I mostly post YCHs/designs/adopts on this toyhouse usually before I post on here since tefc is so slow these days
Ok so I've noticed a few times now my adoptables being sold, which is TOTALLY ACCEPTABLE! But please inform me when doing so, I like to keep tabs on where my art is going and what's being done with them!
As a side note, please try not to sell the adoptable/design (on its own) higher than what it was originally. I'd hugely appreciate it! TY you all so much for your amazing support!! ♥

Scarred Sunrise adoptable -
$45 usd Sold!
Fantasy fox priced at $45.
I am Nebula
$40 usd SOLD

Sun Stealer
$40 usd SOLD

Black Glow
$30 usd SOLD

Dipped in Rose-Gold
$90 usd SOLD
only love is all maroon

Happy birthday my love ♥

i rly liked how my lil nae turned out so gonna post it here too ;;
Sun Burnt
$25 usd Sold
jus' a lil somethin'! ♥
I see in LSD $18 USD SOLD
Coffee and Comets $40 USD Sold
antler version)
$18 USD each
Dream Pop - $15.00 USD Sold
Crystallize Me - $45.00 USD Sold
Snowy Hills - $35.00 USD Sold

just a little sketch for mothers day, sorry its not 100% accurate ;__;
since ron doesn't know about the holiday i figured i'd give a lil something instead ♥
thanks you two for being so awesome to ronra ; u ;

oh what a surprise another sky sight sketch betcha didn't see that coming s:

Sky Sight doodles + cuddling filler wulfs

Rotted Logs -
$17.00 sold!
contact info
two dot /shot
*rolls around on*
~ C.S. Lewis
:I hey.
Thank you, Tuo and Kohva!
oo ♥!
Sig: Aihnna
What dis be. :| -sits-
sleepy thong
(No subject)
Yes please.
Yesss. -glues myself to this
omg you guys
HOKAY to start this thing off, i'm going to take 2 art requests of human/humanoid characters.
If you're interested, throw me a reference. c:
adorable art by Tuoho! ♥
I want to request bot so
AW! Well, maybe i can work
adorable art by Tuoho! ♥
Heh. Originally he is a
Obviously, because i'm a lazy piece of shit :bThis young man is his everything prototype (even his clothes on this photo(body prototype as well)).
Also my so-damn-old drawing of botan's face. He has short hair as a human and doesn't have this eye-thing on the forehead.
How about Farelia's Azalea?~
just watching this
YAAY, so glad to see arts up
and bump >_>
Sig: Aihnna
Dat face. I love how you draw
AH Thank you Ems and Rikka. ;
adorable art by Tuoho! ♥
Yes, I do like it! Thank you
ajkjgkhrjgjghh The top one
The top one is very, very tempting. How much is it, may I ask? (And may I reserve it?)
;-; I love the top one.
I love the top one.
Thank you, both ; u ; Echo
Echo - I'll probably price it at $20..I think haaah. I'm so bad at pricing my art.
BUT YEAH I can definitely like..reserve it for a little while.
adorable art by Tuoho! ♥
sexy ;;
Trackin all over dis
Trackin all over dis business~
Sitting riiiight here.
Thank you, Tuo and Kohva!
Gah, the skullfaced one is
Ahh, thanks everyone!
adorable art by Tuoho! ♥
I'm sending the money now!
OMGOSH ECHO I literally just
I literally just sold it like..2 minutes ago because I didn't know if you were going to confirm that you wanted me to reserve it. I'm terribly new at this.
adorable art by Tuoho! ♥
oops ;_; What should we do
What should we do then?
I feel so bad! If the
If the payment went through I'll send it right back to you! Really sorry about this. ;__;
adorable art by Tuoho! ♥
The payment did go through.
It's ok! <3
I'm always open for custom
Sending the money back now. Thank you so much though ♥ ; u ;
adorable art by Tuoho! ♥
I probably will do that some
Oh, yes.
Shameless bump ♥
adorable art by Tuoho! ♥
;; omg thats so perfect,
omg thats so perfect, thank you so much, and thank you acer you booty for requesting it ahhhh <33
Really love the pose you
More pls, kthanks ♥!
Sig: Aihnna
omg yes how beaut ;;