love you."

".. I-I.. I love you too Lev.."

"Birth is powerful... let it empower you. But we are here... we'll always be here."

"Come on my little girl, I know you can do this."

"I will protect you, just as you will protect them. Be strong."

"You can do this Leviathann.. Just breathe, you're almost there."

"..You did it.."


"L-Lev? Are you alright?"

"I-it's... Oh Gods, Cru... There's..."

"..What is it?"

"...T-there's another... another one..!"


"Welcome to the world, Amelia... Harley..."

"My little ones.."

Stunning artwork. I'm sorry

Stunning artwork.

I'm sorry we could not make it- but Pan was there in spirit!
Congratulations Levi and Crucio (:

Teary eyed. This is

Teary eyed.
This is beautiful!
Xemi's picture


-GUSH- <3333
Hart's picture

omg they're so precious

omg they're so precious ;;



Verdalas's picture

"The pair of you can either

"The pair of you can either behave for your mother or get a visit from me."

.. I don't quite think Walter understands that newborns lack the ability to comprehend.
Snowsauria's picture

So tiny!

So tiny! ♥

"Congratulations sister, you did well."
Mis's picture

Aww, they look so beautifull!

Aww, they look so beautifull! Congrats to the parents Smiling
Sleepything's picture

so happy for this!

so happy for this! <3

adorable art by Tuoho! ♥

Can't even. Well done to

Can't even. Well done to everyone involved, this was great to witness. And those pictures are amazing. >>
Silverpaw15's picture

They are..gorgeous.

They are..gorgeous. ♥

"I may not know you, or your mate. But I rejoice with the rest of our forest as new life is born into it.
Seeing not just one, but two lives start today is something truly magical.

Twins. Omfg.

Twins. Omfg. /gushes


Births were something he always considered special. No matter the species, no matter the parents; the birth of any child was the finest of celebrations, the finest examples of nature's beauty.

Twins he considered even more special; it was a true test of a mother's strength, a mother's love. It made his spirit brim with vigorous, chaste affection.

He kept his distance however; he had seen mothers lose their children's lives - and their own - simply because there was hardly any space to breathe, to think. He could never forgive himself for mistakes past; he had learned, he would follow.

A loud bellow gave way from his throat as the fawns slept within their parent's shadow; celebration was the only other exception to silence.

His voice called out to the small brood, his tones ancient, yet warm.

These children are the present, and the future. And how beautiful they are. I trust that you will raise them with utmost care and love. Do not fret about the chaos that is surrounding you; you are strong, and your children will inherit that spirit. Lady Leviathan, and Lord Crucio....I offer my deepest and sincere congratulations on this birth.


You don't have to reply to this, Nechtan's just...ecstatic beyond reason, rofl.
Xemi's picture

Thank you all so much ;u; we

Thank you all so much ;u; we were pretty happy how this all came out, and glad that Levi and Crucio were surrounded by loved ones and family through all this. <3 Thanks for being there. ♥

I'm happy I was allowed to

I'm happy I was allowed to watch.
Congrats ♥

"We may not be on the best of

"We may not be on the best of terms, but...Congratulations on your two beautiful babies. I hope they bring you happiness."
shinto's picture

"Two...a good omen. Hn...

"Two...a good omen. Hn... Fortune to you both, and fawns. I wish luck on their journey, and yours. Well done."
Salome's picture


Congrats <3
Dampir's picture

Congratulations from Dampir

Congratulations from Dampir too ;D
Ravly is not going to destroy your happy moments now hehe
Beautiful (:
Snowsauria's picture

Also, have a screenshot I

Also, have a screenshot I happened to take just when the fawns where born. I think it was rather nice. (:
Pegasicorn's picture

So cuuute. 8D

So cuuute. 8D
Scythe's picture

Haha, twins. I knew it.

Haha, twins. I knew it. XD

Seriously, though, what lovely pictures. Congratulations, you two. Wesker and I send our best. ♥
Xemi's picture

Lung: AH SORRY I missed this

Lung: AH SORRY I missed this ;u; that was sweet of him! Thank you <3

Snowy: LOL rainbowww <3 that's curious, isn't it? xD It's very pretty, thanks ^^ <3

Everyone else: AGH both Crucio and I are too speechless to say much but we're also both glad for everyone's care and support. <3 Thank you all so much.

Rofl, it's alright. Just

Rofl, it's alright. Just something I decided to do last minute, haha. He and I send our wishes though. <3
HB's picture

This was pretty.

This was pretty. Congratulations. ~
Apparanza's picture

Gah, I can't believe I wasn't

Gah, I can't believe I wasn't able to make it ;A; But fff the art here is so gorgeous, and I love this so very much. Such beautiful twins~♥

By Leuvr
Honeyfur's picture

Awww, they're so cute! I'm so

Awww, they're so cute! I'm so sorry I wasn't able to make it though; school's been hectic lately ;;

"Oh Cru, Levi, congrats! They're'll both make great parents, I just know it." <3

Thank you. All of you.

Thank you. All of you. <3

fahiofhai omg, so gorgeous,

fahiofhai omg, so gorgeous, they're adorable ;u;
Shiori's picture

Migisi: "Tchytchyk!

Migisi: "Tchytchyk! Hello!"

Darcy: " Hn...Congratulations. I hope your little ones are well..."
Sypris's picture



(No subject)

You guys are all so awesomee.

Sypris: amg thank youu. ;u;
MissButterflyCaught's picture

"Beautiful new fawns. Luck

"Beautiful new fawns. Luck and Happiness to all four of you."
Kaoori's picture

sorry we couldn't make it.

sorry we couldn't make it. Kao was there in spirit. I'm honored you wished her words up there. Bebes are adorable. Congratulations. ♥

(No subject)


Kimiiii. ; u ; Thank you so much.
They're so darling. Please come visit when you can. <3

I-.... I can't believe I

I can't believe I missed it.

Congratulations. <3

Thank you.

Thank you. <33

Well, I totally didn't fall

Well, I totally didn't fall asleep and then sleep right through this > n>''

Ohmygosh though, the text - it was gorgeous to read all those lovely things said for Lev! The little speeches between Lev and Crucio was, too. I'm so glad this turned out so well for them ;y;
That art, those fawns. Splendid, I thought it was a lovely ending touch.
Congratulations c:

Congratulations, the both of

Congratulations, the both of you. <3
thelittleraven's picture

(No subject)

<3 congratulations.

Oh, ecstatic!

Oh, ecstatic! Congratulations! I do apologize on account that |-| was not present.!

"Congratulation, Levi! Hopes well for family. ♥"
Anjali's picture

So cute...too much

So cute...too much loveliness. :3 Congratulations!
BouncyDeer1's picture

Aw I missed the birth )=

Aw I missed the birth )= Congrats though!The fawns are way too cute =]

Thank you Kaoori for this drawing!Natali looks beautiful =D
Xemi's picture

Thanks guys ;u;

Thanks guys ;u; <333

Aww this is stunning.

Aww this is stunning. <3
Congratulations <3

I'm so glad you all like it.

I'm so glad you all like it. ;A; <33

Thank youuu.
GuardianGhost's picture

All this is so gorgeous

All this is so gorgeous <3
siggy by Pegasicorn
z.m123's picture


Gorgeus. ♥
Congratulasions. ♥
wingeddeer's picture

asdfgg How did I miss this. I

How did I miss this.
I wish I could have been there,but,as Pandora stated above,pho was there in spirit!


Awwh. <3