Tinypic is shutting down. Many of these requests utilized Tinypic to host images. If you are still using the layout and did not back up the images, I have copies of them saved and can send them to you so that you can find your own host to upload to.
What I need from you:
- The URL to every image in your layout (so that I can find the images - they are not saved according to other information)
- Somewhere to send them to
You may Email requests to or ping @Aivilo in the TEF Discord, and I will PM you.
Will accept these one at a time. May or may not take a wait list as I'm able. Expect a completion time of anywhere from a few days to more than a month, depending on how work and health are going.
I need something to do with myself, but don't have a lot of time or stamina lately. So, I'm only open for 2 slots right now. These two slots also come with the warning that they may not be done quickly, and a request for your patience if you choose to take a slot.
Happy New Year!
Updated my Email address in the disclaimer code. No worries if you have the old code; the old Email will still work!
Will start accepting requests again on November 20th.
I've got a couple of personal projects which are requiring my attention at the moment. Current requests will still be worked on, but I won't be accepting new requests until mid October or early November. You're welcome to leave a note here for me to look at later, but you likely won't get a response until I open this again. Sorry!
New rule-
If you reserve a slot but do not provide a mockup or at least a direction for me to go in, I'll only hold the slot for a period of 2 weeks before you are moved to the "Waiting List." If you do not provide anything within 4 weeks of being moved to the Waiting List, you will be removed and will need to request again.
Just so I don't have to keep harassing folks for information : P 6 weeks is plenty long enough to come up with an idea or to express continued interest, I think.
I have noticed an unfortunate trend with many of the blogs I've coded. A large number are never used, or are put into test-blog limbo. If at any point while I'm working on these you decide you aren't happy with the layout or that you don't want the coding done any more,
please let me know so I don't pump my hours into something that will just be thrown away.
Yes, I do these for fun and for free, but it kinda makes me sad when I put effort into something and it gets thrown out the window without ever being used.
I'm not saying you can never change your layout again! By all means, if you get tired of it after a few months, switch things up. But if I'm going to put my time and energy into these, I would really, really appreciate it if they got some level of use before they were retired.
Thank you.
Corrected a div display issue in Firefox/updated stylesheet
Got Photoshop working again.
Something is wrong with my copy of Photoshop Elements, and it's seriously impeding progress in certain areas, as that's what I use to work with mock-ups and color-grab, among other things. Tried re-installing without much success. Not sure what else to do about it.
Disclaimer update:
-"Email" now links to this page in addition to displaying my Email
-Link prefixes adjusted so they should work 100% of the time
-Gave the code its own section on this page
Previous Notices
Gave the lists their own box and made some of the script more legible. Also beginning to modify the way the completed works display.
Finally got some code together for this blog. Next on the list is making the examples page look pretty, and maybe give the active/waiting list its own box.
I'm only doing one at a time at the moment, so I'm going to list anyone who requests in the "waiting list" section so that I can look up their post later without having to do a bunch of digging.
Please feel free to continue to put in requests, but be aware that I'm no longer doing 3+ per week and will be slower in completing these.
If I foresee some extra spare time coming up, I may open additional slots or bump up people on the waiting list.
Note to a select few who have had CSS done
On a few of these I've modified the "new comment" button. You will need to edit the URL of this link before new comments can be added to your blog! If you do not edit it, it will redirect to my test blog. It apparently slipped my mind to mention this a few times, so I'm making a general note here.
This includes: Shideezhi (still not corrected)
Sorry for the inconvenience!
Here ya go! (:
Discord: Gulonine#4267
AIVILO... is a saint of the
TOYA... is too kind : P
Pretty much done with
Starting on Alyssa's, waiting on mockup from Orin. *notestoselfyay*
Also, I may close these for a little while, or restrict the number I work on at one time, as my free time is about to be cut down. Job interviews and real-world big-kid stuff, joy.
Edit: And I could've totally just edited my last post... OH WELL IT'S MY BLOG I DO WHAT I WANT
and it's 2:40 in the morning.
Yeah... going to bed now.
Hmm it look good to me! (: Am
Discord: Gulonine#4267
Of course, you can modify
I'll get the code to you when I get home later today.
Edit: Have you got an Email or Skype you want me to send it to?
Yep! My e-mail is
Discord: Gulonine#4267
I'd love a CSS for my
I'm going to work on a mockup
~ C.S. Lewis
Made a new list section,
Y'all can go ahead and put in requests, just be aware that I'm no longer doing 3+ per week and will be going slower.
You can email me at
Bump. I'm at a point in M's
I'm at a point in M's code where I can start working on someone else's without things getting complicated.
Still moving slow, but beginning to settle in to my new job and what-have-you. I also have a couple petsitting weekends coming up, and I don't have much to do during that time, so a couple of blogs will make the time go by better~
Could you do Adel's bio? I
And honey you should see me in a crown.
Oh and you can contact me
And honey you should see me in a crown.
looks so nice in here!!
Thanks, Din x3 It was getting
It was getting cluttery, so I figured it was about time to spruce things up.
Tracking! Also, I'll put in
Also, I'll put in a request for this girl! ♥
HMHMMH So I see you've
Thank you, Tuo and Kohva!
I certainly did, Niri
Edit: Open again~
I'm not really trying to
Sure, Jennie~
That sounds amazing
I'd love to request a piece for my another character but unfortunately I do not have time to explain right now, I hope it's not too much to ask for but is it perhaps possible to reserve a spot?
That's fine, just let me know
Thank you a ton ^^
Aaand a bump~~~
Sorry for taking so long,
No rush, Jennie :3
This is just what I need done
Usually I'll ask for a mockup
I can make small graphics pieces - in example, I do a lot of the pictogram/name art you can see in the completed images - but if you want full character art I'm afraid you'll have to get it elsewhere.
If you let me know what you want each tab, etc, named I can do all that for you, but the actual content is usually up to you to fill in unless you have it somewhere I can copy/paste from.
Oh that'd be great! I'm going
Just gonna set Tao here, I
I can't think of a mockup but if her bio here can help I was hoping maybe
you could come up with something x3
Abslau - I do have Skype, but
Taukaka - I'll see what I can do :3
Sent! I'm not quite sure if
Taokaka - Here's a mockup,
Also, a method to contact you would be great so I can send you the code when it's done~
I like it x3. are you able to
Here it is,
If that don't work....not sure what else will.
I can add as many tabs as
(...just not like 30. That'd be outrageous.)
Any Email is fine~
Oh no not 30 xp, I'm not even
Sent you an Email, Tao. Bump~
When I go to open it, it says
I've tried using different tabs and nothing...
Ahh I'm gonna be pretty busy
No, no, it's okay I seen it
I was using a tablet until I got my computer to work right and open up the page on there, but I can say I know for sure I like it.
I wish I could make one just so that I don't have to be such a bother to anyone.
Ahhh hello, if you ever have
Tao: Ah, strange that it
I sent you the script via Email.
z.m123: Added. Let me know when you have something in mind~ Make sure you give me a way to contact you, as well.
Orb: Did you have anything in particular in mind? Also, a way to contact you~
I do, I can make a
That'd be great, Orbweaver,
May I have a slot?
i'll request one for my
His place holder is here
I would want something suuuper simple for him. ;v;
anyway, tracking this!
Thanks! Yeah, sent you an
Yeah, sent you an email just now. c:
I've got the mockup complete!