:.{Death Scenes | Tybalt added}.:

So I was just thinking about stuff xD And I started thinking about how my deer would die, and decided to write it out here c8 This is simply imaginings, not really happening 8U And they aren't in order of death or anything like that; they're more 'preferred death scenes' I guess xD

Taliene : Deer

The morning's early rays of light filtered through the leaves, a large ray cast down onto a patch of golden grass. In this sunbeam there lay a doe; her pelt a faded brown colour, a once-pretty human face revealed by the removal of the mask she'd worn for so long. Her eyes were hazel in colour, but devoid of the clear brightness they'd once had. There were four deer crowded around her; her long-term mate, Gehirn; her adoptive son, Yori; her brother, Rutilus, and two close friends; Seele, and Oz. There was a small smile on Taliene's face as she moved her head closer to Gehirn's chest. The stag, his black pelt now a dark grey, was curled protectively around her, his red eyes gazing down at her with a terrible sadness. Yori had aged quite a bit, but his face was still young. He watched the doe that had been his mother for as long as he could remember with a broken expression, eyes wide and disbelieving. Rutilus, older than his sister, worn and tired, looked as though he was losing a part of his heart. He was. Oz, who had not known Taliene for as long as the others had, had his eyes closed, a mournful and pained grimace on his handsome face. The dark brown stag, Seele, blind and shaking, had tears streaming down his aged face. The entire scene was heartbreaking to watch. Their tears glistened as the sun rose higher in the sky, brightening the horizon.
"No tears," Taliene's voice was barely a whisper. "You're still alive..." Gehirn lowered his head to rest beside hers, his tears hidden from view by her fur.
"Taliene...Oh, love..." He choked out, forcing himself not to break down. Taliene smiled faintly; typical of him, to hide his feelings infront of the others.
"I know," The dying doe whispered, a small frown tugging at the corners of her mouth. "I know..."
"Tali," Rutilus' voice was louder than the others, but it cracked as he spoke again. "Y'can't leave like this..."
"This was...the way I wanted to go."
"We'll miss you," Seele's voice was barely audible, his old age worsening his soft voice. He watched as she nodded. "We'll...we'll never forget you."
"I'll always be here...Somewhere..." Her voice was fading. Yori, who had been completely silent until now, finally spoke.
"I love you, mom," He mumbled sadly, his face invisible behind the white skull mask he wore.
"I love you, son," was her reply.
"Taliene..." Gehirn's face held nothing but love, pain and complete and utter sorrow as he lifted his head, looking down at her.
"Gehirn." The doe smiled softly. There were no words. 'I love you' would not suffice.
She turned her head to look at the dark gold stag near her, briefly examining the red roses in his antlers before looking into those sky blue orbs of his. Rutilus tried to smile, and failed.
"Say hi to Jared for me," He whispered. "Fen, too."
"I will...Goodbye, Brother."
"Live...Live for me..."
Her last words called out to all four of them, and then her eyes were closed.
A red rose was placed upon her body.

Rutilus : Human

The sky was thick with dark grey clouds as Rutilus Phoebus walked down the street, a cigarette held loosely between his lips. His golden hair didn't hold its usual shine and brightness, for no sunlight was able to reach down from the clouds and illuminate the strands. Sky blue eyes searched the town for familiar faces, but so far there were none. The last people he'd spoken to were Her, Vipin, their adoptive son, and Martisol. Having brought Martisol over to see his best friends, the day had been a good one, one of the best days he'd ever had. The boy was the best kid Rutilus had met; quiet, polite as he could be considering he was only three years old, and adorable as hell. Rut had befriended Her and Vipin again long before they'd adopted, and Martisol had been his closest friend for a long, long time. With a smile on his face and a song in his heart, he continued walking, still hoping to see some familiar faces. Some long-lost friends, perhaps, though that hope had almost faded. He wouldn't let it upset him anymore.
"Might as well go back 'ome," British-accented voice muttered to its owner absent-mindedly, cellphone ringing in his pocket. He looked at the screen, grinning slightly. Tuna.
where are ya?
His long fingers tapped quickly on the keypad as he replied with his current location; near their favourite bar, heading home. Message sent.
Turning a corner, he sighed upon noticing an alleyway. It was a shortcut, no doubt. Well, what the heck. Better get there quick, or it'd start raining all over him.
He realised his mistake after walking a few feet into the alley.
Gunshots rang through the air from the street, causing terrified screams and shocked yells to erupt from the passers by. Instinct took over, and Rutilus sprinted to the end of the alleyway, realising that it was raining, water pouring into his eyes, blinding him, making him stumble and grope clumsily for something to hold onto--
He was on the ground, sprawling on his side before rolling onto his back, eyes wide in shock and pain. Blood spread across his white shirt, pooling on the damp ground, running in small rivers due to the rain. With trembling hands, Rutilus pulled his shirt up to examine what exactly had happened. Then he saw it; a gunshot wound in his stomach. He couldn't tell what the stray bullet had hit.
The wound was fatal. That much he knew.
Letting his head fall back on the ground, he stared at the darkened sky in utter disbelief. Death...?
He would be gone soon. Slowly but surely his heartbeat was slowing, and he could feel it. The pain was numbing. He didn't want to go, not yet, but there was no choice in it.
No goodbyes.
He was gone.

Jared : Deer

His body was weak. Tan and brown pelt dull, patches of fur missing here and there, one antler broken at the tip, his golden eyes filled with misery. This strange illness of his...it was claiming his life minute by minute. Jared was a coward, this he knew, and death was just one more thing that terrified him.
It would not be like visiting the Ghost Realm. This time, he would have noone. He would be gone.
The gazelle limped uneasily through the golden grass, feeling that terribly skinny and frail body of his quivering under its own weight. He had to get to the others; to feel their fur against his, to get to the warmth and safety that was his family and friends...
The disease had took him without warning. It had only lasted a few days so far...
How long would he last?
A frightened cry escaped Jared's mouth as he hurried to the edge of the Birch forest, a brown doe running into sight, down the Twin Gods' hill and towards her adoptive brother. A stag, golden pelt shining, hurried after her, the two of them galloping forwards side by side to meet their youngest sibling. "Jared!" Taliene called out, quickly stopping and pressing her neck to Jared's. Rutilus did the same from the other side, a sigh escaping him. Red rose petals dropped onto the gazelle's head and he shook them off weakly.
"Tali, Ruttii..." He mumbled sadly while backing into the long grass then folding his knees beneath him and resting his head on the ground. The other two stared at him before positioning themselves on either side, casting worried glances at eachother.
"Hey, chin up, Jared." Rutilus' smooth voice was slightly hoarse as he looked at the younger male. Taliene had tears in her bright hazel eyes, her mask removed and lying on the ground.
Jared broke into tears, sobbing uncontrollably, coughing and hacking and wheezing despite the pain in his ribs and throat, blood running from his nose and into his mouth, ears pinned against his head. "I'm d-d-dying! I-I don't want t-to d-d-die!" He wept, rubbing his face against the grasses, raising his head and wailing at the sky, begging for the Gods to save him. Death, death, death...It whispered through the leaves and grass, swept past him in the wind, wound its way through skin and bone to his very heart. Taliene pushed her head underneath his chin, allowing him to rest there. The gazelle continued to cry as Rutilus rested his own head lightly on Jared's back.
Then the three siblings were silent as someone came into view. Walter.
He looked very similar to Jared on this occassion, the only exception being that his fur was thicker and his antlers were that of a regular deer. He was more muscular and far larger, too. Jared whimpered at his adoptive father, unable to speak. The older stag seated himself infront of the three siblings, his expression grave as he watched the dying gazelle.
"Daddy..." No response but a grieved and broken look on Walter's face. "D-Daddy!" A terrified shriek came from the gazelle, making Rutilus lift his head in alarm while Taliene whimpered.
Jared's body went limp.

Lorak and Nina : Deer

It had started as a murmering whisper, faint as a feather is light. It had always been there; a shadow of a voice, eventually to become thousands of shadowed voices that would fade in and out of his mind throughout his life. The voices had faded after a few months, reduced to occassional mutterings that the Soul Shifter tried to ignore. There were always periods of silence, and there were always periods of noise and chaos.
He had not foreseen this particular event. He had been to Hell, or what had seemed like Hell, only to find that it had been nothing but his own imagination, his own soul, and a mistake made by an otherworldly creature whose name the stag did not know. He had survived torments and torture by his dead father. And he'd watched the spirits of murderers tear his love apart.
Cirrus. Oh, Cirrus. They'd took her from him, tugged her away so easily, as though she were but a twig on a branch...He'd chased, of course. He'd chased, and had gained nothing.
He had lost her. They tore her limb from limb before his terrified orange eyes.
But on this night, Lorak Adrokus would experience something that would take away the thing he'd tried to throw away countless times -- life.
He'd experience death.
The black and white stag lay by his own grave, chest heaving, eyes as wild as the wind that raged mercilessly through the Forest, ripping leaves from their branches and forcing deer to take shelter anywhere they could. He was not aware that somewhere far from the thing he called the world, the Balancer was being killed just as Cirrus had been killed.
He was not aware that they were coming for him, too.
Not until it was too late.
Lorak rose to his hooves as he sensed their approach, and he ran. He ran faster than he'd ever run before - and he fled to the Crying Idol.
But as it came into view, Lorak's heart rose into his throat. A golden-pelted doe was running to him with an identical expression on her newly-unmasked face.
"Nina! Nina, no!"
They were only a short distance away--
And they leapt upon her. The spirits ripped Nina to shreds as Lorak ground to a halt, his entire body shaking.
"She's gone." A familiar low voice purred from the shadows. Lorak turned to look into the cruel green eyes of Rak Adrokus.
His father.
"You BASTARD! YOU KILLED HER! YOU LET HER DIE! JUST LIKE CIRRUS--" But they were upon him too, ripping and tearing and biting and clawing...but spirits were not supposed to be corporeal...and it occurred to him that the whispering was gone, and that these were not, infact, spirits...and that his curse was...
...his curse was gone...
Cirrus, I'll be with you soon...

Danielle : Deer

She stared into the Pond for a long time - only the Gods knew how long it was. She stared and stared, frowning at the unmasked reflection in the gently rippling water. An orange face stared back at her with thoughtful chocolate brown eyes. Where were they?
That was when the pain started. She realised she could not feel the left side of her body, and collapsed into the shallow water, panting, eyes wide. There was a burning, tugging sensation in her chest - it felt like her heart was being crushed into itself and turned inside out. Danielle tried to scream, but only a weak high-pitched whine came out.
Her head dropped down into the water, and her body was still.
Everything was gone.

A gold-striped stag stared at the fallen antlerdoe in disbelief hours later, the other deer moving away to give him room. His bright blue eyes, eyes that Danielle had always admired, stared at the corpse as though expecting it to move. He wanted her to wake up, to bounce up and nuzzle him, laughing and apologising and saying she had only been kidding.
But it was clearly not going to happen. Whispers invaded Clock's head, and he couldn't make sense of the voices, but he knew one thing.
They were sad that she was gone, too.
A smaller deer crept up behind Clock, staring at its dead mother.
"What...Why isn't mum moving?"
Clock didn't answer.
He choked, collapsing beside Danielle's cold, soaked body in utter grief. She couldn't be gone. Not after everything. Not after what they'd been through. Not after Nero. She was too strong to go...No, no, no, no, no, no, no...
"...No, no, no, no, no..." Clock sobbed into the fur of his love's neck, tears seeping from his closed eyelids. "No...Wake up, wake up, wake up...Wake up..."

All was silent.

Leonard; Deer

It had been a long time since Leo had sat and appreciated the Forest's beauty. He was situated atop the Twin Gods' statues, in the form of a white dove. His calm gaze roamed over the trees, the dust motes in the air, illuminated by sunlight, the almost-still pond...
Then suddenly there were images flashing through his head, and the dove ruffled its feathers in surprise, blinking rapidly.
The final mission.
Leo's heart sank, but at the same time, there was a strange excitement inside him. The Reaper must be patient, he prayed silently, taking off into the air towards the only source of water in the Forest. He flew over it, and up the river, where a proud doe stood. Her head was bowed respectfully towards the Crying Idol, but she looked up as Leo, the dove, flew over.
In a brief flash of white light, Leonard was a stag once more. White-pelted, with a Carnival mask over the top half of his face, and shining green eyes.
Before Leo could speak, Nina exhaled in a shaky hiss.
One word, and it was enough to force tears to the stag's eyes. He looked at his mate, forest-green into emerald, and he felt a jolt of energy run through him.
"Not yet," She pleaded quietly. "Please, not yet..."
"It won't wait forever," Leo spoke, his naturally soft voice made even more gentle. "I'm still with you, always..." And his face slowly lowered to rest against Nina's white-furred chest, eyes closed. "I told you, when I confessed my feelings, that someday I would die, that I didn't know what would happen after that..." A pause. He lifted his head. Their faces were inches away from eachother. "But I told you I would come back."
She was crying silently now, her expression hidden by her mask.
"I have to do this," Leo stated. "I've completed every task, every mission to the best of my ability. If I can let myself die for what I believe in, I'm done." He nuzzled her, trying to comfort the distraught doe. "We can--we can be together after this, I don't have to go away, you don't have to come with me and put yourself in danger anymore..."
Suddenly he stepped back. Leo could not read the expression in Nina's eyes.
The final mission...
Was it worth it? What was Death like? He was not immortal. This was a task, a task...Another of the many missions he'd spent his life completing.
Then there were flames surrounding him, but he felt no pain. White tongues of fire, surrounding him and enveloping his body, hiding him from view...But green eyes shone through, to meet the sorrow on the other side.
"I love you..."

Tybalt : Human

He couldn't keep going like this. Tybalt's clothes would normally have been cleaned to perfection. Now, however, they were torn, and bloodstained. Tybalt would normally have walked with grace and pride and arrogance. He was staggering and stumbling and falling.
The brown-haired man eventually fell onto the leaf-covered ground, in the middle of the too-familiar woods. He'd spent so much time here...
He pushed himself onto his back, groaning in pain as he did so. Blood flowed from the deep wound in his torso, staining his clothes and the ground. Dark, half-lidded eyes looked at the sky with mild interest, seeing faces and shapes in the clouds...
Tybalt turned his head to the side as loud, running footsteps grew nearer and nearer. Was it his attacker, come to finish him off? He doubted it.
He wished he hadn't challenged him...
His heart was thudding loudly, and he was almost surprised that it didn't echo around the woods.
Then there was a loud voice calling his name, and sandy-coloured hair, and familiar eyes, and Mercutio's face was close to his and there were arms around him and moisture dropping onto Tybalt's face and he wondered if Mercutio was crying...
"Tybalt! Tybalt!"
He must have blacked out, because when Tybalt opened his eyes again, he was in an unfamiliar room in an unfamiliar bed. There were bandages around his chest. There was a wooden chair by the bed.
A frown crossed the brunette's face. He coughed, yelping as pain shot through his chest. The door banged open and Mercutio rushed in, his face pale as a sheet, eyes wide. The smaller man let out a choked noise and collapsed into the wooden chair, one shaking hand covering his face. Tybalt could only stare at him. Several minutes passed before the sandy-haired man regained his composure, and then he did not speak - he shouted.
"WHAT-WERE-YOU-THINKING?!" His voice rang through the air and he stood up; the other man jolted in shock. "You could have died, I thought you--I thought--!"
Tybalt Capulet did not think that Mercutio cared.
"I-I..." The usually-proud figure was speechless. "I didn't...I wasn't...thinking about...He was aggravating me!" His tone had become defenceless, which then made him recieve a sharp slap from Mercutio. Tybalt stared.
"Don't you--don't--" Mercutio was trembling once more. He fell back into his chair, gripping the bed with one hand while the other covered his face again.
Tybalt sighed and closed his eyes, succumbing to blackness. He did not feel the other's hand slip into his own, and neither he nor Mercutio noticed that Benvolio was leaning in the doorway.

( ^ I couldn't bring myself to write a proper death scene, so this is sort of just. Idk. I don't know if he died or if he didn't. C: )


To be Done; Maha, Jareth, Danila, William, Davita.
ocean's picture

That very nearly made me

That very nearly made me cry. >> Not fair, Dannii. I have homework to be doing.

B'dawww! -pulls onto lap +

B'dawww! -pulls onto lap + pets- 8D; That was my intended effect BUT. I apologise nonetheless FFF <33333 GODOYOURHOMEWORK /hypocrite

-- Dannii <3
ocean's picture

*petted* It worked. xD *does

It worked. xD
*does some*
I have a test tomorrow! |:D /sarcasm

Seele's picture

Aww ;-; That made me sob. So

Aww ;-; That made me sob. So sad, but sweet in a way too. She died of old age, with her friends, that's a beautifull death. Old Seele is old XDD And Gehirn would so die his fur if it'd turn gray.. If deer could do that..
Old man breath! Sorry D8'..
But baw, this makes me curious about how you think the others would die, especially Jared D8

--Stays a lonely Seele

BawMisako xD <3 You'll see

BawMisako xD <3 You'll see all of their deaths eventually...8D

-- Dannii <3
Custard's picture

;_; Thankyou Ravyn <3


Thankyou Ravyn <3

-PETPET- -- Dannii <3


-- Dannii <3
Custard's picture

Are you gonna act this out

Are you gonna act this out in the forest? Or have you done it? or... dhukawl
I love drama C8

Thankyou Ravyn <3

OLOL <333 No no, none of

OLOL <333 No no, none of these have happened, and I don't intend for them to 8U It was simply me thinking about how my characters would die. SO. LOL.

-- Dannii <3

NO goodbyes for Rutilus.

NO goodbyes for Rutilus. That would kill Marti I swear. -shot for being lame-

A Silly Haiku:

Haikus are easy.
But sometimes they don't make sense.

Bawww ;w; <3 -- Dannii <3

Bawww ;w; <3

-- Dannii <3

This just got me thinking.

This just got me thinking. How would Marti die? Eh, probably of old age or depression. -shrug-

A Silly Haiku:

Haikus are easy.
But sometimes they don't make sense.

8U For some reason I imagine

8U For some reason I imagine her dying of an illness of some sort~ In human form I imagine she'd take an overdose or the wrong type of medicine accidentally and she'd be lying in the hospital dying with her friends around her and just. dfkjghr.

-- Dannii <3

Yeah. The sad part is,

Yeah. The sad part is, RUTILUS WON'T. >:|

A Silly Haiku:

Haikus are easy.
But sometimes they don't make sense.

LOLOL. 8D I don't intend for

8D I don't intend for him to die anytime soon SO. <3

-- Dannii <3

WEEELLLLLL up there it says

WEEELLLLLL up there it says Martisol was all healthy and whatnot so you fail -shot-

A Silly Haiku:

Haikus are easy.
But sometimes they don't make sense.



-- Dannii <3




And now for Valllll.... -snorts- Uh he breaks down after losing Marti and realizes he has nothing left?

A Silly Haiku:

Haikus are easy.
But sometimes they don't make sense.

Car accident in human form

Car accident in human form -SHOT-
Otherwise I imagine him dying in battle or something 8U Suicide or murder.

-- Dannii <3


Battle? NO THAT WOULD BE AMULETO. Mimosa would die of old age since she's mortal and then their little enemies would murder Arya and send him into a crazed rampage and would go into their secret lair and try to destroy as much as he could before they killed him |D

But car accident... Yeah... either that or he tries working on a car engine while he's depressed and he [s]falls asleep on the engine[s] basically like spaces out and the engine explodes. Boom C8

A Silly Haiku:

Haikus are easy.
But sometimes they don't make sense.

..............C8 -- Dannii


-- Dannii <3

-just realized she messed up

-just realized she messed up the strikethrough code- :|

A Silly Haiku:

Haikus are easy.
But sometimes they don't make sense.
Snowrift's picture


I.Hate.You.For.This D8...


I feel like Isis and Rutilus are drifting away in friendship. D888



A Silly Haiku:

Haikus are easy.
But sometimes they don't make sense.

SNOWWW D8 <3 That. will

SNOWWW D8 <3 That. will never happen >8U Rut loves Ice too much to ever let her drift away from him~ 8U I hope you realise that Isis would be the person Rut had spent his morning with. Running up the stairs and tripping up. c8

-- Dannii <3

AREN'T I ALWAYS -chased by a

AREN'T I ALWAYS -chased by a bazooka-

A Silly Haiku:

Haikus are easy.
But sometimes they don't make sense.
Snowrift's picture

I KNOW...and

I KNOW...and tripping.


Her's picture

I can't tell you how happy I

I can't tell you how happy I am that Rutilus didn't die from suicide v________v <3 I hope his future is really as bright as he's smiling it to be. Would~you~mind~if~I~stole~this~idea~innocentcurvylines~~~~



Also LOL ALLICE <3 Rut would never commit suicide 8U I have the feeling he'd try, and may try at somepoint in the future, but he would fail on purpose. He doesn't want to die~
Also YES. yes you can.

-- Dannii <3
Haru's picture

These are awesome <3 and

These are awesome <3 and sad...of course :C
This sounds like a good exercise actually, I might just steal it >D

Obsidian's picture

Poor human guy person...XD

Poor human guy person...XD

LOL <3 Thanks guys 8D Go

LOL <3 Thanks guys 8D
Go ahead, steal! I'll be sure to read them <3

-- Dannii <3
Custard's picture

Did you update this today

Did you update this today because it hasn't been bumped by comments? It said it was new on my tracking thing. o__o
Verycrazygirl's picture

I like these...

I like these...

Custard; 8o Uh~ I have no

Custard; 8o Uh~ I have no idea what you're on about but I updated it~...
VCG; thx. C:
Custard's picture

FFF I never make sense. Well,

FFF I never make sense. Well, okay (:
Kanaf's picture



srsly that made me choke.


ocean's picture

Dannii, I order you to stop

Dannii, I order you to stop making me sad. D:
[In other words, keep writing so I can read these. >>]

Ocean; OH OCEAN.

Ocean; OH OCEAN. <3
Raku; BAWLOL BAAAAW <333 ilubby. ilu.