I cant believe that I've been on here for a year now and I still dont know most of the simplicities. Lots of questions....
How do you make multiple characters/deer with different pictos?
What are the bases of CSS codes?
How do you upload drawings from tablets?
And how do you make/have a signature?
sorry for bother...

havent been on much and forgot most of this stuffs! If it isnt too much bother could anyone make a signature for me? please?
1.You go to the game info
2. I am not to good with CSS (I have basic understanding but not sure how to answer this sorry ^_^;
3. Not sure how to upload stuff from tablets. (do you mean drawing tablet or something like an ipad tablet? if you mean ipad then ya no clue)
4. Go to "My Account" then click "Edit" Scroll down to where it says "signature" then add the picture there. Make sure the image you use for the signature is tiny.
hope this helps any :3
~ C.S. Lewis
thankyou! yes i mean a
Do you mean how to upload any
If not... pardon this!
Thanks GB!
sorry for bother again but
Just place the IMG code into
Oh, and a tip when you name a biography: just put a dot as the title first. That will give you a "node" url at the top so that your biography link won't change every time you want to change the title. You can always change the title when you edit the bio.
thank you! so when i first
A drawing tablet: it's just a
To upload something: go to photobucket and upload (upload button top right) it on, then copy its direct link and paste it where it says so on the "create picture" action below your account name.
iPad: I only have ArtStudio, so, this is my prosess. Press "file" then "export" pick a format, then "export to photos" then use the free Photobucket app to upload it on your photobucket account.
I hope this helps ^+^
oh thanks! Im getting one for
No problem I don't know