Sahrotsil [Bio] Black Heart

TmA's picture

Disclaimer - Sahrot is IC character, and I don't bear responsibility for 90% of her actions. If you you wish to talk to me - write me on my mail or skype.

- Don't hesitate of RP with me.

- The game version - 3.41

CSS by Tavra.

Character by TmA.
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Physical Fine | Emotional Happy as never, in love | Soul 80%
Cursed soul. At low parameters the Darkness can wake up in Sahrotsil, at high parameters the Light will leads him through his life.

" I do not want to ever let you go, Rias.. "

UPDATES: Relations (Riasanel, Walter); Diary

And so, it took almost a week after the end of the Rut. A couple of days after the end Sahrotsil spent recovering from his feelings and fresh wounds. The final battle made ??him think. He realized how much he did not want to let Riasanel get away with someone else. And he realized how much he fell in love with scarlet lady. And he's ready for anything for her!

And today has come the perfect moment to be together alone. The beginning of day the young caribou stag spent with his new friend named Walter. They rested together until the arrival of Riasanel. Played around and had a little spellwar, but soon Riasanel and Sahrot were alone in the midst of the latest flowers.
"Sah ...", Rias timidly raised her look on her friend, but at the same moment suddenly looked away, unable to look into male's eyes when she wants to tell him such important things for her. "I ... I've been ... I want to say you ..." . Sahrot proudly was on guard. His strong and cold stare was directed into the distance, where sometimes flickered silhouettes of playing deer, and his ears twitched with every little noise. Hearing Riasanel, he smiled gently and asked her, what she wants to say to him. He looked at her in surprise, but he wanted to tell her something important, too. Perhaps, it was the perfect time for them both to say each other all they kept in themselves all this time. But Rias doubted if her father does not want their communicating, but Sahrot only smiled. From the last talking with the Wolf it was clear that her father has long been thought of them as a pair, if he saw them through and knew about their feelings for each other. Besides, her father was an incredible personality. Sahrot kindly answered that he would probably not mind. Caribou laid down and gently nuzzled Rias's hair, and warm touch made ??doe to feel a bit of comfort.

"You ... I really like you ... For a long time"

Sahrot did not take his eyes off Riasanel, seeing her and understanding how she is beautiful. Her face, beautiful small horns and eyes.. gorgeous scarlet eyes in which he wanted to sink and disappear captured the heart of the young male forever. Caribou shyly smiled and, for a moment, his eyes fell down, but then returned again on Riasanel. Gather his thoughts, he with confidence and with an incredible heart knocking, said her the words he wanted to say for a long time.

"So.. I want to tell you that I love you. I do not just like you. I am incredibly LOVE YOU, Rias... And I do not want to let you go, never. "

She hugged caribou as strong as she could do.

"I'm not going anywhere. I'll be with you. Now and forever, until you want me to leave by youself."


Health 100% | Mental 100%

Name: Sahrot (Sahrotsil)
Sex: Male - Stag
Age: Old teenager (17-18 years by human standards)
Kind of deer: Caribou
Voice: Dante ; #505050 , #560319
Mate: Riasanel
Title: Blackheart, brave boy
Appearance: RD mask, space beluga skin, swan horns
Home: Birchwoods, don't have his own territory
Smell: Dried grass, musk
Birthday: 10.10.13
Orientation: Heterosexual
Size: Near 11

Me , Rhhya , Pegasicorn , TavraWolfe, TavraWolfe, MoonBlaggy .
Thanks to you all so much! ♥


Resistant to cold.
Resistant to warm.

Sahrotsil is proud and courageous stag, but he have a kind heart. He's smart and understanding, he does not want anyone to feel tense beside him. Sahrot always happy, when someone else smiles with him.
He also have a strong soul, problems and life's challenges don't will force him so easily to surrender mentally. He will resist sincerely and wholeheartedly, especially if he need to protect someone. Especially, if his protection will need a woman and weak one. In this case, he can even sacrifice his life. From this death, he will not be ashamed.
A lot of things are connected with his childhood. After birth, it was very hard for him to survive. Black Heart still grateful to those ones, who always helped and defended him. Since childhood he was yearned for big adventures. Young stag was courageous and curious, he stayed still to be. His luck had always saved him. If he wouldn't have his congenital luck, stag would have died already.
Sahrotsil are friendly to all. He is kind personality and always respect everyone's opinion, but his own opinion he also have. Stag is always open for talking, very loves to play. Especially, stag is open to the ones, who more older than him and to the ladies. Stag very gentle with ladies, he will never hurt them, how dangerous they would be or how they are evil. He will always defend them, as well as children and the weak.
He likes crows so much, he's ready to run and play with this birds for a very long time, until they will fly away from him. He will hugs them every time, when he will see the crow. Sahrot will pull out their feathers and chew them, because he don't know how it is bad for birds. And he doesn't know, why he has such.. mania.
Black heart is a child of two strong and persistent caribou, living in the heart of the North, where the conditions for the survival are hard. Sahrotsil is very adapt to any environmental conditions. By having genes of his parents and living in the Endless Forest where the weather can be very different, Sahrotsil feels comfortable at any temperature, but especially good he feels at low temperatures.

Black Heart is cursed, perhaps no one including him will know it. He may absorbs the souls of the dead creatures, with souls he can heal his body, he will be strong and powerful for some time, but then his soul will turn Black Heart to the dark side. Sahrot will be uncontrolled and brash unconsciously. It can be short or even a couple of weeks.
Sahrotsil's curse can act also, if he will communicate with bad deers or will get in a bad situation that will break his mental forces.

Loves: Cold, winter, snow, heat of rays of the sun, softness, crows, ladies, fawns, kind natures...

Don't loves: Rain, predators, demons, bullies...

(In development.)

The fragile and weak doe with very thin body is slowly and hardly walked on dry, crispy leaves by stepping on the ground with her damaged bloody hoofs. That day was a dark and humid, in the dark forgotten areas of the Endless forest hung a light fog. Lady's body has a lot of ugly-formed wounds and her little horns are broken. Some wounds are still bleeding and fester. Doe spent a long way from far distances, from the frosty wilds of the North.
The female continued the way by lame and gasping as if she hurrying somewhere. Ribs are clearly seen on her body and her well-groomed plump tummy noticeable bulged. Doe pregnant a latter month.
But soon a mother powerless falls on damp and cool earth. The fire burning in her stomach, and painful cramps fettered her weak body. Contractions of childbirth began. She arrived too late.
A high silhouette from the deep darkness of the trees watched childbirth. It's gloomy eyes like the light of moon was the only thing that lit up the dark places. But birth became heavier with every minute. Lady gets to die in the infernal torments. Her body shivered in violent convulsions, but loving mother having made last breath in her life, did not allow the child to die together with her. By last mother's strength, fawn falling in the cold mud and lying without movement. Only a few minutes later, the baby was started turning on earth and bleating near already dead mother. A giant creature which was called Khard, was standing near a new baby. His frowning and always grumpy sight was staring at a very weak soul. Baby, soiled in the placenta, blood and dirt, piteously called his mother, but now she never would hear him.
Thus was born a new soul, whose name was Sahrotsil.



Biological parents - Black Heart's real parents lived in the Heart of the North, where always ruled the endless frosts and snowstorms. His father was a strong and ruthless, his sight were always sharp and cold as ice. His whole body was covered with lots of scars and scratches, every day he had to protect his large herd and his main treasure - Sahrotsil's pregnant mother. Mother was more gentle and she always gave warmth to those, which was in need. However, the dangers and endless frost more and more made her heart to freeze. Over time, she became more grumpy, but she still loved her baby. She went to escape from the Heart of the North, to protect herself and her offspring. The fate of the father is unknown. Heart of the North did not let the mother to escape. After she had getaway, she died during childbirth.
Curse of the Heart of the North is now in her baby.

Khard - Father. Once upon a time, when Black Heart's biological mother died with the hard birth, Khard was the one who saved the little defenseless fawn from death. Then Sahrotsil did not had anyone closer than Khard. And he thought Khard is his father and teacher, he still believes so and respects the Giant. Stag will not forget his father's care and protection, when Sahrotsil has got into dangerous situations by being still little fawn.

Bluejay - Motherfigure?
Pretty woman burst into Sahrotsil's life suddenly. It was a cold day, Black Heart was still a newborn then, he was hungry and get cold. And her powerful wings brought him a great goat's milk and warmed him. He did not know who she is or whether she is his mother. But he can understand, that his daddy Khard loves her, too. And this love is different from the love of a father and son. Since then, she cared of him and her wings always warmed Sahrotsil on cold days. He lost her now, but will always appreciate her protection and care. "Guardian Angel"

Riasanel - Love. Life . Protects her. Sahrotsil met her in the days when they're both were still a little babies, almost the same age. He was still weak fawn, but he was always happy to play and make adventures with Riasanel. After every day he spent with her his weakness disappeared. He felt to be much more unhesitatingly and boldly when she nearby. By this way, they grew up together, but had missed each other for a long time due to sad events. Fortunately, the fate brought them together again. Then their relationship get to be already different. And he finally realized that he was in love with her during his first Rut.


Kaya - In the past, his nanny. At the moment, a close friend. Kaya was one of those ones, who always cared about little newborn Sahrotsil and saved his life from death. Now, when he grew up, he will protect her in gratitude for what she had once protected his life. And he will always be grateful to her. "Guardian Angel"

Kei'ali - Pretty feathered doe become a good friend for Sahrotsil. Even as a little boy, he was stunned by her beautiful feathers and he loved her kindness for him. When his legs got stronger, he loved to play with her and run around the Endless Forest. It was sad when he lost her. Eventually, the company of children with the same age as Sahrotsil only forced to grow his distance from her. But he did not forget her. And he still considers her as friend. "Guardian Angel"

Ziara - Still little-known starry doe. He has never been able to talk with her. Stag thinks she's dumb. But Sahrotsil knows, that she is Moon's daughter and she is charming, like her mother. They were good friends and met each other often when Blackheart was still little boy. He thought then, that she is his elder sister, because his father Khard treated her as well as he relate to Sahrotsil. But something was wrong. She was not his sister. And Khard is not her father. In any case, he still relates to her like a elder sister.

Moon - Ziara's mother - smelling like Ziara doe, or Ziara smells like her. She had take care of him when no one was nearby, so Sah was trust her. Unfortunately, he lost her quickly. He loved her hair and stars on her body, especially to chew them. Believed that she's night itself.


Kody - Riasanel's guardian and 'father'. Also the Wolf from Sahrot's childhood. Was afraid of him at first time because the other wolves attacked Sahrot before, but Blackheart has changed his mind about Melanic Wolf. Later, Sahrotsil had left the Endless Forests with the unexpected unpleasant events, he was still a little baby. After that a lot of time passed, and the Wolf forgot a small child named Sahrot and later, when a brave boy returned to the Forest, he was faced with distrust from the wolf's side, every time when Sahrotsil was in Riasanel's company. One day, the young caribou managed to talk with him. Since then, the wolf is considered as Sahrot's teacher and if he want get his respect, caribou must become stronger to protect Riasanel. Will try not to let him down. But most of all, don’t let Riasanel down.

Walter - Good company. Sahrotsil met Walter in his first Rut. At first his intentions were not really friendly, but over time their meetings became more often and caribou realized that the Walter's company becomes one of those things which he wishes sometimes.

Aurora - Kody's lover and female, which is also the caribou. Interested in her a lot.

Luv - A lovely little lady with unusual for Sahrot appearance. She gave to him curiosity in her direction, so Sahrotsil always haunted her, when he saw Luv. Now lost.

'Wari and Arue - Two pretty and nice girls from Black Heart's childhood, their company Sahrotsil liked a lot. Now lost.

Aina - Met once. Was fascinated by her white skin, Sahrotsil believes Aina is interesting and fun company, will look around when Sahrot feels her smell.

Neela - Met with a beautiful little girl once in a very cold and dark day when the fog enveloped the forest. He was a little boy then. And she, too. He played with her and get some interest, loves her thin and delicate feathers. Maybe will meet her again someday.

Naomh - Sahrot's friend sinse childhood, they always got into some problems together. But it was very fun! Unfortunately, he has lost her pretty fast. Still looking for.

Others:: Galene, Altijd, Lats'vel, Sophia, Walter, Mieraak, Umay, Rhea, Anja, 6, Neissen, Fenrir, Nikhil, 'Smiling' Jack, Beren, Baum, Lethe, Lieva, Skuller, Eorlien, Prita...
If you think that your char should be added in this list - write me <3


(No subject)

MB's picture


TmA's picture


Heyya! <3
By Cicadia and Jalawhey <3
Tiani's picture


TmA's picture


By Cicadia and Jalawhey <3

tracking O.O

tracking O.O

hello) I like your bio Track

I like your bio
Track = 3
TmA's picture

Aww thank you two!

Aww thank you two! <3
By Cicadia and Jalawhey <3

(No subject)

<3 <3
TmA's picture


Aww! <3
By Cicadia and Jalawhey <3
Salome's picture

hello there little boy

hello there little boy <3
TmA's picture

(No subject)

By Cicadia and Jalawhey <3
AkiraAnderhill's picture


Tracking Smiling
TmA's picture

Hii! Nice to meet Tago.

Hii! Nice to meet Tago. <3 I'm sorry for my semi-AFK today, this day was so much busy for me!
By Cicadia and Jalawhey <3
Sighthoundlady's picture

He is so cute!

He is so cute! <3
TmA's picture

Thank you!

Thank you! <3
By Cicadia and Jalawhey <3
kasiawar98's picture

Track : P

Track : P
TmA's picture


By Cicadia and Jalawhey <3
RikkaChan's picture


Track Smiling
TmA's picture


Heya <3!
By Cicadia and Jalawhey <3
LucanNemo's picture



TmA's picture

Nice to see you here again,

Nice to see you here again, LucanNemo! And thank you.
By Cicadia and Jalawhey <3

Adorable. ;u;

Adorable. ;u;

skdlajdhf he's precious omg

he's precious omg
TmA's picture


Spider, <33

Clare, aww! <3 I was tried to find youu!

Thank you! Sah like to be in the company of Appius. <3
By Cicadia and Jalawhey <3

Ack! Sorry for making you

Ack! Sorry for making you hunt for us. I always forget to put biography links on account pages. ;n;

.: Aw what a precious!

.: Aw what a precious!
TmA's picture

Yaay! Thank you, Ainimalia!

Yaay! Thank you, Ainimalia!
By Cicadia and Jalawhey <3
night654's picture

Tracking this little one.

Tracking this little one. What's your skype?

TmA's picture


Aww! <3

My skype MoonTef.
By Cicadia and Jalawhey <3
1Antidote's picture

Keeping an eye on this guy as

Keeping an eye on this guy as well~
TmA's picture

Decided to change Sahrot's

Decided to change Sahrot's title, change it to 'Black Heart' for some reasons. One of reasons is this music that inspired me to Sahrot so much.
Two Steps From Hell (Skyworld) - Blackheart .
And thank for track, Anti!
By Cicadia and Jalawhey <3
night654's picture

Ohmygawd. Love the music.

Ohmygawd. Love the music.

Tracking. Sorry Baum tried to

Tracking. Sorry Baum tried to eat you ;n;
TmA's picture

Oh, but it was nice to meet

Oh, but it was nice to meet Baum then. Even in a less-favourable environment. Laughing out loud
By Cicadia and Jalawhey <3

Track! Such a lovely boy.

Track! Such a lovely boy. ♥

hello there little boy

hello there little boy <3
TmA's picture

Niuest, your lady a lovely

Niuest, your lady a lovely too. <3

Vasilisa, thanks for a track!
By Cicadia and Jalawhey <3
Tavra's picture

Track this sweet guy!

Track this sweet guy! <3
My Rias yesterday saw him.

TmA's picture

Aww your lady is so cute!

Aww your lady is so cute! Sahrot get liked her company, but sorry if Sahrot was not so active then! I had the company and for Moon too.
By Cicadia and Jalawhey <3
Echosong's picture

/sneaks in

/sneaks in
TmA's picture

Hey ~

Hey ~<3
By Cicadia and Jalawhey <3

.: What a cute lil bugger!

.: What a cute lil bugger!
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Poppyflower's picture

He`s such a sweetheart

He`s such a sweetheart ♥

Profile picture by ahimsa ♥

Pixel Wis by squeegie~
TmA's picture


Fainalotea, Poppyflower,

Thanks to you both a lot! <3 And sorry for a long answer Faina, I think I missed your comment when I update his bio. Shocked
By Cicadia and Jalawhey <3

He is very cute

He is very cute <3
TmA's picture

Hello! And thank you for a

Hello! And thank you for a track!
By Cicadia and Jalawhey <3

Haha, how about exploring

Haha, how about exploring with my fawn?
TmA's picture

Are you about Euphoria,

Are you about Euphoria, right?

Oh, my Sahrot always glad of new meetings! <3
By Cicadia and Jalawhey <3

Yes, it`s me) Excellent! How

Yes, it`s me)

Excellent! How should I contact you to inform about the meeting?