Looking great so far Zebbie-bum! But if I may suggest making the boxy area around... 800pixels width? My screen is lame so it's streaching the page... ftw. 8D
@ Stinkyface: Wai thankyew, Lottie-bum~! And oooh okies, my bad, I forgot that my laptop has a wider screen than most computers *giggles* Has been rectified, many thankies for the heads up~! :3
Yey indeedy~! ♥ Plus yanno, I got to uni early, and it was cold so I curled up inside one of the heated buildings and was a dork, tee hee :3
@ Impy: Fires antistalk lazooor Eeee trackaaage, thankies muchly Impyness~! I really enjoy how we like, stalk each other's stuff, we're totally not the best ninjas evaaah ♥
@ Melusine: Eeee, wai thankyew very much, Melusine~! I'm so glad you like it, tee hee~! Pleased to meet you too, by the way! ♥ And I absolutely adore your siggy, the anatomy and face and colours and just oiadfou all of it looks really wonderful~! :3
Just quickly guuiize, are the tabs above my textbox showing up okies for everyone~? Are they centered and 'flush' with the black box/div layer? Thankies muchllllyyy
@ Lottieness: Eee yeeey, that means they're showing up and being awesome~! :3 Niftyyyy! Thankies for ze feeedbaaack~~~ ♥
@ Unplugged: Zomgooosh thankyou so very much, eee~! I'm so glad you think it's amazing! And whilst you're here, thankies sososooo much for your wonderful guide on CSS-it was so helpful and wonderful as well as really well-made and presented with it's lovely eyeburning colours of awesome *giggles* Eee~! :3 It's such a great idea, thankies again~!
is absolute love. :D
So are those slight borders around the pics. Also how it all adjusts into one size. You know, the text being in line with the pictures and stuff. And the font choice. Fits so well! ♥
This CSS, it's so... spacy and not cramped and all airy and stuff. I think I love you.
You're probably not finished with this, but do you mind suggestions on this? I can't help myself, I love this so much. D:
aoiduf Zomgooosh Plugggyyy, I love how you always check out my CSS when I update it, it's truly wonderful, tee hee~! :3 ♥ I also love calling you Pluggy *giggles*
But aoidufou OH GAWD you are so amazing like, seeeriously ♥ Eee, I'm so glad you like eeet-I got the idea for the text in line with the images thing from a profile-maker on livejournal, it's wonderful to hear that it turned out looking nice, tee hee~! ♥ I was especially hoping it would look spacey/have that kind of mood too, so yeeey! Eeee, truly thankies so very much, you~~~ ♥ This made my day! I think this be the start of a beaaautiful luuurve, I think I love you too! *giggles*
Truly, epic thankies for this ♥ And eee I'm indeedy not quite finished (it needs something but I don't know what! *giggles* hoping it'll come to me randomly! ), but I would adore suggestions, absolutely~! ♥ Tee hee, truly I'm so glad you like it-eeee, please, I'd be honoured to hear your suggestions~! :3 ♥ FIYAAAAAH SUGGESTIONS HERE *sets up targets* ♥
Oh, and I just noticed the background isn't pure white. The Crosshair cursor is a really nice touch. Props for that too. :D
Lots of rambling (with failure-english) ahead that you really don't neccessarily have to apply~
I don't really have any actual suggestions, just stuff about unifying everything. :b
Like changing the colours of the normal links, the "Testing CSSness" title, reply buttons etc, but you probably were going to do that anyway so you can disregard that.
I don't know what font you're using in the sidebar because I'm not a pro but I'd use Tahoma there too like you did in the blog itself, and for the titles you could use the font you're using for your "drabbles" headline. And you could harmonize the text sizes too. :D
Speaking of fonts and headlines, I would perhaps do something about your headlines, sub-headlines and text. At the moment it could appear a bit confusing as the "drabbles" and "name here" appear to be almost the same size and weight. You could make them more distinguishable for example by making your headline bolder or bigger, or both~
You could also change the whitespace between them a little bit, at the moment the text seems almost seperate from your sub-headlines, as if they don't belong together. Another possibility would be to put even more space between head- and sub-headline.
The picture on the very right, with the butterfly, bothers me a little because of its colour scheme. Compared to the others there's too much green in it, and the blue seems just a tad too saturated to me. A little bit of colour tweaking definitely wouldn't do any harm there. :D
It also seems a bit out of place because in every picture you have only partially visible object while in this one you can see the butterfly as a whole. If you happen to have this picture as a whole you could crop it differently.
I don't know what trick you used for the text, but the last line seems to be a bit longer than the others...?
Okies soooo, first of all, thankyou SO MUCH for this wonderful long lovely comment, eee~! It's so awesome to have all these suggestions and pointers, and thankies again for your enthusiasm-I'm so glad you like it, tee hee! :3 ♥ And YEEEY FOR SOMEONE WHO LOVES CROSSHAIR. I love that cursor like, seriously *giggles* And yup, the background isn't pure white-it looked really clinical and eyeburny if i left it white, so i made it blueish to suit the theme :3
Sososooo, yes. Okies sooo, I was indeedy going to change those, so yup, nice spotting! :3 They shall be changed colour, so that the title can be pretty and such ♥
Aaaah, I think I'm using georgia, I'll hafta go back and check the font name buuut, great suggestion! :3 It would look tonnes better with a uniform font, I do agree-shall go back and change that for sure, thankies so much for ze tip! :3 Harmonizing text sizes sounds also like a good idea, I'll mess about with that too-thankies!
And oooh yes, I was playing about with those font sizes earlier. it seemed that there was either a huge difference if I went up a size in fonts, or no difference if i stayed the same, so methinks I will either use the TEF sizes instead of coding it into the fontline (I hope that made sense, I didn't know how else to describe it *giggles* ♥) Bolding it made it look too chunky when I tried it, and the spacing made the page look too cluttered if I made it all closer together. Sooo, font size methinks could be the way-I'll play about with all those options though, and see which one fits best. I like~! :3 I know exactly what you mean here, though-I was having a lot of thoughts about it as I coded it to begin with actually, so it's great to see that I wasn't the only one thinking it! :3 I shall hafta work upon it for sure!
Oh gaawds yes, THE BUTTERFLY D: It bothers me too! It does indeed have too much green, and the blue is oversaturated, and in general I don't think it really matches the others just because of the colours and the cropping, too-all the others are close up and this one is panned out, I get exactly what you mean. It just doesn't fit~! I've tried replacing it with the spirally one, but I still don't think it looks quite right-I shall have to continue searching for pictues, there has to be one somewhere that will fit, tee hee~! :3 ♥ I sadly don't have the whole picture as I used these beautiful icons from a blue-themed icon post, but I do know how to make my own icons so I might search for a picture to edit myself. For sure though, will work upon this! :3
Aaand the magic trickery of the text I think is caused by me failing at copying and pasting 'text here', but I'll go back and look at that, too :3 Maybe it's just magic text. PHANTOM TEXT D: ♥
Tee hee, thankies so very much again for all this feedback, Pluggy-seriously, this helps so much, and it's wonderful to have another set of eyes look at this and help out. It's also great, because the things I was trying to figure out myself have also been picked up, and you've given me a lot of suggestions for all of them which I can work with, so wee~! I'll do my best to get this looking nifty from your suggestions sometime over the next few days-thankies so much again, eeee~! :D ♥ *rolls about happily*
Perfect! Zebbie if you get this around the time I send this (CURESE YOU TIMEZONEEESSS!!!) I will be sending you an e-mail as soon as I am settled and have everything done so I can type you a proper e-mail you clearly deserve!! *___* I'll catch ya in a few!
test comment the first~
test comment the second.
Looking great so far
Yeeeee for TEFing and not doing uni work?
STALLLKIINGTracking >>I love the coding on here
@ Stinkyface: Wai thankyew,
Yey indeedy~! ♥ Plus yanno, I got to uni early, and it was cold so I curled up inside one of the heated buildings and was a dork, tee hee :3
@ Impy:
Fires antistalk lazooorEeee trackaaage, thankies muchly Impyness~!@ Melusine: Eeee, wai thankyew very much, Melusine~!
omg. c: Thankyouuuu!
Pleased to meet you too~
Tee hee, mah pleasure~! :3
Just quickly guuiize, are the
I see them~!
Oooh. Amazing!
@ Lottieness: Eee yeeey, that
@ Unplugged: Zomgooosh thankyou so very much, eee~!
I hope you're well~! ♥
COLOUR SCHEME is absolute
is absolute love. :D
So are those slight borders around the pics. Also how it all adjusts into one size. You know, the text being in line with the pictures and stuff. And the font choice. Fits so well! ♥
This CSS, it's so... spacy and not cramped and all airy and stuff. I think I love you.
You're probably not finished with this, but do you mind suggestions on this? I can't help myself, I love this so much. D:
aoiduf Zomgooosh Plugggyyy, I
But aoidufou OH GAWD you are so amazing like, seeeriously ♥ Eee, I'm so glad you like eeet-I got the idea for the text in line with the images thing from a profile-maker on livejournal, it's wonderful to hear that it turned out looking nice, tee hee~! ♥ I was especially hoping it would look spacey/have that kind of mood too, so yeeey!
Truly, epic thankies for this ♥ And eee I'm indeedy not quite finished (it needs something but I don't know what! *giggles* hoping it'll come to me randomly!
Oh, and I just noticed the
Lots of rambling (with failure-english) ahead that you really don't neccessarily have to apply~
I don't really have any actual suggestions, just stuff about unifying everything. :b
Like changing the colours of the normal links, the "Testing CSSness" title, reply buttons etc, but you probably were going to do that anyway so you can disregard that.
I don't know what font you're using in the sidebar because I'm not a pro but I'd use Tahoma there too like you did in the blog itself, and for the titles you could use the font you're using for your "drabbles" headline. And you could harmonize the text sizes too. :D
Speaking of fonts and headlines, I would perhaps do something about your headlines, sub-headlines and text. At the moment it could appear a bit confusing as the "drabbles" and "name here" appear to be almost the same size and weight. You could make them more distinguishable for example by making your headline bolder or bigger, or both~
You could also change the whitespace between them a little bit, at the moment the text seems almost seperate from your sub-headlines, as if they don't belong together. Another possibility would be to put even more space between head- and sub-headline.
The picture on the very right, with the butterfly, bothers me a little because of its colour scheme. Compared to the others there's too much green in it, and the blue seems just a tad too saturated to me. A little bit of colour tweaking definitely wouldn't do any harm there. :D
It also seems a bit out of place because in every picture you have only partially visible object while in this one you can see the butterfly as a whole. If you happen to have this picture as a whole you could crop it differently.
I don't know what trick you used for the text, but the last line seems to be a bit longer than the others...?
Okay, I'm done. ♥
Okies soooo, first of all,
Sososooo, yes. Okies sooo, I was indeedy going to change those, so yup, nice spotting! :3 They shall be changed colour, so that the title can be pretty and such ♥
Aaaah, I think I'm using georgia, I'll hafta go back and check the font name buuut, great suggestion! :3 It would look tonnes better with a uniform font, I do agree-shall go back and change that for sure, thankies so much for ze tip! :3 Harmonizing text sizes sounds also like a good idea, I'll mess about with that too-thankies!
And oooh yes, I was playing about with those font sizes earlier. it seemed that there was either a huge difference if I went up a size in fonts, or no difference if i stayed the same, so methinks I will either use the TEF sizes instead of coding it into the fontline (I hope that made sense, I didn't know how else to describe it *giggles* ♥) Bolding it made it look too chunky when I tried it, and the spacing made the page look too cluttered if I made it all closer together. Sooo, font size methinks could be the way-I'll play about with all those options though, and see which one fits best. I like~! :3 I know exactly what you mean here, though-I was having a lot of thoughts about it as I coded it to begin with actually, so it's great to see that I wasn't the only one thinking it! :3 I shall hafta work upon it for sure!
Oh gaawds yes, THE BUTTERFLY D: It bothers me too! It does indeed have too much green, and the blue is oversaturated, and in general I don't think it really matches the others just because of the colours and the cropping, too-all the others are close up and this one is panned out, I get exactly what you mean. It just doesn't fit~!
Aaand the magic trickery of the text I think is caused by me failing at copying and pasting 'text here', but I'll go back and look at that, too :3 Maybe it's just magic text. PHANTOM TEXT D: ♥
Tee hee, thankies so very much again for all this feedback, Pluggy-seriously, this helps so much, and it's wonderful to have another set of eyes look at this and help out. It's also great, because the things I was trying to figure out myself have also been picked up, and you've given me a lot of suggestions for all of them which I can work with, so wee~!
Perfect! Zebbie if you get