January 21, 2011 - 1:51pm — zikos
Well, I do not know what has and what it is due but I had a big connection problem,
what is strange is that my deer Siryah was online as if there was a double connection to the game and is staying for a while when I was disconnecting it was even included on the community map.
I reconnect later and I appeared as deer and my standard Siryah deer was still there with the set of game
It's gone a bit later but now every time I connect my set I was more of play
I was forced to reinstall everything and then I''ve lost my set ..
What has this could be due? I already had a similar glitch pictograms which started later but this is the first time this situation happens if someone could please respond as this is annoying ^^ lol
No i didn't have this problem
Try to connect to the game with *Show all players* option turned off ! Maybe your set will show up
Si tu a besoin d'aide pour le masque en Os , donne moi ton adresse mail
Btw , was this you who Vala was casting on today ?
Okay, thank you very much,
here is my Mail : and I thank you again (:
I had same problem. After my
yes this is really weird and
Ok !! Mail added !! For now i
ok there is no problem I
Mission accomplie
yay! merci , tout est en
oui j'avais oublier le principe de transférer les sauvegardes de set sur l'actuel vous m'en avez fait le rappel merci !
Alors tout a marche ? Tu a le
yep tout est ok (: merci (:
Mais de rien On s'est bien
A la prochaine !!
See you