Was born on July 20th in a thicket full of poppies. He was dubbed "Dieu", because as soon as his mother knew she was pregnant with another fawn, a huge outbreak of flowers bloomed all around her, and stars filled the night sky. That's when she knew the Gods were celebrating with her. She named her fawn after them, in appreciation of their happiness, and their blessing. Another fawn caught his eye, he was slightly older but still a fawn by far. This, was his brother.
Tabiu. Together, they were like a single deer. They functioned so well as a team. Whenever one needed some encouragement, the other was there, no questions asked. They worshiped the Gods together. They always had each others backs. In fact, whenever their mother went out to find a suitable place to graze, they were left to watch themselves. (Their father was non-existent in their lives.) The older protected the younger, the younger looked out for the older. It was perfect. Although, Dieu was the more thoughtful one who speculated things and attempted to learn about the world. Tabiu was the stronger fawn, who preferred fighting over knowledge. Opposites that depended on one another: Was it fate?
One day, as Tabiu slept, Dieu silently walked away, leaving both him and his mother behind in a single tear. There was a reason for his leaving. A very important reason. For the past few weeks, he had noticed something stalking him and his brother, particularly himself. He didn't know what it was, but he knew what it wanted, and it was dangerous. It wanted deer flesh...venison. Dieu couldn't let his whole family be killed, and they would all in due time. So, he used himself as bait to lure the creature away. He could only hope he could evade it. Eventually, however, it caught up to him. Dieu woke up that night in a pool of blood, with hardly any memories of what had happened. He remembers his saving by the Gods, and the constant fear of being pursued. This causes him to be uneasy, and tend to wander far, even though the creature is long gone now. His respect for the Twins is now the highest it can get. Now he worships them as much as he can, and mourns for those who died, for they didn't get the Twins assistance like he had. The feeling that he had been "chosen" left him with a feeling of superiority, and the presumption that he was 'The Son of the Gods.'
Dieu tends to hold himself above other deer, and sticks to himself or small groups. Though he has a brother, he doesn't recall him at all due to his violent encounter with the "creature." His life is scrambled into two parts, one he remembers, and one that seems to have just been a dream~
Pass Times:
Dieu spends his time wandering the forest, looking for new areas to roam, graze, or rest. Sometimes he'll seem lazy and seem to just want to lay around. Other times Dieu will practically be bouncing off the trees! He'll also pay multiple visits to the Twin Gods Statue to pray, as well as the crying idol. He'll actually bow before both of these; an action which confuses other deer. However, for Dieu a full bow is an action of deep respect or gratitude. He rarely fully bows to 'normal deer.' When bestowed the Devout pelt, he wears it proudly even though it is temporary. It is a gift of the Gods and that's more than enough for him. His favorite place to rest is the poppies where he was born, though he can't remember that this was actually his true birthplace, he's strangely drawn to it; unknowingly by his subconscious. He falls asleep with the scent of the poppies in his fur.
"Follow the aroma of the holy flowers, and you'll find me, the prince of the Gods."
He also enjoys a visit to the Ruins, where he'll bow to every single gravestone. He'll even sleep in one of the larger coffins occasionally. He feels it draws him closer to the Spirits. He is, after all, sleeping with the dead.
Dieu visits the pond for a drink, or a good rest underneath a willow tree. Sometimes he'll walk on the water, it gives him the feeling of weightlessness, and power. He loves to soak in the water after a long hot day.
You can usually find him wandering the First Forest, resting under a tree or in a patch of flowers every so often. The Birch forest is a little too warm for him; he prefers the shade and humidity of the other forest. Dieu tends to be more at ease when with company than when he's alone. If you see him by himself he'll usually be perking up his ears quite often, and wandering in erratic patterns. He behaves differently depending on the time of day when in a group. In the daytime he'll frolic around, putting some space between him and the others. Once it hits dusk however, he becomes clingy, sticking to the others' sides. Dieu does not like the night, no sir.
"For it brings uncertainty and is a cloak for those who wish us harm."
Other deer seem a bit...unworthy? Yes, he tends to look down upon most deer. Not to say he's impolite about it! Just the opposite. Dieu is always courteous, and will acknowledge anyone who happens to walk up to him.
"One can hardly expect a royal to be disrespectful, after all."
However, he'll keep you at a distance until he's sure you can be trusted...or are worthy of his company at least. Sometimes he'll approach
you. Other times you must seek out
him. Fawns gain his sympathy, since he remembers no fond memories of his childhood, he wants to make some for other young ones.
Feel free to approach him, but try staying at a distance first, and letting him grow aware of your presence. (A good moo should do the trick. ) Don't take it personally if he backs away from you, or ends up walking away. It's just his personality.
Know him? Run right up!
♥ Companions ♥
The Fawn*
*Note: I might not have the link to your deer's bio,
so please post a link in the comments if you want to
be featured here. <3*
Once a deer has earned his trust, his true nature is revealed. They find Dieu to be surprisingly kind and light-hearted, as well as
considerably playful. This disposition seemingly is from 'past' before he lost his memories, which slightly gives him a sort of split personality; he's indifferent to most, but adulating to others. He generally displays this side of him to his closest companions, or when in the company of those companions. Additionally they gain a cozy snuggle-buddy. This guy takes advantage of your sleep-inducing fur, and sleep he shall!
"What? You expected different? Hmph, you make it sound as if I'm a grouch. I assure you I'm quite the opposite..when you're worth it."
Dieu values the few true friends he has. He's not afraid to show it, either. He's extremely protective of his companions, and will get jealous if they spend too much time with someone else.
"That's because they should be with me."
Keep in mind he does hold grudges, and once you've lost his trust it's nearly impossible to restore it to a healthy amount.
Favorite Locations:
Anywhere aside from the Birch forest, though he does like the Playground rocks. He sees the entire first forest as his 'realm', and usually will stay near a certain area for most of the day, resting in patches of flowers and tall grass. The perches on the bank of the pond are also a favorite, and occasionally the Ruins. The Great Oak has a special use to him; He'll leap up onto the roots, and actually manages to settle inside the nooks of the trunk of the tree. Sometimes you may see him high up in the trunk, usually facing the pond. He accomplishes this by picking up speed, dashing up the above-ground roots, and then leaping into a nook that looks deep enough. He does fall at times, much to the amusement of deer resting inside the tree. His most sacred place is the Twin Gods statue, and he commonly curls around the base, allowing his guardians to watch over him.
Trees, poppies,sunny days,the water,
light rain, sun spots, The Crying Idol, Twin Gods statue, feeling the wind, prancing through the forest, dodging trees and branches, Spring and Summer, casting spells, doves, being cast on, having a bit of company, walking with friends, showing off, laying on the shore of the pond, soaking in the river,being able to see everything, silence, peace, watching other deer, playing with fawns, snuggle piles.
The Night, aggressive deer, Winter, being pursued, failing his overlords, irritating his scar, death, being powerless.
Usual Set:
* * * * * * * * *
*Click for body reference*
Currently in the skull mask. This symbolizes his 'deadness' to the forest realm. (He's still in his 'dream state', basically.) He'll still be up and wandering around, but will be numb to most deer and actions other than those exceptionally offending or pleasing to him. Don't expect him to be himself as long as he's in this dream state. He's currently more 'vulnerable' to the forest. What this means is that he's 'waking up', so to speak. So while it's a good thing from a general standpoint, it infuriates Dieu mainly because the sounds of deer and forest alike are swarming back into his ears when before it was simply a numb silence. He's extremely irritable in this state, but ironically, most likely to respond now that his senses are slowly being restored.
Dieu is a lean deer, most of the strength he has is stored in his legs. This enables him to bolt at incredible speeds. It also gives him a decent kick. His hooves are a bit more pointed than other deer, and a bit larger as well. As a result, Dieu has excellent traction. Dieu's fur is luxuriously long and silky. His body is mainly light black with slight gray tints to it. Occasional purple may be seen in his pelt during the spring and summer.
"It's as if the poppies melt into my fur."
Three white stripes wrap around his back, each ending in the white bellyfur. (Basically, it's like a loop. They start on the left of his body from his stomach, to the right to the stomach.) He then has two shorter stripes at the base of his tail that reach a bit past the top of his thigh. On his legs, he has a single stripe around each ankle. They resemble bracelets, yet are his own fur.
From under his chin (as well as the end of his muzzle) to the underside of his tail is white. The tail fur dangles so it is almost touching the back of his knee, but it doesn't quite reach.
His eyes are a light green, with a dark green as his iris.
Can be depicted as having the deer face, and only the deer face. Note that the mask is always worn. It covers his forehead down to the beginning of his chin.
He constucted the mask himself; painting a stray one he found lying on the ground red with vibrant golden streaks. (The 'paint' was actually berry paste. The berry stalks were gripped in his mouth and gently brushed against the mask. ) The pattern resembles a tree branching out across his face. The mask is merely for decoration, as Dieu likes to look good~
"Indeed. -chuckle-"
Dieu's black antlers are made for hooking and jabbing; they cannot withstand Zombie Antlers.
Poppies are worn in these at all times. That is, until they die due to Winter frost. Then candles will be worn, (Also worn at night) both for warmth and comfort; the scent of the candleis similar to the flowers he seeks out in the spring.
Now Dieu's personal scent is that of poppy nectar mixed with cedar. The origin of this scent is of his frequent 'baths' in the flowers, and his tendency to rub/lean against trees while resting.
Dieu was born with the shape of a ‡ on the inside of his left foreleg.
After being attacked by the creature, he woke up with a scar between his shoulder blades. Each end of the "X" part of the scar touch one of the shoulders. They're parallel to each other.
He does know about this scar and sometimes wonders about its origin, but since he doesn't remember "the creature", he doesn't know too much about it. Sometimes when he ventures into a certain area into the forest it begins to ache, forcing him to go back the way he came.
"It's a warning."

"Re' sui dret, reisol plyn re' fei. Ieis dei cis leitine~luberine. Fi sui. Gi mui. Adoline vegite asii orb, oi rentur en oit cis petrieine dyru-suri-jyra."
~*Interactions more than welcome! Feel free to add on MSN as well.*~
*sneaks in*
-wonders if you're the
Are you? xD.
I..don't know. |D I use the
You've been tracked Danni.
-grabs rifle- >U Ima hunt you down~
Haha, turns out she goes by a different name on here. Nice to meet you none the less. ;D
It looks epic~
I'll try and get Tabiu's up as soon as possible~
Ooh, I like! c: -pulls up a
-pats Danni- DDDD: I was only
Thanks Angel.
Shall I serve you some complimentary lemonade, Fish?
-gasps- Why, that sounds
-chucks glass of pink
(I actually want to know why they made it pink. o.o)
Oh, and I editted some CSS to
Yey for gray!
Heya Emerald, I love the
Oh dern, I'm sorry. D: Did
Did that, it should be fixed now. ^^
Awesome, thanks so much!
Actually, it was a div code,
On the blog page, it was too wide. But on this page it's the perfect size.
Fixed it, nonetheless.
Thanks for telling me~
No problem!
Sav track!
Thanks for the track!
Aha! I was curious about
Oh yea? -tracks you-
Oh yea?
TRACK. Dinah likes Dieu.
Likewise. =3
Likewise. =3
-track- Peach really likes
Peach really likes playing with Dieu
Haha XD I laughed when I saw
Avatar by Awentia, signature by Wildflowerdeer
Track. : D
=o! Salut! Merci~ Thanks
Thanks for the track Snow. =3
You speak french ? =D
Avatar by Awentia, signature by Wildflowerdeer
Partly, still learning it. ;D
Partly, still learning it. ;D But I'm so moving to France as soon as I can. >3<
Avatar by Awentia, signature by Wildflowerdeer
Definitely Paris.
Definitely Paris. <3
The Eiffel Tower is my fascination. Not to mention it's a lovely city. ;D
Haha ! You have to go at
Avatar by Awentia, signature by Wildflowerdeer
I've been to Disney world
I've been to Disney world before, in Orlando. ^^ Was alright, but I was young too so I can't remember much. I remember Zafar from Aladin creeped me out however. ;w;
I bet it is~!
And ohnoes, I'll be sure to wear multiple sweaters and bring a sweat shirt as well. |D
Oh, and just wondering, is it possible for someone to jump off the higher levels? Because if so, eheh. o.o
Hrm... Dieu's Blunt??? I
Heh, yea. Usually when he
Heh, yea. Usually when he encounters someone he doesn't like, however.
But, at the moment everyone is practically on his good side. ;D
Oh, lol ok thats good
*slinks in* >.>
Yes. ;D Haaai Werf.
Yes. ;D
Haaai Werf.
I love that new picture of
"I miss you Dieu, so could I have one nudge to calm me untill you can return to the forest? ♥" -nudges-
You sound like a very
...Other people may be there to help us, teach us, guide us along our path, but the lesson to be learned is always ours...
Thanks Alli. (Sorry this
Dieu does not answer, his body curled up into itself with his nose resting in the long fur covering his torso. His sides gently rise and fall; he's fast asleep. The cold air seems not to bother the buck, perhaps due to his pelt? Or something else?
A sharp wind smashes into Peach, whistling softly but fiercely.
"Let him be, doe. He will wake soon enough. Until then, leave."
And sounds good Kutanra, maybe they'll get along. ;3
Once I get my hands on a computer I'll get him in.
Oooh, I like the new
Peach shivers in the harsh wind, looks at Dieu sleeping so soundly, and wonders how he can sleep in this weather. She wishes that he would awake soon. As she begins to turn around, she thinks: I can't wait much longer for him to wake. I miss him too much. She lets out a sigh, and runs off, trying to fight the urge of running back to Dieu.
Thanks a lot. Felt it was
Thanks a lot.
So sorry Dieu hasn't been in the forest recently at all. I've been reading about what happened with Peach, Zach, and everyone else. I feel quite bad that Dieu wasn't there to comfort her when she needed him most. :c
Don't worry, though. Hopefully in two days they'll be a shiny laptop underneath my tree, and Dieu can wake up from his (extremely long.) slumber. ;3 Then maybe Peach can learn about his past, it being his most dreaded season after all. ♥
See you!
You're Welcome! Peach should
Peach should look at this whole thing as a lesson, a very long, frustrating, but very much needed lesson!
Can't wait for that awesome laptop!..
Aha, that's a good way to
Dieu's her reward. xDD. By the way, our deer seem to be getting along fine, but I haven't really gotten to know you yet. Could we maybe chat somewhere~? I feel I should know you better. C:
And I can't wait for my laptop either, aaaaah. ♥
I think chatting would be
That's fine; this computer
That's fine; this computer doesn't have MSN anyway. x3
Hrm...perhaps Mweor? It's a SIM, but they have a PM system and a chat room there as well. C:
Or if you wish, I could make a private chatroom using Chatzy~ Whichever you prefer.
I love your little picture of
Although I noticed he has a white patch between his top ear and antler, sorry, I know if I had worked hard on something I would want someone to help me make it perfect, which apart from that little bit it is (I am trying to be non-offensive, since some people get real touchy about their art)
...Other people may be there to help us, teach us, guide us along our path, but the lesson to be learned is always ours...
Aw, thank you. ♥ And
And yea I've noticed that too, but I lack the art program to get rid of it. D;
It was drawn by someone else for me. And I'm not offended at all! No need to worry.
Double post.