Umberling [Jocelyn]

Uruu's picture
11/5 - JO IS ALIVE I PROMISE. Still in forest, just scarce. Lacking inspiration atm, plus hella busy at work and obsessiong w/ other games sobb

She will be back soon, pinky-swear! ♥

  • 10.26.14

    Notes go here.

    Sore as all-hell, all day. Spent her evening looking around for Maica, but couldn't find a trace of him anywhere. Disheartened, anxiety mounting but doing her best to push it down and to remain positive. Tries to reason that he may not remember who he is, or who his own sister is, but he is a grown buck and can take care of himself. Even so, he was in a vulnerable state, and that in itself was maddening with the worry it gave her. With him gone a piece of her was missing as well. One half is not whole without the other.

    Wandered numbly with no direction, but like a magnet she was drawn to the place that Soét frequented in the ruins. He wasn't there, but his scent remained. Took comfort in that and curled up in his spot, her back pressed against the tree. Troublesome thoughts played through her mind for a while before sleep took her.

    At some point she was roused awake by a playfully fussy Ini'heret. Seeing him instantly put a smile on her face, and she got up to say hello and to sniff at him. Greeted Gia as well, still a little shy around the small doe but happy that she was visiting as well. Wasn't personally in a playful mood and regarded Ini apologetically, but he seemed content enough to snuggle up to her anyway. Felt better having company, and a fluffy birb snuggling her chest.

    Perked up even more when Eve arrived. Greeted her guardian with nuzzles and said hello to her sister, Isobel. Remembers meeting the doe briefly a while ago, wasn't sure if she was remembered as well. Taken aback when she was lightly scolded by the quillback for disappearing, and felt even more guilty about not thinking of others' feelings before stepping out of the forest without notice. Nuzzled the older doe reassuringly, promising that if it were to happen again she would let the quillback know.

    Still, settled back down feeling better than she did before. Didn't linger on worrisome thoughts and contented herself with watching Eve and Ini play around without a care.

    Returned to the forest with Viktor in the morning, having spent a few days in the human world with him for the first time. Learned and experienced many new things that gave her quite a bit of perspective. It was overwhelming, therapeutic and frightening all at once. She even found it hard to leave, but at the same time missed the forest as it was her true home.

    Upon arrival Viktor spent time with his father, and Jocelyn sought out Greitai. Groomed and relaxed with her guardian for a while as the red wolf and Beren caught up nearby. Then the player tabbed out for like two minutes and when she tabbed back in, her companions were in a scuffle with Ractera?? OKIE DOKIE. Stood off to the side for a bit, just snarling and throwing taunts at the demoness, but when she plowed into Viktor a switch flipped in her brain and she went into full-on rage mode.

    Charged into the fray and lashed out at Ractera, biting down and tearing into her flesh whenever given the chance. Tasted a fair share of blood, which seemed to only excite her more and boost her adrenaline. Focused entirely on Ractera, chasing her and not relenting until another intruder (Maar-Duke) threw her off of the demoness and began to target the Umberling. Panic replaced excitement, narrowly dodging his tines and his flashing teeth but suffering some hits all the same.

    Got ganged up on by both demons on a couple of occasions even when she refused to fight back. Took her a while to realize that Viktor was screaming at her to hide in the den. Snapped out of her hazy state and complied, limp-trotting to the safehouse. Didn't stay hidden for long, of course. Ended up re-emerging from the hiding spot to call out to her companions to just stop already, pls. Things would settle down, then Grei or Beren would throw a taunt and Maar would charge right back in.

    Finally the two backed off, probably growing bored of their toys, and Viktor was able to calm down his father and lead them all away from the tainted space. Looked over Viktor and Greitai when they settled in the birch and was relieved to find that they were alright. Well, they would live anyway. Shyly thanked Beren as well, though felt badly that he got involved in this mess.

    Got a lecture from Viktor, which she knew she deserved. Conflicted, as she didn't want to upset him by getting involved but also didn't want to stand by and do nothing. Couldn't promise that she'd stay out of it from now on, but apologized nevertheless. Exhausted and aching all over. Upset that their first day back had to go so horribly. Stared into the distance, waiting out the aftershocks of adrenaline and thoughtfully lapping up the blood in her maw.



Maica Twin brother. 'Yang'. Keeper of her heart since birth. Shares a powerful bond of unyielding trust and love. Worries for him constantly, and his tendency to make rash decisions that start and end in violence. Wishes that she was stronger so she could protect him; still, is always there for her brother whenever he needs an ear or a shoulder. Will not hesitate to throw herself between him and harm's way, or to risk her life to defend his. Protective and vengeful of her brother's well-being. Trusts his word above all others. * Recently he has suffered from memory loss, and as of now cannot remember Jocelyn or anyone else. Heartbroken, and doing her best to help repair his memory. Has gone missing since then, and worries for him every day. Tries not to let it show, but it is tearing her to pieces. Viktor Best friend. 'Red Star'. Probably cannot put into words what the red wolf means to hear. Has been by her side since the day she was born, and has been an important part of her life since. Learned a lot from him and bears many fond memories. Admires and adores. Infatuated with at one point, but kept her feelings hidden. Heartbroken when she discovered that he was with her brother. Ashamed of her feelings and jealousy, and so buried them. Views him as a brother and dear friend above all. Soét Best friend. 'Sooty'. Soét is closer to Jocelyn's heart than most of her blood ties. Has known him since she was a child, and was always fascinated and charmed by his quirky personality. Enjoys his unpredictability. Unwavering patience towards the canine has opened up a special part of him to her. Made a big deal out of trying to get him to be a cuddlebug, and has somewhat succeeded. Always happy and at ease when he is around; enjoys invading his space and snuggling him. Has recently discovered that she holds deeper feelings for him, but keeps such things to herself for fear of uncertainty and rejection. Her flirtatiousness slips through at times, usually subconsciously. Adores the Osedax with all of her heart. Will fight for him if necessary. Sloane Older sister. Elusive, worrisome. Loves her sister, and has recently repaired her relationship with her. In the past she rarely saw the little warrior around and ultimately felt that Sloane would rather be with Indigo and Morioch than with her family. Was hurt by this, but also tried to be understanding. Not really letting it get to her anymore, though she quietly disapproves of and worries about her relationship with Indigo. Always happy to see her, but gives her big sister her space. Will not hesitate to come to her aid and defend her with her life. Aware of her attachment to their father, but does not comment on it or think of her any less because of it. Sloane is aware of Jo's discomfort around Marcus and is very understanding, much to her relief. Chrona Adopted father. 'Papa Chro'. Considers him to be her true father. He was the first being that she met aside from her mother and brother. Has been a strong and frequent presence throughout her young life. Was traumatized, however, when she witnessed him rip off and crush Pandora's head in his jaws. Hasn't quite recovered from the sight, probably never will. Grateful that he protected her from Pandora, but is worried about the deeper implications of his actions. Still bears unyielding love for him, though fears for his safety despite his size and power. Has not seen him in a long time, and misses him dearly. Fears that he is never coming back; abandonment issues resurfacing in wake of the realization. Greitai Guardian. Was stiffly welcomed at first due to Jo's ties with Umay, but eventually won over the raptor. Feels safe with her. Enjoys her energy, playfulness and cuddles. A strong feminine presence in her life that she looks up to and admires. Aware that the raptor really hates Reed, but is grateful that this little detail doesn't affect their personal relationship.
Eve Guardian. Sisterly figure. Met her through Soét. Was a little uncertain at first, even a bit unnerved by the doe, but gained a ton of respect when she came to the rescue during one of the Pandora/Indigo/Morioch skirmishes. Indebted to. Feels at ease and safe in her presence. Wishes to learn more about the quillback. Comfort, warmth and safety. Kinship. Isela Adopted sister. Met her when she happened upon the dragon nest; immediately put at ease by the doe's charm and welcoming nature. Playful, energetic. Had previously gone out of her way to intercept Pandora during an attack, despite that she barely knew the Umberling. Indebted to. Has made it a goal to get to know her and her family better. They grew closer together quickly, and the Umberling at one time harbored a brief yet harmless crush for the dragon-doe. Recognize each other as sisters now; admires the older doe and wishes to be like her. A frequent playmate and source of comfort.


Ini'heret A precious owlet that she met through Soét, technically. On the same night that she met him, she helped defend him from a crazed attack from Kyrian. Happy to see him around often, always enjoys his spunk and playfulness. Thinks he's 2adorbs. Won't hesitate to protect him should the need arise again. Reed Becoming a rare sight, but always enjoyed and welcomed. Has known him since she was a newborn. Big, safety, umbrella antlers are gr8 for rainy days. Intrigued by his silence and quirks. Brings joy to her despite his low energy and stoic nature. Sees him as somewhat of a fatherly figure. Feels safe around him, but worries of how others perceive him. Fay Past guardian. Now a rare presence, but always adored the ebony wolf. Disappeared for a while, but came back into her life recently and defended her against Pandora during her second crazed attack. Indebted to. Has since disappeared again; misses dearly, but will always welcome her back into her life and heart. Wisteria An intriguing and delightful fawn that Jo always enjoys seeing. Low-energy, quiet and observant. Somewhat of a younger sister figure to the Umberling; feels protective of her. Charmed that the fawn continuously seeks her out; always makes her feel welcome and provides plenty of cuddles. Has not seen in a while; hopes she is safe and well. Shahla One of the newer faces in her life, and one of the beings who protected her from Pandora. Indebted to the tigress, overwhelmed by her selflessness despite being a stranger to the older doe at the time. Has a shy admiration for her; generally sheepish around her but is eager to get to know her better. Has been voluntarily visited and watched over by her. Enjoys the company of her children as well, especially Sonali. Growing adoration.


Pandora Monster. As a fawn she had been inexplicably targeted by the ebony doe on more than one occasion. At one point was singled out, relentlessly chased and attacked with murderous intent. Could have eventually died if others had not jumped in to stop the Nevermore. Has had her family targeted by the demon as well. Believes her to truly be a monster; witnessed her death and her subsequent return to the forest. Was terrified of her and couldn't escape her even in sleep; a prominent figure in her nightmares as a child. Became less afraid of her as she grew older; sees the Harbinger as more of a pathetic and cowardly mess than anything. Still, avoids her but will not be so quick to run next time.
Indigo Unyielding disdain. Associates with the darker times in her childhood. Still harbors anger towards him for brutally attacking her brother on two occasions. Comforted by the fact that Maica no longer approaches the phoenix and shares her feelings towards him. Only wary of his presence due to his ties with Pandora and Morioch. By himself, however, he is non-threatening. Avoids. Worried that he may end up harming her sister or using her in some vile way. Will not hesitate to become hostile towards him if it comes down to it. Morioch The most she knows about him is that he likes to start shit. That, and he likes to stir the pot of said shit. Does not necessarily view him as a threat, but is still wary when he is around. Aware of his ties with Pandora and Indigo. Has vowed to not give the three the pleasure of being scared of them. Umay Betrayal, heartache. Was somewhat of a guardian figure early on in the Umberling's life; provided her shelter and warmth when her mother was not present. Was always welcomed and embraced. Thus her heart was broken when the lioness refused to step in while she was relentlessly attacked by Pandora; opted to watch from the sidelines while she was beaten half to death. Now associates her with Pandora, and avoids her. Permanently hurt by the cat's inaction. Recently made sort-of amends when the lioness approached her first; somewhat guilted into it, and cannot entirely forgive the lioness, but also does not hate her. Wavering. Liange Mother. Has been a rare presence in the Umberling's life since she was born. Her visits are brief and infrequent, and is convinced that she favors Maica over her. Source of many insecurities and heartache. Feels abandoned by her. Angry and disgusted towards. Weakening bond. Cannot bear another reunion only to be left behind again. Likely to avoid. Marcus Father. Ever since she was born, he has been more of a ghost or a stranger to her. His presence was so rare that she never imprinted his scent, and for a long time wasn't aware he was her father. Abandoned by him, and will never forgive him. Has wanted nothing to do with him ever since he attacked Viktor when they were children. Fears. Disgusted by his attempts to try to place himself back in her life. Almost attacked him the last time she saw him. Harbors growing hatred for the dark stag. Will always make it known that he is not welcome back in her heart. Severed bond.

Xemi's picture


Bandit's picture

(No subject)

Silverfang's picture

Sister. &hearts;

Sister. ♥
Apparanza's picture



By Leuvr


Uruu's picture

Bawww u guise ;u;

Bawww u guise ;u; ♥♥

So happy that this beeb is finally here~ ILUVHER.
Qanat's picture



Cutie :B

Cutie :B
Uruu's picture

*strokes ur faces* ;w;

*strokes ur faces* ;w; ♥

Little babu. Tracking~

Little babu. Tracking~
Shey's picture




TmA's picture

Yees. Babiess! Tracking this

Yees. Babiess! Tracking this little one.
By Cicadia and Jalawhey <3
Uruu's picture

eeee ty, lovely people~ ;;u;;

eeee ty, lovely people~ ;;u;; ♥
Poppyflower's picture

Track~ I`m in love with this

Track~ I`m in love with this design ;v;
Profile picture by ahimsa ♥

Pixel Wis by squeegie~
Togetherness's picture

-Crawls in-

-Crawls in-
Uruu's picture

Awwh ty so much for all the

Awwh ty so much for all the tracks~! -groupsqueeze- ♥♥
Sleepything's picture

AH cutie!! &hearts;

AH cutie!! ♥

adorable art by Tuoho! ♥
Uruu's picture

Awwwhh JD~! &hearts;&hearts;

Awwwhh JD~! ♥♥ Ronraispreciousomg;u;

Trackers &hearts;

Trackers ♥
Uruu's picture

Hai Idaaaa! &hearts;&hearts;

Hai Idaaaa! ♥♥ I'm so sorry that Jo and I missed Marcus today..I hope she'll be able to see him soon ;n;
Uruu's picture

Emotional trauma is best

Emotional trauma is best treated with fawns clinging to your back and face~

Hoar's picture

Track) Very nice family

Track) Very nice family
Uruu's picture

Awwh, ty so much! ;w;

Awwh, ty so much! ;w; ♥

Easy to forget you never

Easy to forget you never tracked a bio when you still come to look at it and love on the character all the time, apparently. >>; Way late track!
Uruu's picture

LOL no worries Brit, I too

LOL no worries Brit, I too have been guilty of doing such a more than once sdjafhd ;w; ty so much~! ♥
Xemi's picture

You're not dumb ;0; I just

You're not dumb ;0; I just didn'tgetachancetotellyou >:
wingeddeer's picture

Ahh I thought issy and the

Ahh I thought issy and the others were being aggressive to this gal at first, that's why Ru tried to lead her away. xD Doesn't look like that's the case though SRRY.

Uruu's picture

AWWH lol no worries Allie,

AWWH lol no worries Allie, that is very sweet of her! ♥ It's good to be cautious after all~ She's been playing with Isela and Nikhil tho so she's having a blast! Shardul be scary tho, eek~ :U
Honeyfur's picture

SCREAMS So glad we got to


So glad we got to meet this girl ;; <33
Uruu's picture

YEEE Jo and I are happy too!

YEEE Jo and I are happy too! ;w; ♥ She found Izzy and Niki to be a lil scary at first but now she's like, /squishesintofur C: Awesome playmates, too; they managed to get her all tuckered out, an accomplishment in itself! XD

BOOP B) Niki thought she was

Niki thought she was ADORABU.
Uruu's picture

BAWWH, Jo had a lot of fun

BAWWH, Jo had a lot of fun with him once she realized he ain't as scary as he looked! C: Adoration for dat boy, he is a sweetheart ububu ♥
Honeyfur's picture

ROFL yeah was pretty tense

ROFL yeah was pretty tense there for a while, BUT S'ALL GOOD
Issy was just 'wtf dun wanna play' but Joc is just too cute she couldn't resist LOL
Uruu's picture

Ahahaha, Jo's got some voodoo

Ahahaha, Jo's got some voodoo magic goin on...or perhaps it's the anime desu eyes? Yah definitely the desu eyes, oro *u*

Issy is so sweet to invite her over and sit with her ♥ Got her face crammed in her feathers now, excellent umbrella keke C:
Xemi's picture

would it be okay if I added

would it be okay if I added you to skype? ;__; or could just add me.. spar.code like usual.
Uruu's picture

(No subject)


gosh, what a pretty picto

gosh, what a pretty picto
Uruu's picture

djfhk aahh ty so much! ;U;

djfhk aahh ty so much! ;U;
hoactzin's picture

track! Thanks for letting

track! Thanks for letting Klein play with her (:
Uruu's picture

Eeee, anytime, Klein is a

Eeee, anytime, Klein is a cutie! ;w; ♥ Also jhadfkj sorry she's not doing much now, I'm tabbed out every few seconds and just all over the place jghj ;n;
hoactzin's picture

yikes I just crashed, it's no

yikes I just crashed, it's no problem! Can you tell me who the little red one is, I can't get to the picto on the map ):
Uruu's picture

Certainly! That is Viktor,

Certainly! That is Viktor, Jo's best friend~ ;w; He's a sweetie! Dis be his bio. C:
hoactzin's picture

thank you! I'm glad Klein

thank you! I'm glad Klein finally found someone to bounce around with!!
Uruu's picture

Awwh you're welcome hon!

Awwh you're welcome hon! Klein can hang with 'em anytime, he's so sweet! ♥
hoactzin's picture

wow thank you!! I'll be sure

wow thank you!! I'll be sure to toss him your way every now and then (:
Uruu's picture

Please do! Jo loves

Please do! Jo loves playtimes~ C:

Track &hearts;!!

Track ♥!!

Sig: Aihnna

Honeyfur's picture


Honeyfur's picture

