
BrokkenSaint's picture
So, I decided to uninstall the newer version of tef, for the older one, so I could layer the pelts and stuff. But the thing is, I can't check none of the boxes to do my settings. Like I can't check play in window for example. And sometimes after I open the menu the game will go black like it's shutting down, but its not it just starts flashing to the game which is black at that moment, than gray, than it flashes back to the game. So can anyone tell me what is going on and what I can do.

Until somebody intelligent

Until somebody intelligent comes along to help your problem, maybe try uninstalling it and then reinstalling it? ;;
BrokkenSaint's picture

I tried that 3 times and

I tried that 3 times and still it didn't work.

Aw, man D: Hopefully

Aw, man D:

Hopefully somebody who knows computers can help you ;; Good luck!