.Fanart-a-Thon Week Four: Argus! :: Closed!

Happy Argus Week!

This week's Deer is Argus! Played by Jessickalor!

You can find their Biography Here!
You can find their Referece Here!

Some key words that describe Argus are:
Birds (especially crows). Vigorous. Run.
Communication and fun. Some magical powers.
Hunger for knowledge. Kind. Cowardly.
You can find more inspiration and information on Culzean's biography!

You may post your Fanart as a post of its own and link to it here, or post it on a site like Postimg.cc, Imgur, or other image hosting site, and then link it here.

Happy Fanarting!

Completed Submissions

From Luksus!
From Japan!
From Wildflowerdeer
From Draak!
From Vessan!
From LostinTheEcho!

Argus week is over!
Jessickalor's picture

(A little note~ Wanna say,

(A little note~
Wanna say, that Argus got a scar on his right hip recently. Would be nice, if you draw it <3)
By Draak <3



Vessan's picture


LostintheEcho's picture


Sigi by Wake

(No subject)

Chizzu's picture

I Really Hope I can get Time

I Really Hope I can get Time to draw
Track for later

I owe so much art heckin imma

I owe so much art heckin imma do this one >:L
Argus is gonna get some arts!
Wyldflower's picture



By Draak ♥
Draak's picture


Jessickalor's picture

Thank you for all these

Thank you for all these wonderful artworks! I really like it. You are awesome! <3
By Draak <3

This is from Vessan.

This is from Vessan.

Jessickalor's picture

aaa what a surprise! tysm ;;

aaa what a surprise!
tysm ;;
By Draak <3

LostintheEcho's picture

Fashionably laTE &hearts;

Fashionably laTE
Sigi by Wake