Dragonflies and More [Pega's updates]

Pegasicorn's picture
Dragonflies and More

You've entered the updates page of Pegasicorn, better known as Pega.

BLOG POSTs and DEER STATUSes will be posted via comments. This will also make it easier to know when I last updated if you're not tracking this, as the comments will keep track of the time.

Main Entry Last Edited: July 19, 2017
-let's start fixing some broken images...
-and cleaning up some old/other broken things (so much dust 8|)


Interaction and Roleplay Blog - Dragonflies and Nobility (always open)
Writings by Me and Gift Writings from Others
Deer Height Chart

Dragonfly Deer (Scape, Magnet, Spade, Richter, Kinsha, Toukan, Tundra, Suiren, Radeon, Blue)
OOC "deer"/The Leowolf

Default In-Forest Looks (a "=" means this deer still needs to collect their set in version 3.4)
-- Scape - nightfall pelt, orca mask, orca antlers
-- Magnet - golden butterfly pelt, real deer mask, real deer antlers
-- Spade - secretary bird pelt, real deer mask, kirin antlers
-- Richter - great argus pelt, real deer mask, peacock feathers
-- Kinsha - golden butterfly pelt, orca mask, butterfly antennae
-- Toukan - swan pelt, real deer mask, real deer antlers (subject to change through part of the year - currently gazelle)
-- Tundra - brown and tan pelt, real deer mask, real deer antlers (subject to change through part of the year - currently gazelle)
-- Suiren - kirin pelt, Forest Spirit mask, secretary bird antlers
-- Radeon - secretary bird pelt, - mask, default antlers (often with poppies)
-- Blue - nightfall pelt, golden butterfly (whistling) mask, magpie feathers
-- Bastilion - real deer pelt, - mask, zombie antlers
-- Triston - brown and tan pelt, - mask, long/tribal set (golden) antlers
-- Numb - brown and tan pelt, skull mask, gazelle antlers
-- The Leowolf/OOC "deer" - butterfly pelt, gazelle mask, beluga antlers
= -- Toefat - orca pelt, secretary bird mask, great argus antlers; though can be almost anything [Note: this is a "community" deer, meaning I'm not the only one who knows the username and password.]



Everything that was here was so out of date and irrelevant now. I don't know what to do with this space yet. \o/

Contact Info
Email: soaringpegacorn@gmail.com

Skype: pegasicorn (I basically never log into this now.)

Discord: Pegasicorn#4633
(Please ask before adding me. Thank you.)

Pegasicorn's picture


quadraptor's picture

So this happened today...

So this happened today...

Pegasicorn's picture

8'D You test Blue's

8'D You test Blue's patience.
I can imagine it ">|"ing at you.
Pegasicorn's picture

BLOG ENTRY Welp. Signed up


Welp. Signed up my fluff of a caribou for the Rut as an Involved Non-Participant. Just in case I actually go into TEF for once. >>;
Pegasicorn's picture



Toukan is ONLINE
Flyleaf's picture

I really like Touk's new look

I really like Touk's new look , he looks so young and strong Smiling
Are we really stalking "Michael" Bat lol ...
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13
Pegasicorn's picture

Yea, I like this pelt on him

Yea, I like this pelt on him too. Laughing out loud
Seems our Michael-stalking has attracted some attention. XD

EDIT: Dude, Michael said "hi" by dropping a couple of rocks and changing the weather to fog. 8'D
Draak's picture

-minor coronary at weather

-minor coronary at weather change-

Flyleaf's picture

Fly was chasing Vala while he

Fly was chasing Vala while he did the weather change lol .
All of a sudden , i lost her and couldn't see anything . Laughing out loud
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13
Pegasicorn's picture


Draak's picture

I still remember when that

I still remember when that happened years ago when we had Kinsha and Cirrus in, and we both just froze and "abnglkandglksn where is he"
Pegasicorn's picture

I vaguely remember that I

I vaguely remember that I think. Or it sounds familiar. 8'D
Draak's picture

O: *remembers odd things?*


*remembers odd things?* |D
Pegasicorn's picture

*remembers other odd things?*

*remembers other odd things?* 8D
Draak's picture

*highfive?* 8D? |DD

*highfive?* 8D? |DD
Pegasicorn's picture



Toukan is OFFLINE

And for the first time in forever, I got lost trying to find my way out of the birch forest.

Freaking fog.
Flyleaf's picture

Yes , the fog was pretty

Yes , the fog was pretty thick lol .
I was glad i could spend much time with Touk for once Smiling
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13
Pegasicorn's picture

Sorry he was mostly sleeping

Sorry he was mostly sleeping later on. ='D I was doing a few other things.
Pegasicorn's picture



Toukan is OFFLINE
Flyleaf's picture

Hey , how are you doing ? I

Hey , how are you doing ?
I hope all is Ok with you and you had a wonderful christmas !
You are so long absent here , too long ...
I would like to ask you if you can tell us the Password to the picto "Toefat" , remember when we played all with same picto .
Gustiro had an idea for new years day , we would flood the forest with Fawns with this picto .
What a fun and chaos this would be lol .......imagine ..."Maaaaaaaaaahhhh" lol .
See you there too , with us , i hope , Pega Smiling
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13
Pegasicorn's picture

Hey. =D I'm not bad. Nothing

Hey. =D I'm not bad. Nothing really eventful going on; just focused on other games and watching YouTube videos when I'm on my computer. XD; Lost a bit of my motivation for TEF (but I do have some art I should post).

I actually put the password on that blog, but I guess it was too small. ='D (Just me being silly doing that.)
The password is tuxedo. To go with the whole "top hat" theme. Laughing out loud
But I might not be able to be there. I have plans that night, then might be working the next day. Being on depends on if I get a chance after I get home and before I sleep for the night. But I'll make an attempt if I can. Laughing out loud
Pegasicorn's picture

BLOG POST I made stuffed


I made stuffed mushrooms.

You may now drool.

Happy New Year. B)
Flyleaf's picture

GOD , send them ALL over to

GOD , send them ALL over to meeeee right now Sticking out tongue Smiling
What did you hide inside ?
Happy New Year's Eve to you , have funnn Eye
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13
Pegasicorn's picture

Sorry, these are all coming

Sorry, these are all coming with me to my aunt's house. =P
It's feta cheese, Parmesan cheese, garlic, onion powder, red pepper, black pepper, fresh basil, sun-dried tomatoes, and chopped mushroom stems.
Pegasicorn's picture

BLOG POST Happy New Year!!


Happy New Year!!
Pegasicorn's picture

BLOG POST Huh. So it's been


Huh. So it's been 8 years since I joined TEF. Crazy. 8|

Sorry I've been so absent. Lot of other things have been distracting me. *coughFallout4cough*
I even have some art I've just been too lazy to scan... |D;
Draak's picture

.......that means mine is

.......that means mine is coming up soon too

*shakes cane hifive?* |DDD

Also Seed's I think as well?
Pegasicorn's picture

Indeed. B| *claps walkers

Indeed. B|
*claps walkers together?*
Flyleaf's picture

Happy 8 tefyears !!

Happy 8 tefyears !!
Wheelchair racing anyone ? Laughing out loud
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13
Pegasicorn's picture

*adds some bling and chrome

*adds some bling and chrome rims to the wheelchair* B|
Draak's picture

Pimp my

Pimp my cane/walker/wheelchair?
Pegasicorn's picture

SURE 8D *paints flames on

SURE 8D *paints flames on everything*
Draak's picture

Paints flames on Scape's

Paints flames on Scape's finantlerhornthings?

Scape's gotta go fast
Pegasicorn's picture

...as I get the Sonic theme

...as I get the Sonic theme stuck in my head as Scape zooms by.
Draak's picture

kdjfbskdj Instead of rings


Instead of rings he collects dragonflies? |D
Pegasicorn's picture




Pegasicorn's picture

Oh hi. =B

Oh hi. =B
Pegasicorn's picture




I would've had the others, but I was running out of room on my screen to arrange all the windows...
Bayleen's picture

AH so that's why I saw a huge

AH so that's why I saw a huge cluster of your characters' pictos on the map earlier xD Figured something like dis was goin' on.

Of all my years on TEF I'm surprised my characters never met yours.. then again I wasn't consistently active back then LOL sob Anyways, hope that changes in the future!
Pegasicorn's picture

I didn't think many people

I didn't think many people knew their pictos anymore. ='D There's so many pictos in-game I don't know.
I swear I ran into one of yours at one point. Yes, definitely, the picto on your account. I recognize it. And I haven't actually been in TEF as much as I used to. Lost a lot of motivation, but I'm trying to get that back. (Except Fallout 4 has my soul...)
Flyleaf's picture

All those chars lol , i have

All those chars lol , i have a few too but i always keep forgetting their names and passwords lol .
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13
Pegasicorn's picture

Not gonna lie, I had to look

Not gonna lie, I had to look a few up. |D;
Flyleaf's picture

I think Fly only met Touk lol

I think Fly only met Touk lol
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13
Pegasicorn's picture

I think you're right. ='D

I think you're right. ='D Well, he is my go-to character.

Your picto is on the map but

Your picto is on the map but I'm seeing this Shocked

If that IS you, then thanks XD

edit: wait, now Scape's there too XD
Pegasicorn's picture

Oh. 8'D Yea, that's my OOC

Oh. 8'D Yea, that's my OOC picto. I switched to Scape so you'd recognize me, but I guess it failed. XDD
I felt like attempting to help before I go to bed. =B So I brought in another Scape even.

well that explains it

well that explains it XD

thanks though
Pegasicorn's picture

Good timing. I was about to

Good timing. I was about to say I should go to bed now. 8'D

now Amary lost her pelt lol

now Amary lost her pelt lol oh well X3
thanks again!