Fanart-a-Thon Week Three: Culzean! :: Closed!

Happy Culzean Week!

This week's Deer is Culzean! Played by Wildflowerdeer!

You can find their Biography Here!
You can find their Referece Here!

Some key words that describe Culzean are:
cold, moody, proud, lonely
winter, will-o'-wisps, mist,
stormy seas and dragonflies/damselflies
You can find more inspiration and information on Culzean's biography!

You may post your Fanart as a post of its own and link to it here, or post it on a site like, Imgur, or other image hosting site, and then link it here.

Happy Fanarting!

Completed Submissions

From Vessan!
From Jiaruqa!
From Oshiboo!
From Draak!
From Luksus!
From Japan!
From Jessickalor!
From Lostintheecho!

Culzean week is over!
Vessan's picture

(No subject)

Wyldflower's picture

yesss! ;o; Loving those

yesss! ;o;
Loving those colours Vessan <3

By Draak ♥
Jiaruqa's picture

OshiBoo's picture


LostintheEcho's picture


Sigi by Wake

Draak's picture

Kinda experimenting animation

Kinda experimenting animation wise with this one




Let me know if you'd like a

Let me know if you'd like a bigger version.
Jessickalor's picture

Just have to say that I've

Just have to say that I've been very busy these days, so I'll share my art asap o:
By Draak <3

Wyldflower's picture

Meant to say thank you for

Meant to say thank you for the recent art and show my appreciation once more <333
And Japan if you've got a bigger version I'd love it!

By Draak ♥
LostintheEcho's picture


Sigi by Wake

Jessickalor's picture

I'm really sorry about my

I'm really sorry about my slowness ... but here we are
By Draak <3

Wyldflower's picture

Thank you so much Lost,

Thank you so much Lost, Jessickalor ;;
I love both ♥

By Draak ♥