Tabiu~ ;3

Angelfelis's picture

Pronunciation: Tah-bee-ooh
Gender: Male
Species: Milu
Age: Fawn
Sexuality: Bisexual
Picto: Click~

A week or two after Dieu's disappearance, Tabiu was out looking for him. It being dark out, he wasn't able to see very well, and because of this, he was captured by humans. He had nearly been killed and mounted while he was there, though he managed to escape, but not without many scars, and a thick piece of cloth tied tightly around his mouth. Afraid his mother might punish him for leaving so late, he ran far away, hiding in the one area he knew he couldn't be hurt, the Crying Idol. It brought him memories of the time he and Dieu had once explored this area, along with the time he had met up with a great stag, his father. With this in thought, he was able to sleep peacefully that night, feeling warmth wrapped around him that he had never realized was his ever-watching dad.

Future Set:

(This Bio ish not finished!)

|Dieu is played by Emerald~ Click here to see Dieu's bio. =3|

-slobbers on-

-slobbers on-
Angelfelis's picture

*slobberedon* Well howdeh.


Well howdeh. =3 *dries self*
Emerald's picture

Oh my god. >3< This is luff.

Oh my god. >3<
This is luff. I'm loving how you're doing this from Tabiu's point of view.

Angelfelis's picture

Eheh, thank you! ^^ It was

Eheh, thank you! ^^

It was the only way I could get my writing juices flowing. XD