This is going to sound silly, but this struck a chord with me. This year I lost my Japanese cherry blossom tree that I bought with my own money and was so proud of. It lived for seven years, and suddenly a fungus attacked it out of nowhere last summer and it never bounced back. I took really good care of the tree and I was devastated and I cried so hard. We've replaced it with a new tree now, it's a beautiful Japanese weeping cherry blossom with white blossoms. To me it just is a reassurance that perhaps my tree lives on somewhere else, because in part of my beliefs I Think that many things have a spirit besides the obvious living things.
I totally rambled, and I don't knowif you just did this for a new character or yours or something, but it did touch me, and I thought maybe I"d share. Thank you.
Hey there! Thank you, very nice to hear! ^^
A little huh? Glad you like it ♥
It was quite the challenge! It was faaar longer in my head at first. But less is more.
Thank you! I hope to train myself a little with coloring Glad you like it.
Hey dear, yeah I remember reading about that actually. We have a cherry tree in the back yard as well, a really old big one that at some point my parents considered cutting down. Me and my brother stood up for the tree then and now it still stands.
I’m glad to hear you feel like that, though.. Admittedly this is somewhat of a comfort thing for me too. My cat died recently, we buried her under the cherry tree. I very much believe the same though! And I’m glad it brought you some comfort.
He is a new character, more will be up about him soon ♥.
I remember hearing about your cat too, and knowing what that's like, I hope you're doing alright with that. What a beautiful place for her to lay now though. (if you don't mind me saying.)
This is absolutely beautiful. It vaguely reminds me of Lacie's history (at least in how I've interpreted this), so it strikes a cord with me in that sense.
Ah, I love these, you always make them flow so well and they are just always so inspired. It turned out lovely. All the paintings are great, but I’m so drawn to that burning tree especially. The colors!
It’s difficult at times, like when you sit outside and you realize she isn’t going to come running up to you. Or when the white pillow in the hallway lays where she usually did and in a flash you think it’s her. Those moments are evil. You’re right though, it is a very nice spot.
Oh? It’s nice to hear there are such different interpretations to this, and that it does touch people. I’m curious about her history now!
It was! Thank you!
I really hope he is! XD So far he’s been a big inspiration, and helped me over my little artblock so that’s quite great.
Aw thank you! ^^
Thank you XD I had fun with this one even if it was relatively quick. A lot of changes were made to the story whilst I was painting which I guess helped with the flow. Glad you like it ^^
The way I interpreted is was that the tree died, but was reborn/reincarnated into a deer like entity. Well, that, or that the tree died, but gave some of its energy to create a new life form, allowing it to "inherit" the life force of the original tree. So actually, I have two different interpretations, haha.
The first reminds me of Lacie because she was killed and then reborn. The second because she's the only one of her kind living in the forest. She's, in a way, inherited the lives of those she left behind.
That probably came out confusing, haha. Her history isn't unique, but it is what it is.
The transition between the images is very effective. I love the blend from first image to the fire. Leaves a lot to the imagination and plays out like a movie for me. Love to see what you come up with with this guy.
Oh my gosh.. -jaw drops- This
This is beautiful. I love the concept.
Veru beautiful! And
Mah, very intriguing. And
Holyyy... o_o This is
This is going to sound silly,
I totally rambled, and I don't knowif you just did this for a new character or yours or something, but it did touch me, and I thought maybe I"d share. Thank you.
Teffy: Hey there! Thank you,
Hey there! Thank you, very nice to hear! ^^
A little huh? Glad you like it ♥
It was quite the challenge! It was faaar longer in my head at first. But less is more.
Thank you! I hope to train myself a little with coloring
Hey dear, yeah I remember reading about that actually. We have a cherry tree in the back yard as well, a really old big one that at some point my parents considered cutting down. Me and my brother stood up for the tree then and now it still stands.
I’m glad to hear you feel like that, though.. Admittedly this is somewhat of a comfort thing for me too. My cat died recently, we buried her under the cherry tree. I very much believe the same though! And I’m glad it brought you some comfort.
He is a new character, more will be up about him soon ♥.
I remember hearing about your
This is absolutely beautiful.
So this is what you were
It's beautiful.
I am so excited to see what
I'm glad he's in good hands now uwu
woah this is so interesting
Ah, I love these, you always
Kaoori: It’s difficult at
It’s difficult at times, like when you sit outside and you realize she isn’t going to come running up to you. Or when the white pillow in the hallway lays where she usually did and in a flash you think it’s her. Those moments are evil. You’re right though, it is a very nice spot.
Oh? It’s nice to hear there are such different interpretations to this, and that it does touch people. I’m curious about her history now!
It was! Thank you!
I really hope he is! XD So far he’s been a big inspiration, and helped me over my little artblock so that’s quite great.
Aw thank you! ^^
Thank you XD I had fun with this one even if it was relatively quick. A lot of changes were made to the story whilst I was painting which I guess helped with the flow. Glad you like it ^^
The way I interpreted is was
The first reminds me of Lacie because she was killed and then reborn. The second because she's the only one of her kind living in the forest. She's, in a way, inherited the lives of those she left behind.
That probably came out confusing, haha. Her history isn't unique, but it is what it is.
The transition between the