:.{"We said we'd be together forever."}.:

So many memories and I don't know you at all...

When we first met. Love at first sight, that kind of thing, right? But I didn't love you then. I don't remember it much now.
You were special to me nonetheless...

Breaking up with you...was easier than I thought, the first time...I dealt the blow, not you.

And then we were together again.

For...For so long...

We had some good times, love.

You let me remember what it was like to just let go, forget the mask and trying to be strong.

And we said we'd be together, forever.

But I moved on. Found someone new. Lost them. Cycled through a few crushes, went through the most hellish times of my life.
Without you.
It made me realise I was happy when you were here.

I miss you, y'know. I really do. I don't know if you're alive or dead.
I hope you're alive. I hope you're happy, Sul, because you deserve it. I put you through so much crap and you didn't need it.

We said we'd be together forever.
I wish we'd at least stayed friends...


YEAH UH I had to get this out :U Also the artlinkthing is by CALLIE. Sulwyn's owner. Not me. She drew it ages ago and deleted it, but I had it saved and...it means too much to delete dkjghdjf...
Seele's picture

Poor guy D8... There's no way

Poor guy D8...
There's no way for you to contact her either? Hmm.

Oh no, I have her on MSN and

Oh no, I have her on MSN and she's on a lot and we talk, but I'm afraid to bring up the subject :c
Fledermaus's picture

;___; -petsRut-

;___; -petsRut-
fayne's picture