
Aivilo's picture

In your menu, go to "Control"

In your menu, go to "Control" and select "Camera behind avatar"
Sluggs's picture

Do you mean like, if you go

Do you mean like, if you go to the Twin Gods, press CTRL/W the camera will lock onto the Twin Gods then you can walk around that area without the camera following you.

Aivilo~ Thanks but that's not

Aivilo~ Thanks but that's not what I meant

Sluggs~ Thank-you! ^-^ Can you do the same for any other area of the forest though?

Pegasicorn's picture

You need to "break" the

You need to "break" the camera like you do for the self closeup glitch.

Ah, alright. Thank-you Pega

Ah, alright. Thank-you Pega ^-^