November 16, 2016 - 7:26am — TigerDragon1001
I think I might have accidentally gone into someone's account? I changed my display name to Cy after my first blog entry, so far so good, but then when I replied to someone commenting on the entry, the profile picture was completely different. I click the picture, and it takes me to another person's page who is also called Cy. What's bizarre is that the comment I wrote was posted AS them, and when I went to the 'track' part of their page, it ALSO said they had posted it. I changed my display name to my username and the comment is still there, under their name. What is going on??
EDIT: I'd also know if there's a way for me to keep the display name Cy without something weird like this happening again, as this other person appears to have been inactive for 5 years so I don't think there'd be an issue with us sharing that name.
EDIT 2: Yes sorry for all the edits, but I thought I should also mention that now that I've changed my display name, I cannot edit the comment. The mystery deepens.
Yes, this is a glitch that
Changing your display name to a name which already exists will make it look like you are posting under a different account. Since the site thinks you've posted under the other account, you also will not be able to edit the post and it will track on their track list, not yours. You aren't actually able to access the other account, just to post with their name, icon, and link back to the account.
You won't be able to use "Cy" unless they change their name.
You could use a variation of the name you want (maybe "Cy!" or ".Cy." or something of that ilk)... HOWEVER, the display name in general is broken and you won't be able to post replies if it does not match your login name (or, as you have found, someone else's login name). So really... the best course of action is to just not use that feature until it gets fixed.
Wow, that's some glitch o-o