Hello there!
I am Margo Putzeys, a student Game- and Digital Design and I am currently doing my internship with Tale of Tales. I am still studying but I will be entering my Master year next schoolyear.
For my internship Auriea Harvey and Michael Samyn asked me if I wanted to work with the players and make models and concept art together. And with great pleasure I accepted this of course! This means you will be able to add art to the game!
But there are some 'rules' attached to this: If you make a 3D model, pleas send it as an .OBJ file to me. But a .Blender file ( Blender's file extension ) would be even better! But a .OBJ is good as well! As for the concept art you can send a photoshop file, PNG of JPEG.
So what can you make? Well it's like a set that the deers can wear in the game! This set includes: a mask, antlers and a pelt. Both made for the adult deer AND the baby deer. You can (if some of you know how and want to) texture these models by using a UV map. If you do texture them, send texture files as a PNG. ( PNG supports transparancy )
But of course you are never obligated to making more than you like. The meaning of this task is also for me to make stuff, so if you only would like to make the adult deer's models, that's fine by me. I can always texture them, add models, etc.
So if any of you are interested in putting your art or 3D models in the game. Send them to me and I can adjust them if necessary or take a look if something needs to be changed and so on.
You can of course also send your concept art to me and I can realise that concept art into a 3D model which may have a chance to be put in the actual game: The Endless Forest!
My e-mail adres is :
Margo.Putzeys@gmail.com. I hope I will be hearing soon from you guys!!
EDIT: from Michael and Auriea --
To be clear, we want Margo to do ALL of the modeling and ALL of the texturing. Because that is what her internship is about. YOU, players, are requested to send her concept art or point her to already existing concept art (on this very website, for instance). SHE can choose which concepts she models and textures. But WE, Auriea and Michaël, choose which go into the game. We hope there will be many!
Did another couple of pelts
Also a word to the alternatives to flowers/candles. I would welcome them so much, I always liked everything to put on defealut antlers. I did a crappy concept about Vines/Fungi, actually redid it. Plus added fawn head
Where a player would have to collect them? I have an idea. Vines could be avaible in Birch Forest, where is nothing like this yet. They could be hidden in tall grass/blueberries, not too well visible, and the one who spots them and walks over them can put them on their antlers. The fungi seems too 'special' I think, maybe like candles - so they could be avaible on weather changes, while giant mushrooms are around. If that is possible, a player will get them from the giant mushrooms, if not, they will appear like candles and a player would pick them up. My idea