
Moved to Here

la la la...

la la la...

Omg YOU got the circle. aaaah

Omg YOU got the circle. aaaah ;n;
Liking the mystery to this. <3


@Pepper, Lalalala

@Pepper, Lalalala<3

@Dinamo, Thank you for tracking, and yeah when I saw the circle I thought it was so pretty ;u;

Knew I seen this earlier.

Knew I seen this earlier. this is my little guy.

Those pictures are simply

Those pictures are simply GORGEOUS!

Thank you! ^^

Thank you! ^^
Mauvable's picture



Lovely edits and that

Lovely edits and that picto..! No doubt she's the envy of many a picto collector ; )


MB's picture

track she's very agressive

track Laughing out loud she's very agressive to Rachel :C but my doe want to start friendship with her
MB's picture

aww if she wants to "play" we

aww if she wants to "play" we will play

*placing track* ...this

*placing track*

...this propably one of the few third generation pictos i recognize right away |D
Verdalas's picture

Very pretty lady + a very

Very pretty lady + a very awesome Picto! Seeing ones like yours make me wish I'd taken time to look for Walter's. :<
Vibek's picture

Track! (:

Track! (:
RiverCatRa's picture


daaaaw - your picto lured me!

daaaaw - your picto lured me! Nice char,good to know her c:
1Antidote's picture

She's sexy. BI

She's sexy. BI
HB's picture

very pretty design. -places

very pretty design.
-places a track of curious-

(No subject)

<3 I can hear the Call me Maybe from iving room .... NOW! impossibru XD
chevrotain's picture

your art is beautiful *-* i

your art is beautiful *-*
i gotta say, i'm intimidated by all this fancy css in the community
lol sorry, i'm new and am being stupid XD
my deviantart ~ cheetree

It isn't actually my work,

It isn't actually my work, it's JackStrauss'. I requested it from her ^^ It is pretty isn't it.
Everyone has those moments, Especially when your new somewhere.


1Antidote's picture

The feline lifted his giant

The feline lifted his giant paw and squished the doe's pretty face to the ground after she fell. He lowered his neck, his eyes were completely black. A loud rumbling growl escaped his jaws straight into her ear. "How do you like that, huh?" A satisfied, demonic grin spread across his features. "Be sure to stay away from my friend if your life is precious to you, whore." He spat on her and quickly took his leave.

/I kinda assumed she fell, since she sat down in-game. Sorry if I'm wrong. o-o
LilyBlue's picture

Neah likes her :3 -mini fawn

Neah likes her :3 -mini fawn trackness-

Her breath was heavy and

Her breath was heavy and Hard, She was preparing herself for the chase from the feline. Figured he would, if the small thing squealed about her. She screamed as his paw slammed down on her face, The world went blank for a moment before she relized what had happened. She began to laugh, and turn her head up to look at the feline, revealing 3 strikes across her once beautiful face. "Your a worthless piece of shit, You won't be there to protect her for ever." Her pupils narrowed to small black dots, and a grin spread across her torn face. She was clearly sick in the head.

/Yeah thats what happened :|

ohay I miss u :<

ohay I miss u :<
1Antidote's picture

"Aren't you enjoying this?"

"Aren't you enjoying this?" The feline snarls at her through a satisfied grin on his face and makes a step towards the doe. "I sure am." With a tilt of the head he snarls again, grin still remaining on his features.

/I hope you don't mind. ._.

A wide grin was spread across

A wide grin was spread across the features of her face, even though her body had a completely different idea and disagreed with her 'hapiness' her pupils hardly visible with the yellow glow of her eyes. "Oh.. So fun." She spoke staring at the male, The last encounters injuries still visible but barely. "It's so sad.. No ever treats me likes this anymore." She spoke pouting for a mount before returning to her evil like grin.

/Edit : That's alright, she needed a beating for how much of a bitch she is.
1Antidote's picture

"Oh, is that so?" He replies,

"Oh, is that so?" He replies, coming even closer to the doe only to ram his horns into her chest, pushing and hitting her until he decides to pause again. "You deserve so much more, filthy bitch." A grin is suddenly replaced by a furious frown, and a growl escapes his throat as he lifts his front paws to claw the doe's neck. "Come on, aren't you gonna fight back? You seem much more braver when it comes to hurting my lady friend." The feline encourages her slightly, testing if she can do anything else besides picking on smaller females.

She hunched her self against

She hunched her self against the wooden wall as he rammed against her chest, Her sliky white hair was no longing white. Red stains ran through the tips of her long hair. She stared at the ground until he placed his paws and claws against her throat. A wide smile spread across her features. "Because I don't have a reason to hurt you" She said before giggling like a child, but that soon changed once her face turned serious. "I have a reason to hurt.. Her She leaned forward against the felines claws, drawing the smallest amount of blood. "She just can't remember.."
1Antidote's picture

He frowns even more,

He frowns even more, clenching his teeth and growling at the female as she stands there. "You're pathetic." He spits at her, slamming his paw against her face. Hector's ears suddenly perk up after hearing the doe's second statement. "And what is the reason?" He asks with a hint of curiosity in his growling tone.

She braces herself as he

She braces herself as he slamed his paw down against her face again, Barely able to move. She just lifeted her head again and stared at him with a grin on her face. "She took everything away from me." She said tilting her head to the side "She took my home, My Life.. My Master." The doe began snarling "She replaced me." She frowned for a moment before smiling again. But that quickly turned into a smirk. "She is my sister." Her pupils can't even be seen at this stage. "Both of us created by the same creature, Our Master" She hesitated before tilting her head the other way "He'll come for her." She said with a giggle, soon turning into an evil like laugh.
1Antidote's picture

The feline remained standing

The feline remained standing with his ears perked up, listening and not understanding a single thing that she was talking about. He shook his head, a frown appearing on his features again after the doe finished speaking. She must be lying, he thought, pressing his front paws against her chest and nailing her into the wooden wall behind her and letting out a roar in her face. "I'll take your life if you keep returning and showing your damned face anywhere near her." He grips her chest even tighter, ejecting his nails into and through her skin. "Stay away." He snarls and takes a step back and rams his horns into her chest one last time before turning away with a highly confused look and leaving the oak.

She watched him carefully,

She watched him carefully, her eyes widened slightly as he roared in her ear and pressed her against the wall. She clenched her eyes shut as his nails piereced her skin. She fell to the ground as he let her go. Her eyes following him. "He'll take her" She yelled to him before sucuming to the injuries that her body had gained.

track with this account too

track with this account too cuz she is sooo awesome <3

Saw the circle picto on the

Saw the circle picto on the map and had to investigate.
Gorgeous design.
LilyBlue's picture

Neah stood sheepishly on the

Neah stood sheepishly on the other end of the large playground rock. Still a bit wet from falling into the stream. Head low in an almost submissive manner she gazed over at the older doe. To the albino adolescent the grey doe was beautiful and Neah wanted nothing more than to get to know such a pretty face. However the way the doe had acted before confused her. Had she done something wrong? "Hello...?" She called quietly and shifted on little blue hooves.

Karana glared at the small,

Karana glared at the small, white thing. Seeing the doe wet made her chuckle, remembering that she pushed her into the stream. She watched the albino, Impressed with her submissive manner though not impressed with how she decided to follow her. "What do you want." She spoke harshly, Now staring at the small, grey doe. Before eventually pulling herself to stand, but in an unevenly manner. Bruised ribs did not help much at all.
LilyBlue's picture

At first she shrank back at

At first she shrank back at her harsh voice but quickly stood up straight and tilted her head. "Why did you push me in the stream? Do you not like me?" The albino asked boldly. Neah liked meeting new people and was quiet a nice girl, she didn't like fighting. However she knew how to stand up for herself, she didn't like being picked on. Grey feathers bushed up and the quills that decorated her rump rattled softly before going silent again.

Karana disapproved of how she

Karana disapproved of how she stood up to her. automatically frowning at the doe, grinding her teeth. "Your brave" She said taking a step forward towards the doe "Most deer wouldn't dare question my actions" Her long legs drawing closer to the grey doe, she stopped in front of her. "I'll give you a hint" She lunged herself forward towards the small doe, The top of her head, and antlers hitting the small doe. Throwing her off the edge of the rock. "I do it for fun, and because I can" She yelled at the doe, before trotting of in a proud manner. To her, everything she does is proud.
LilyBlue's picture

As antlers and head connected

As antlers and head connected with Neah she yelped and scrambled to stay standing. Falling over the edge and landing in a broken heap at the bottom she bleated from surprise and pain. Tears stung at her eyes as she watched the doe go. Standing up slowly she felt heat build up in her small body and her quills rattled nosily. Suddenly she felt her legs lurch forward and she ran at the doe. It didn't take the long legged teen much time to catch to Karana. It didn't take much time to ram her small, yet surprisingly very sharp, blue horns into her back legs either. The little doe knew better than to stand around though and lept back from the grey, crouching her small body in the thick birch hay until she was none excited. Her muscles where coiled and ready to spring away if the doe where to see her.

Karana was caught by

Karana was caught by surprise, She had to admit it. The little doe has some courage. Her reflexes acted before her head, she sprung his hind legs back at the force of the impact. She took a few moments to refocus herself, before turning to see nothing, an empty space of birch. Though she may not be the smartest deer around, it didn't mean she couldn't smell. "Your dead now you little bitch" So courageous she was, Karana would be sure to put her back in her place. She walked slowly past the pile of hay, which also seemed to be the strongest source of the does scent. before catching on, she eventually assumed she was in the birch hay. Seemed to be the only place to hide in this empty space, unless she used magic tricks, Then that's just not fuckin' fair. She lunged herself at the hay pile, her sharp hooves diving through the hay. She stood for a moment, not even sure if she was there or not.
LilyBlue's picture

Neah screamed in pain as the

Neah screamed in pain as the doe's hooves connected with her ribs. Struggling to breath for a moment she sprang up and reared kicking her legs out at the taller. With every move she felt like pain was ripping through her body, her breath hard to find. Amber eyes filled with both pain and her will to fight on. Neah thrust her hoof toward the doe's face, her shoulder, chest, or just about anything she could reach.

Karana smirked once she heard

Karana smirked once she heard the scream, Like a lullaby to a baby. The doe was kicked in the chest, winded for a moment before pulling herself together. She smirked and watched the doe attempt to kick her, Amused by it. "So Amusing" She said before swinging her antlers at the small does chest. applying pressure to the little does chest, she eventually let her go. "You run now" She said standing over the doe, Licking her lips and glaring at her. "Run, or I will Hurt you some more" She said frowning slightly. She could possibly kill the doe but chose not too, She didn't know what sort of deer would come after her if she did.
LilyBlue's picture

Glaring at the doe for a

Glaring at the doe for a moment she finally shoved aside her pride and turned slowly. She did not run though, she did not flee as the doe would like. No she strutted away rather slowly, her body screaming out in pain with every step. Neah kept her head high but made sure to leave quick enough. She didn't want to die today. Finally the doe melted away into the birch, a soft hint of blood following her on the wind.
Vibek's picture

re-track? c:

re-track? c: