
HoneyBean's picture
Its been months since I’ve checked in on this place. I seem to have developed a sever social anxiety this past year. I get tired if I talk with too many at once. But I want to try and be creative as I once was...
I was diagnosed a little while ago with ADHD (combined), depression and GAD. I know those have a big influence on this which fuels guilt in me which then fuels the social anxiety. I guess Im afraid of disappointing anyone. So for now Ill sit in the shadows and keep an eye on everybody. Hope your all doin ok and I think about all the fun times I had on here with some of you guys.

HoneyBean's picture

tentatively attempting to do

tentatively attempting to do something....again -_- good lord....
khaosso's picture

okay now this is just??? so

okay now this is just??? so much grace,,,,,,, thank you
wake's picture

not the hero we deserve but

not the hero we deserve but the hero we needed...
bless little blob dur

So adorable! Boing boing ~

So adorable!

Boing boing ~
HoneyBean's picture

You are welcome everyone

You are welcome everyone haha, during such dark times we need some bouncin blob durr
HoneyBean's picture


Aivilo's picture


HoneyBean's picture

*nervous wave* hallo ^^ its

*nervous wave* hallo ^^ its been a while
Aivilo's picture

It has! You are missed~ Hope

It has! You are missed~ Hope you're doing well lately?

Miss you, hope you’re taking

Miss you, hope you’re taking care of yourself ♥ I’m still here if you ever need to talk/vent c:
HoneyBean's picture

?? Ive thought about you guys

Ive thought about you guys ^^
And life is in a weird place but im doing some things slowly trying to find some semblance of balance. Hope you all are doin ok!

Ayyyye, I hope you can figure

Ayyyye, I hope you can figure things out and that everything turns out for ya. You're very missed! ♥
HoneyBean's picture

That means alot Basen ;u; I

That means alot Basen ;u; I feel bad that I kind of just left everyone hanging...but yeah i know that i need to take care of my mental health before anything else ^^ its just nice to check in now and then