Poltergeists Diary 13 - All of your support...
June 26, 2010 - 2:30am — Seele
Prepare for many screenshots:

Look! Preparations!

Auriea came to visit us.

Really pretty!

Virgil showed me the soft spots in the forest to pick one.

He’s a sweetheart.

A kiss for him!

More fawns!

Hm… Sometimes you have to step back.

I met Talla

Oisín kept me company for so long, and I was so boring.

Teens and their hormones.

Kill the dove!

We’re boobs.

Vox! Tatata! And other company as well!

Trees, Yori, thank you as well.

Today was stressfull..

But they guarded me well.



Thank you so much..
And some chatting:
”I guess, here we go.
I wonder if I need to start somewhere. Hello Oisín, you are such a kind stag. I loved playing with you and these fawns.
Then, the abio. I was happy to see our goddess, she’s my favourite. Shh, don’t tell Michael! We had a party yo. Me and Ammy found her first. I would recognize those pictograms in a million.
Except Michael’s, he kinda has a million carrying it.
So Virgil guided me through the forest, wobbly as I was, in search of nice grass to rest my belly on. It was getting quite hard.. It still is. Two fawns are big you know! It’s impossible to lie down comfortably! I try to lay on my side, I even tried my back, but ouch. I don’t think they liked being thrown around like that either haha. They were so active. Kicking the minute I thought I was falling asleep.. Trees say’s it’s a good sign, that makes me happy. So when they keep me awake I’ll just think of how healthy they’ll be. And keep me awake after they’re born too. Who was a voluntary babysitter again?
Love can be quite harsh. One minute you think you’ve found it, the other one it’s taken away from you.. Esll got back together, luckily though, but then the next victim was Noelle. I only saw the dark stag towering over her from a distance. I witnessed Esll and Virgil fight him but, Yori and Mind guided me away from it. They were really kind.. Mind is a pretty doe, Yori is lucky to have her. They guided me into safety, but I was stubborn enough to use forest magic to get towards Noelle when I sensed her near. Thank you Drinkplaats. I’m sorry, I hope I didn’t offend either of you. Noelle was gone quite quickly, but Virgil found me. Later on, we found Kaoori too, and we had some silly antics.
I used to believe to get along well with shy deer. That, lately, has been proven wrong. Though, I met Talla, and even though she seemed hesitant in joining me, we succeeded after all. She’s really sweet. She was hurt though, and it makes me sad to see such a small kind deer getting hurt. Beasts in this forest.. Sometimes I wonder if this is indeed the best place for my children, but I can only hope… Nothing can be turned around now.
Hello again Oisín. Thank you for your company. It’s still.. I know you love me. I’m still so sorry to have disappointed you, but I think it’s better this way. I did have feelings for you, but now I see how quick they faded and turned into the strong friendship we share, I realize it was more of a small crush. I was happy someone liked me.. It was a huge compliment for me. I hope you’ll find a right doe, though.
Virgil took me into his protection the last days. I got quite upset if he wasn’t around. Especially if I was alone though, it was all less when someone I cared for was around. It’s just… He knows how to calm me down. He sees what I see, what I hear, but he smells all that I seem to miss. I barely speak to him. I don’t need to tell him anything. We listen without speaking.
I had so much fun as a fawn too! Abusing magic again to roam around. I’m glad I could. This dove was so entertaining, I felt like a child again. It clearly knew that, bouncing up and down made me giddy. Lacie adopted me and Virgil, the poor orphans we were before that.
There was a stag sitting a bit away from us, me and Corvus. His pretty shiny halo had faded, and I was unsure of his identity. I hadn’t seen anyone with that set, either.. The mask threw me off. Though, his behavior made me recognize him immediately. I’m still quite upset I can’t nuzzle him, haha! I’d really like to! He seemed extra hesitant in coming close that day, most likely because I’m pregnant. We danced and dozed around just as well though. I was quite stubborn, coming close anyway. Voxraati tends to give me hope. He’s something else. I don’t think I’d survive long being unable to touch others, but he keeps on going. And he keeps on keeping to his rule as well. I’m glad he does, I would’ve been naïve enough I guess...
Trees came to give me some guidance. I’ve been so scared these past days, but she calmed me well. Yori kept guard, making sure weirdo’s didn’t get close. He was really kind and protective. Corvus was with us too, when I was able to push him to greet Trees. Though, some big antlered skull masked friend of his invaded my space without any form of acknowledge of me. Sounds selfish enough, but I was offended enough to leave. Hormones, I guess, normally it wouldn’t have ticked me off so bad.
Today… Rain. Rain again. Rain rain rain. It was cold. So cold. But I didn’t get a chance to feel much of it…
The beginning of this day.. It’s.. Trees, Virgil and Corvus kept close to me. SS was persistent in chasing and fighting Corvus, so I denied her getting close to me. To her frustration. And mine, since she didn’t give up easily. There was another stag I didn’t know, and didn’t want near. Then another zombie whom had apparently been lingering there for a while. Virgil was afraid he was after me… Turned out wrong though. I believe there were more deer, and if I’d run away terrified, everyone would follow me. After a while Corvus, Trees and Virgil decided to not follow me, and it worked. Without a small group after me, none of the other crowd would come along.
This though, took a long fight, and me fainting to be accomplished…
When I woke up, the three hero’s were with me again. They never left me, making sure I didn’t get cold. Guided me over to the water. Nishi said it would ease my pains.. I don’t.. Like those pains.. I know what they mean. They were slow, not very often. There is no turning back now, they are coming..
They kept closer to me as more deer were huddling around us. I think I would’ve fled if they weren’t there, but nothing harmfull happened.. They were simply keeping company and enjoying the warmth..
So I spend the day trying to rest, trying to control these contractions. I can’t though, and in the full moon they will be here. I am.. Scared.. Though, I am also content. It will be fine, they will be fine. They’re all taking care of me, they’ll help me take care of them… I can’t.. Wait to see their faces.. Really can’t wait.. I’m sure.. I’ll recognize him in them, too. And myself. It’s.. I think of all the magic this forest has to offer, this must have been my biggest gift, and I couldn’t be more happy.
This was amazing to read/look
I absolutely loved reading
Polt... ♥ She seems
She seems ready. <3
This has been a very eventful pregnancy, huh. (:
... <3
xD I can assure you the
I can assure you the 'stag' that polt learned wasn't after her was very much not a deer, and very much female xD
it would be my; Patriot
who was merely attempting to watch Corvus XD
Tera: Thank you so much,
Thank you so much, that's a huge compliment <33 Thank youuu!
Eep you did? I'm glad ^^
She is, she's still quite nervous though. Who blames her. It has, but I guess, that's what to expect after four months <3...
Oh! We're sorry, we can't help it, Patriot sounds so manly.. XDD Together with those big antlers. Shows how prejudged we are.
Anyway we figured, we got a little worried though but I'm glad we could solve that!
XD not a problem, she's my
But then, people tend to judge everyone on first impressions, that would be the flaw in the world, it has claws, and sharp teeth so, it must be evil, it is cute, and has big eyes, so it must be kind.
Of course, these things are rarely true.
But no, unless she is bothered first she is, generally, nothing to worry about, she doesn't go prancing up to deer looking for a fight, if she is staring at someone, it's likely they've merely caught our attention.
All the same we've been warned to stay away and so, we shall. c:
:D ♥ ♥
"We’re boobs." I died a
"We’re boobs."
I died a little bit when I read that, haha~ xD;
*tosses an insane amount of painkillers at Polt*
Nonetheless, I'm glad she has so many other deer to help 'er through all this. C: And of course, wonderful entry as always~!
Aww, congrats. |3 Those are
Those are some pretty photos you have there.
It was an interesting read~ c:
FFFF, I lol'd at, "were
And verry beautiful pictures when Auria camed <33
I really, really wanted Zach to be around today but alas, real life got in the way and prevented that (as I wasn't home or anywhere near my computer). =(
But I guess that Zach will see the fawns eventually. ^_^ He'll be determined to do so - he can't resist little ones.
I know this is very off topic
I wish I had seen this
Oisin would have told her that she wasn't boring and that he enjoys just sitting with her. *sigh*
Those fawns were adorable.
Sonata: Ah I completely
Ah I completely understand! It's all quite alright <3 And yes, that's really true, the judging. But it's actually really fun to abuse as well, you know, going against standards~ or well that's my view XD
Nah, I hope you didn't feel like you couldn't watch at all, in the end it seemed a whole group had crowded her anyway lawl. <3
! <3333
She couldn't help herself. Boob! <33 XD And yes, the amount of people that have supported her has suprised me big time <33 it was really lovely!
Thank you! And glad you liked reading it! <3
Thanks! <333 Boobss!
Ah it's quite alright! <33 And ofcourse he will! XD Their picto's are on my updates, I think they're quite recognisable <3
Not a problem! Go ahead! ♥
He can still tell her that you know <3 Thank you
I meant the ones that Oisin