Huurrr hurrr ideas for my Secret Santa. 8D

Fledermaus's picture
Hello thar. Thought I'd throw together something to help out my Secret Santa person of amazingness, if they aren't sure what I'd like. Thing is, I'm not very picky and I'll cherish anything you send me. C:
That being said, if you need some ideas I'll go ahead and try to come up with some. I usually don't ask for specific things as far as gifts go and I know some people (at least my family 8D) force me to think of things so I know it frustrates people AND ANYWAY OKAY.

I'm accepting snailmailed stuff because I find it more fun. |D But it's cool if you can't send something. I'm always appreciative of fanarts of any kind of my three deer (drawings/sketches/paintings/digital/poetry/writing/sonnets ANYTHING lol) Their bio pages are here:


If you want to send me something, here are some ideas:

If you want to stick to a TEF theme, any arts/clayfigures/plushies would be awesome.
ALSO the TEF postcards or The Path Polaroids are lookin' HOT. So is the TEF Calendar 8D

I also loooove:

- postcards (vintage/art/regional/anything. I <3 postcards 8D)
- foreign coins or notes
- any type of rocks/gems/minerals/fossils/shells/bones or anything along those lines.
- ZEBRAS. Anything zebra. C:
- Anything zombie, pirate, or Day of the Dead related. 8D
- Anything fun/gadgety ( is full of amazing random stuff)
- Starbucks gift cards :/ That stuff is like crack. xD
- Hi Fructose Magazine (issue #8) (it's the only one missing in my collection D8)

SOO those are some ideas. Like I said, anything you come up with will be EPIC. xD
bubblywums's picture

Your list is so interesting!

Your list is so interesting! I love vintage things as well, and gadgety things. Laughing out loud