commission info
Commission slots are always available! For examples of my work, feel free to browse my
deviantART and also the finished requests (which I have yet to upload to DA, hhhh) below this table. Also my more recent art up thur ^
"messy" sketch
for funsies (I'm p messy in early stages :V)
lineart only
crisp and clean, ready-to-color
full-color, any face-type
solo full-body
shading included with no charge; transparent bg only
couples portrait
full-color portrait of a couple being cute n' stuff~
family portrait
full-color portrait of a family of any size!
Interested? Hit me up at , and we'll take it from there! Thank you for looking and tracking! ♥
Cervids, equines, canines, humanoids and everything in-between are welcome subjects! c:
Wow. Such beautiful arts.
Thank you all~ ;w; I will be
Updated with Kujanci! C:
tracking so i can lurk around
Kujanci looks so presh ;; her
Oh my gosh!! Thank you so
Kujance looks so freaking
Thank you so much, you guys!
Thank you again, SO much, Colby. ♥ And Miss Ems for requesting.
Oouuuaa! Lookit that purdy
Thank you for doing her ♥!!
Sig: Aihnna
BWEEEE ty so much you guys~!
So beautiful and pretty!
I swear I commented on this
Circe looks absolutely stunning!
ty both so much! ;w; ♥
All of these look so awesome.
OMG I can't even, just
Awh ty Wan, and thank you for
eeEEE I'm so happy you like it, Ebony~ ;w; She was a pleasure to draw! ♥
AMG Kali looks so presh! AND
Thanks for drawing her ;; And I hope you enjoy togetherness ^^
EeEEEeee, ty so much Sol! And
Ahh your art is beautiful.
hnnn ty so much, HB! That
All this lovely art. Your
Awwh ty so much Alison!
yummm hi
Herro dindin! C:
Bumping for you ♥!
Sig: Aihnna
Awwgee, ty Ems! c': ♥
If I wasn't sitting here
♥ Love that grainy texture to your artwork.
Hnnn, ty so much sweetie! I
emailed you. ♥
-has a mild coronary- ohgosh,
-hella delayed sdfajds- ty so
Daaaamn I need to track this.
Aahhh, hb and Tuhka, ty so
mmmmm ♥
murrrr c': ♥