Updates [Dieu]

Emerald's picture
This is a record of Dieu deer's experiences in The Endless Forest. I'll try to update this as much as I can, but no guarantees.
I'm a very lazy Emerald~

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Coding by Calliope~♥!

~October 30th 2010~
Today was amazing...I had been feeling ill so I wasn't in the forest as much, my thicket served as my infirmary. While it was comfortable there, it just can't match the forest itself as a whole. For a long time I simply wandered around to regain my bearings, and then settled underneath some trees for naps~ Oh, and I found Peach. ♥ We bounded around for a little bit, then sat to watch the deer by the pond. The big zombie deer was there again, and we both seem to be able to tolerate him, however Peach will not go anywhere near any other zombie deer. It seems you can't turn past a tree without seeing one, though! Have to keep a lookout, I suppose.
A nameless greeted us while we were walking, and then proceeded to give me nuzzles. Okay, enough. Hell no. No more nuzzles unless I permit it. For that I simply shook my head, and pawed at the grass in front of me. My space, not yours. But then, oh then, he decided he'd nuzzle Peach. That caused a bit of a tussle, though I was unwilling to fight with a nameless of all deer. Eventually the fellow wandered away, good riddance. We then continued our walk. Peach seems reluctant to walk directly beside me. I try to stop to let her catch up, and she stops. It's either a state of confusion, or she doesn't feel comfortable. I hope it's the first.
After Peach had left, I joined a small group of fawns for awhile. We danced, those fawns sure do have some energy~! The group split apart, so I headed to the Twin Gods Statue. Behind it was Dinah. At first I was uneasy, I'd seen her at her worst recently, and she hadn't seemed to want my company. But I was surprised when she nuzzled me, and was upset when I backed away. I decided to put some amount of trust in her, and see where it goes. For some time we simply leapt around, joined by Paix. He's quite a nice stag, I'd like to get to know him better. Once Paix had left, Dinah and I settled down underneath a tree. Though I wanted to stay awake, Dinah herself had succumbed to slumber beside me, and the forest was so peaceful and silent. Not astonishingly, I drifted off.

~October 23rd 2010~
Woke up to darkness, pure black darkness. Oh I how hate it, it's so suffocating and makes it so difficult to see. On top of that, there appears to be strange fog in certain areas of the forest. Further investigation led me to discover a huge zombie deer in the middle of it! I fled in fright. I skirted the bottom of the Twins' hill for a long while, I was unwilling to leave. Eventually I joined a small group in the Old Oak, and felt much more at ease. The Peach ran up, and cowered after I went up to her. At first I thought she was afraid of me and how I had acted previously towards her and that fawn, and I was devastated. Then I realized there was a zombie deer inside the tree, her greatest fear. So I nuzzled her for awhile and led her to a purple poppy patch, where we lay close together for many hours. Eventually the zombie deer left the tree, and we laid inside there for awhile. It was quite relaxing and enjoyable, being with someone in this strange night. When she left I felt uneasy, though fawns kept my mind off the huge deer from earlier. When I returned to the fog, I found Syringe. Don't know him that well, but he's grown. Eh. Approaching the Big Zombie Deer, (as it is called.) was nerve racking, but then I assumed that he was in relation to the Gods, since he was so huge and spells bounced off him onto the spellgiver. That was enough to convince me to follow him, and what do ya know, I enjoyed myself. Also, I feel protected under the giant. Heh. Interesting day, yes?

~October 15th 2010~
Huuurr!♥ Today was an excellent day. Mainly it was filled with sunny naps, and peaceful rest by the pond and poppy patches. Some deer came down to sit beside me for spells, but I didn't want them so close to me. Seriously, if you don't know a certain deer, you shouldn't lay right on top of them, eh? So I told them to move along. As I look back on it I feel a bit guilty, but it was necessary. After that I wandered around, remembering places that I've grown fond of. One of my absolute favorite locations would be the dip in the bank of the pond. It drops a bit lower into the pond, and when I sit there no wind can pass through my fur from the south. A nice view is also a good touch.
Peach met me by the pond, it seems I haven't seen her in forever! There was frolicking and chasing as always, but also a lot of nuzzling and cuddling together. We even rested our heads on the others back. Nnn, sometimes I feel like she's more to me than just a friend. A best friend for sure. However, whatever the case, she's still my most trusted companion, and I'll gladly run to her when I catch her scent again.
Other deer whom I did not know also gave me nuzzles...which made me uncomfortable. Nuzzles from me are reserved for special friends, and of course I think the same for other deer. So when an unfamiliar individual rubs their head into my fur...I'm bond to get anxious, or even irritated. They meant well..though.
The poppies aren't as bright as normal. I suppose that's because of the rapid approach of autumn. I hope the season allows them to grow a bit longer, for I don't know how I could manage without them...

~October 8th 2010~
Today I was joined by Peach once more, it feels as if we become closer each day. Of course we pranced around a bit, and she gave chase to me multiple times. That's become my favorite game, actually. 'Catch me if you can!'. However, she seemed a bit off today. Frustrated almost. I wonder what's bothering her.
After she left all I did was practically sleep. Nothing of real interest today.

~October 5th 2010~

I awoke this morning in my birth thicket. Always brings happiness into my heart whenever I awaken there. As I streched, I titled my head slightly to the side. And I was met with the sight of a giant mushroom!
"Larinine Toug!" I investigated the strange sight, and determined it was caused by our Gods. Heh, quite the entertaining pair they are. I admire them. Sleepiness still gripped onto me tightly, so I devised a plan. After countless futile attempts, I managed to perch on top of the shroom, and there I slept.
Sounds of magic woke me; Peach. She's so hilarious, I know I had two dozen pelts on me!
After all that sneezing (I wonder if I sprewed some slobber on her face, I sure hope not.), we pranced around, played with the mushrooms, yada yada. Actually, I laid down more often today. It's the seasons, I can feel the air change. Autumn is coming. The scents of decaying leaves and faint cinammon always lull me to sleep. ♥

~September 29th 2010~
Today I woke up earlier than usual, which was immediately a brain killer.
It was hard to concentrate as I made my way to the pond for a drink. After my drink I ventured to the Ruins. It's quite quiet there if you go at very early, or very late times. Hmmm, interesting~
This put me at unease. Although sometimes I prefer to be alone, it just makes me so nervous. I need companionship. All day. All night. So, I set out. I came upon a fawn. This one seemed peculiar, not playful like the rest. No, he was serious. Interestingly, he kept wrapping purple poppies in my antlers over and over, even if I had a jumbled mess of them already. Mm, I'll take that as a kind gesture. Thank you little one. I wonder what it is that makes you so...sedated?
What was my deposition..as a fawn?

Anyway, after that encounter I wandered off to the bridge where I settled for a nap. You know, the stone from the bridge and that of the Ruins are similar in some places. It seems as if whatever created the bridge created the Ruins. The stone is cold and soothing when fighting against a hot summer's day. When I awoke, I smelt Dinah. She has changed, her pelt now morphed to black and white. Now, she reminds me of something..but I can't quite place what exactly.
We frolicked around for a bit, before I had to lay down for a rest. Today I'm much more tired than usual.
Ergh. Do not Disturb.
Until I come to.
Then..please stay by my side.

Later, when I was trotting around as I'll do often, I came upon another fawn and her companion.
It was the same one from before, I believe. Hn, do I have a new little companion? I look forward to seeing him if so.
A deer resembling Scape came up to us while we were in my birth thicket.
(Which smells delightful this fall, I must say.) She nuzzled me as I tilted my head in confusion. This wasn't Scape, it didn't smell like it. Surprised, the deer began sneezing off pelts until...I realized that it was Peach. We kind of ran off from the others, eh. Hope they didn't mind too much. Illrose tried to greet us, but I don't think Peach knew it was her. I tried to get her to understand, but to no avail. I wonder if something happened between them. But, we left and practically sprinted to the pond. Sianna and Dinah were near the mushroom circle aside the river, so we joined them. Suddenly, there was a buttload of deer. No joke. Good Twin Gods, you couldn't heard yourself think over the sounds of magic being casted. My head still aches.
One little fawn had the misfortune to be given the beluga mask. I hate it dearly.
Its sound reminds me of something distasteful. What I cannot be sure, but it frightens me so.
Peach and the fawn attempted to comfort me, which didn't help my ego very much. It worked though, and for that I'm grateful. ♥

~September 26th 2010~
This morning, I woke up the sound and scent of the pond. Heh, I'd settled under a willow tree the previous night for a rest, and I suppose sleep had overcame me. Ah well, it sure leaves one feeling fresh and anew. For awhile I simply wandered around the pond and down the river, but seeing as no one was around I grew bored.
Remembering how I was trying to familiarize myself more with the forest, I set out to explore a bit.
When I got to the Ruins, I found a dove. Ah, doves. Such graceful and pure creatures. I'd actually been given the dove spell earlier, so I sneezed off my current form and spawned into a bleach-white dove. Together we flew, flying around this one deer who seemed rather fond of our company.
After following him for awhile, another deer decided to investigate the small flock of doves.
(I recall having a HUGE dove with us, poor mini deer almost got squashed by it. Much to my amusement. -chuckle-) It pranced underneath us for who knows how long before I became bored once more. I changed back into my deer self, and joined them in their prancing.
That was quite fun for me. When they had to go, I was actually upset. Before they left however, we found a sunspot surrounded on all sides by stalks of wheat, or some similar plant. I've decided to have that be my basking spot whenever I feel the need for a bit of sunlight. I slept there for many hours. Upon awaking, I sleepily walked over to the pond, and plopped on the shore. I'd had enough running around for one day. Naps were common in that time set. Until I was woken by a very familiar scent; Peach. Pfff, you may call us childish but I swear it's all in good humor. The Playground was our destination, and there we clambered all over the rocks. Most entertaining was how we could actually get inside the rocks, and show our bottoms while our faces were hidden. No humiliation in that right? At least we didn't have to see your startled faces.
However, I was down right embarrassed when I couldn't get my footing on a certain rock. Peach was cracking up as every attempt I tumbled to the ground.
'Shut up doe!' I'd exclaim, and leap forward again.
Eventually I did get on that rock. But by then Peach had to leave. It's always bitter when anyone has to leave, especially friends and family.
Family... whenever I think that word, the scar between my shoulder aches vaguely. If I think deeper, it stings. The pain will become so great that I have to keep my mind empty. Why? I do not know. Don't pester me about it.
Anyway, after Peach had left I wandered(once more!) to the pond, where I caught sight of Sianna.
She was alert, ears pricked forward and her nose raised high to catch the scents that drifted from all over the forest. For awhile I joined her in her watch, before I bid her farewell and sprinted into the forest. There I scanned for suitable places to sleep. While last night had been refreshing, sleeping by the pond excessively often brought terrible allergies to myself. Deciding on a fallen tree as my support for the night to come, I leaned my back against it, tucking my nose into my chest.
All is peaceful, and I easily drift into a light slumber.

**Long update. o.o Ah well, xD. Updated this page from its crappy past, and made that lovely image up there by taking a screenshot from the game, and uploading it to Iaza. It's a wonderful photo editing site that I'd definitely recommend. Try it. =D**

Emerald's picture

(No subject)

Bump, since this was recently editted. ^-^

(No subject)


Pegasicorn's picture



Nice, and btw Peach had this

Nice, and btw Peach had this issue with the new picto and Illrose Laughing out loud Laughing out loud

Moondragon's picture

its really nice. I like it

its really nice. I like it very much. Tracking.

oh if only i knew how to change css...
If life gives you lemons, you make grape juice!
Emerald's picture

Thanks for the tracks you

Thanks for the tracks you guys. =D

DinahMoon's picture

Track! And thanks to Dieu

Track! And thanks to Dieu for keeping Dinah company. She has missed their playful romps together Eye
Emerald's picture

Thanks Dinah. ;D And no

Thanks Dinah. ;D And no problem, Dieu was cautious at first since he hadn't seen her in awhile, and wasn't sure if she still wanted his company. I'm glad they had a chance to run about. :3 (Then totally fall asleep, xD.)