(also mini placeholder blog for Pomlad and stuff that's happening around)
Art by me <3
Zima1 Zima Autumn/Sommer Autumn Winter Spring-skull
Art by Luksus
Current status and state:
Calm, season: summer.
Craning antlers and a crown of dragging bramble, this beast lumbering and strong.
It's face but a remanent of the living.
Corpses and bones dragging along the beast. The foul odour of putrefaction.
It was such a delight to be
Thank you so much for including us! I look forward to seeing what's in store for Pom this year!
It was only natural due all
I was such a shy bug back then, whee.
That is what happens when you add a bunch of golden cuts to a picture. Even if they didn't exactly match up with the spiral, frankly eyeballing pomlad's location got his face in the fenter of the curve, huh.
I hope this year will be a blast for him! I'll have him wander in the forest -right now- if anyone of you dudes wants to greet the thorny 'newborn'
Track C: The artwork of Vee
The artwork of Vee and Pomland is absolutely beautiful!
I love this character omg
Signature by Wildflowerdeer and Profile by Sybilline
Personal/Character Hub
Heeey ! Ehrmgherd i can
Ehrmgherd i can hardly wait to introduce the new cycle childe.