...or sleighbells
would ring if there were, you know...something actually pulling the sleigh...
I guess Santa's reindeer chose the wrong time for a vacation.
Volunteer some deer (or non-deer!) and let's see if we can fix that!
In other words, this is a Christmas art request blog.
Toss some character references at me and you'll see what happens. ;)
One per person, unless you're requesting for someone else, too. There is no set limit, but please, keep in mind I'm only one person. There may be a point where I have to say no to any more requests.
Also, it's easier for me to work off of picture references rather than worded descriptions. Unless the design is simple enough that a description is easy to understand.
I present to you...
1. Ird - Ebony3

2. Nika - NikaGika

3. Jennie - Jennie (requested by FlyLeaf)

4. Sahrot - TmA

5. Seven - Hadou

6. Seed - Seed

7. Reate - Waning-Sun (requested by SnowSauria)

8. Walter - Verdalas (requested by SnowSauria)

9. Ferlish - Jennipher

10. Dementia - Ilovewolves3 (requested by Jennipher)

11. Vala

12. Chrona - aihnna (requested by MrsMorbid)

13. Victor - Quad

14. Oura - Ourania

15. Hati - Kimi (secret request from Kali)

16. Firios - SzmeAnti (requested by Nishi)

17. Elija - hoedown (requested by Nishi)

18. Kaoori - Kimi (requested by Nishi)

19. Aurora - Calinka (requested by Nishi)

20. Mire - Xemi

21. June - Apparanza (requested by Xemi)

22. Isaita - WonderfullySarcastic

23. Sirius - wildpferd555

24. Nine - DeerUniverse
Happy Holidays!
Now here's everyone, working together to pull the sleigh with magic!
Click for full size
Ohhh my Ird?
My Nika? I would love to
Added. And sure, I can wait
And sure, I can wait til then. =] But for now, sleep time. B|
Maybe Her .
Oh, this is so exciting!!
Oh maybe seven would look
I will have to ask for Seed
It is always so wonderful to
I can't wait to see what will come of it!
This is such a cute idea.
I would love to request Reate. ♥
Oh, and if it is possible to request more than one, I also think it would be amusing to see Walter in front of the sleigh. x'b Sorry Walter /zooms off
Got everyone added in. They
They may or may not look dignified depending on the route I go. >>
Perhaps my Ferlish? xD And
And Dementia for Ilovewolves3?
New ferlish reference links:
1- http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/338/d/d/ferlish_reference_by_artemisteriosa-d6ws0e0.png
2- http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/340/1/0/ferlish_and_vexxsul___first_encounter_by_artemisteriosa-d6wyypv.png
INFO: have TWO antlers like all the deers.
Art by viktes <3
This is an adorable idea for
I f you have time ...this ,
♥ ♥
-leaves this here and flees-
Shoop da whoop.
*Tries to resist!
*Resistance fails*
Victor please XD. And feel free to use his actual appearance as opposed to his in-game set. He's relatively small too, maybe only 3 feet tall, if that helps.
You get spot number thirteen
*flies in, drops Oura on your
8| *takes deer off head, adds
More gift-requests! You all
But mainly I'd like to thank you a lot Flyleaf for requesting my Jen ♥♥♥♥
You're such a sweet friend, sorry for not drawing Fly yet, definitely need to fix this xD
You are welcome
Bumping this in case people
There are actually four
- Firios, a red deer stag.
- Elija, a red deer calf, though he is a young adult by now.
- Kaoori, a shika deer cow.
- Aurora, a caribou cow.
If you need any more references to any of them, feel free to ask me and I will look some up ^^
Again, you are a human being and sure have enough to do as it is, so no need to pick them all. They are all awesome and any of them deserves a picture, so pick any and how many you want and can do.
What nature divides, the spirit unites.
Oh my God, this is such an
Maybe my Mire and Apparanza's June? (8
edit; Actually Pega this is probably a better reference since it's in flat colours ;v; Sorry about that OTL I forgot to switch it out.
My Isaita, please? owo [e]
[e] Here is the closest thing I have for her as far as a facial reference. Albeit hard to see, but this could be useful for her facial markings and her throat patch.
@Xemi: I can't seem to get
Ohh, okay.. how about this?
Thanks. =B Seems like
Seems like ImageShack got itself together finally though. 8|
8| ..... /FLIPS A WALRUS
Tracking dissssss (8
Profile picture by ahimsa ♥
Pixel Wis by squeegie~
Oh hi. =B
OMG, Pega, you added them all
You are awesome, you are really really really amazing!!! *hugs you very very hard*
What nature divides, the spirit unites.
Perhapy S†r†us I would be
I would be very happy. If it is no longer possible.. I can understand it.
But Thank you for Time.
It's not too late to add
@Nishi: I'm only awesome if I get them all done on time. \o/
May I add my Nine before it's
Edit: you're still awesome, and so are your drawings.
You are already awesome for
What nature divides, the spirit unites.
Requests are officially
Omg, change the Ferlish
Use this new reference I did:
Ref 1
Ref 2
Art by viktes <3
XD Ok. Not sure I would've
Awesome Pega :u i am
i am curious...on the pic.
*-* ..*wait here* . . .
/so excited
The anticipatiooooooon!
Posted. \o/ Merry Christmas.
Oh my God !! They are so
They are so cuteeee !
You did a wonderful work , Pega !!
Merry Christmas to you !!
thank you very much looks
These are epic! Thank you
These are epic! Thank you for making a Victor one XD!