Archives, Portals, and Purple. {Damisona}

tossercook's picture

Archives, Portals, and Purple.


Damisona closed her eyes against the blinding light the beamed from the spell in front of her, and when she opened them she realized in an instant that something was wrong. The world around her felt suffocating, and she was greeted by a dim lit, cold, and harrowingly silent forest. She had entered Jolos' dream, but it wasn't at all what she was expecting.
She stood still for a moment, gathering her wits and mapping out the scene before her. She was at the bottom of an impossibly tall cliff which formed a perfect wall behind her, and the only direction she could move was forward into the trees out of the small clearing where she had materialized. Much to her horror, when she glanced at her feet she noticed old bloodstains and clumps of feathers in a shallow indent. A... Jolos sized indent? She pushed down the panic racing up her spine, tearing her eyes off of the evidence and shaking her head. What sort of child dreams of such terrors? What sort of mother was she to be so surprised that something like this lurks within her own son?
She took a deep breath. These revelations needed to wait - she needed to find Jolos and get him out of the dream. "Twin gods, grant me courage" she muttered to herself as she started walking, "I will find you soon dear."

Damisona is feeling confident that she's close to finding the key to waking up Jolos. She had spent... Oh goodness, how long has it been? Nevermind that! All of these months of hard work will surely pay off. She had collected more than enough energy charged ingredients to help her cross into his mind and break him out of his coma. Vials of various lights, magical cores from various creatures, witch's conduits from her home world... She had travelled far and wide. It wasn't easy, but neither was seeing Jolos like this. No cost could be too great to wake up her adopted son, the great joy and love of her life.
Nothing in her studies could have prepared her for a love this intense, this deep. She never knew how much she would gain from caring for another, from caring for something besides her quest for knowledge.
But now she knew.

"My love, you'll be home soon."

Taking the day off from gathering materials to just rest with Jolos. Telling him stories from her home world, tales of her recent travels, telling him all the questions and knowledge she still wants to learn and explore. Maybe he can hear her, but even if he can't the exchange is comforting to her. Peaceful.

Resting at her den after a long day of collecting materials needed to awaken Jolos. She has spent the last few months across several dimensions collecting high energy ingredients and searching for the a way to enter the dreams of others safely. She ultimately found the knowledge she seeked in her home dimension, which was a difficult and highly emotional journey. Despite the troubles and turmoil, she made it home unscathed and with several new journals for her library. Dream workings, various new energy workings, astral projecting, trans-dimensional messaging, and more fascinating topics for her to memorize, practice, and record. Days are spent collecting materials, evenings for resting, and nights are for studying and learning these new spells and workings.

7.26/27.22 - midnight
After her lovely day out Damisona returned to her den. For a moment, life felt surreal. The bookshelves lining the walls were faintly illuminated by soft purple and white light. The faintly flickering glow from Jolos was peaceful to watch, and so she curled around him as best she could and sat in silence. She had finally come up with a plan to wake him up; a dormant celestial might just need a large amount of energy to awaken. She also had a backup plan, which was learning to cross into his dreams, find him, and wake him up from inside his mind. Either way, she felt a huge weight off her shoulders having finally found two possible solutions. If they didn't work, the information gathered from both plans would help craft a third plan. Everything was going to be okay.
"I'll get you back home, don't worry. I promised I'd look after you." she softly whispered before drifting into a gentle sleep.

Today it is sunny, and Damisona has finished most of her research. So, to let herself process all the information, she decided to go on a walk. Saw her friend Urschanabi was in the forest, and decided to go sit by the lovely aardvark (?). Sometimes, she wondered if he was secretly not an aardvark, but she hadn't asked him yet.
After sitting with Ursch for awhile, two more folk showed up; Talúla De Ptoma and Yumi. Urschanabi had the wonderful idea to bring a bottle of elderflower cordial from his home to share with the group, and so Damisona ran home to quickly check on Jolos and grab a glass for everyone. It was delicious!

Today in the forest it is raining, creating a calm and thoughtful setting for Damisona to continue with her research.

Has been furiously reading for days, with brief breaks for necessities. Jolos dreams on, flickering silently in the middle of the den. Feeling worried and frustrated because she can't find information on his condition, only that he can't truly be killed. When will he wake up? Will he wake up? She has no context for what happened prior to his arrival, and so all the horrible possibilities are rushing through her head like an unbreaking, overwhelming current.

Slept curled around Jolos until evening. Wondering when he'll wake up. Worried. He's only asleep, not fully dormant it seems. His light flickers with his dreams, casting small shadows around the den. He is hovering a foot off the ground, so small and vulnerable. She knows no harm will come to him, she still doesn't know if anything *can* harm him as just a soul, but she can't help but stress. When evening arrived she took a quick jaunt to the pond for water and food, then hurried back to the den. From there, she pulled out books. Old, dusty, leather-bound books from what must've been centuries ago. I need to re-up my knowledge on celestials, and if I have any information it will be in here. Long ago, in what felt like another lifetime, she had been searching far and wide for knowledge on celestials and higher beings. Her quest for knowledge had led her on many adventures, through many dimensions and through many forms. Back then, she had been a human in a land of magic, witches, gods, and creatures. Oh, back when I was human... Sometimes she missed it, her original body. Her hands which wrote so well, crafted so well. Braiding her long hair, art, playing the harp and piano, wearing pretty dresses. But that time had long since passed, and now she had been in the endless forest for... "Only the twin gods know how long I've roamed this forest." she declared to the slumbering Jolos. "Ah, well.. I'd better get to reading. No time to reminisce. and so she carefully began to flip through the old, delicate tellings of lifetimes of knowledge and adventure.

Jolos slumbers on, but she now feels comfortable enough to leave him in the den. After all, not many creatures can harm an incorporeal orb, no matter how sleepy it is. Headed to the crying idol to clear her mind and study some of the magic there.
Ran into friends! Two fawns (Kumo_Bon_Ji and Sealtiel) and Urschanabi! Urschanabi had magically transformed into a dove, so Damisona had trouble recognizing him at first, though he seemed very familiar. Had a wonderful time running and dancing with the three of them. Then a very bright personality Cu joined! Damisona had a grand time making new friends and casting spells.

Waiting for Jolos to wake up, has seen signs of life from the orb. Flickering, drifting. A friendly fawn (cecilyholland) stopped by, and so Damisona was dancing, casting spells and running about, but still worried in the back of her mind for jolos.

Damisona had made it to the den on time. As she entered the hollow under their tree a bright, purple portal opened in front of her. It looked like purple flames, but was cool to the touch. From the purple fire came a small, bright white orb of light. Jolos! Her dear friend had returned. She had secretly been hoping that him being away for so long would have tethered him to a physical body, but alas in this world he was still without a physical form. Maybe time passed differently where he had gone? As the portal closed behind him, he slowly drifted to a halt in front of her. He appeared to be asleep. "Ah, well," she watched the orb for any signs of life, a flicker or perhaps movement. "I can't tell if you're napping or dormant." She sighed, staring at the bright light in the center of the den. All she could do now was wait, and so she settled into the cushions to keep watch over him. "I hope you wake up soon, dear."
Hi Urschanabi! Smiling Later in the day he stopped by for a visit, settling into the den with Damisona and Jolos (though most don't notice that the orb is actually a sentient being). She enjoyed the company, happy to see a familiar face.

Damisona had waken up to what she thought to be a normal day. Reading and research, exploring and documenting the forest, cleaning her den, making tea, etc. Peaceful, comforting. It was about midday during a stroll to the pond when she felt it. "Oh dear," her heart skipped a beat, "Will he be coming in alive or dormant I wonder?" The purple orb that was her magic was quietly vibrating above her head. The link between Jolos and herself had been activated, pulling him through the fabrics of worlds towards her at an alarming speed. She quickly whipped around, changing course to rush home. If he was alive, he would be asleep on arriving and she wasn't entirely sure she could carry an incorporeal orb to their den. If he had died, he would be a dormant incorporeal orb, which would be even harder to work with. "Jolos, I hope you're not in a bad way." she muttered to herself, making a beeline home.

Sitting in her den, watching the rain and reading old fables. Peaceful.

Reading old archives and wondering about Jolos. It's been awhile since she heard from or of him, hopes he's okay. Is it possible to contact him through the smaller purple orb he now possesses? Maybe in the old records there's information on how. Either way, glad he's carrying it as it will teleport him home should he wish to or should his physical form die. His soul won't be forever lost in another realm should the worst come to fruition. Wonder if he knows it's literally a part of her.

Sitting at her den, reading and comparing her notes. Dreaming about her past, and wondering how long she's been in the forest. Time, after all, doesn't mean much to an immortal. How old am I, anyways?
Was approached by three others, Hiirni, Tau, and Urschanabi. Hiirni departed quickly but the other two stuck around and danced at her den with her, which she greatly enjoyed.

It's been a month since she teleported Jolos to another world. In the time they had spent together, they had become close friends. They exchanged stories, trained together, and she had truly enjoyed his company. To be honest, she missed him, but she figured he'd be back eventually. Today, she was updating her archives. Wandering the forest, taking notes, and cleaning her older books. Keeping her mind from worry, and doing what she loved most.

Getting to know Jolos, testing portals and starting to ready him for his journey. Hopeful he brings back knowledge from other worlds for her, and excited to see him find his place in the world. He's been staying with her in her den, and they've been exchanging stories. Today she sent him through a portal, and was delighted to hear on the other side he possessed a human like form. While he's away, she will look for someone who can revive him here.

1.21.21 - Meeting Jolos
I know what to do. Jolos had been "dormant", or asleep, for two or more years, and his head was finally clear. I need to find my place. Not in my mother's world, not this strangely cruel and peaceful one. I need to find my place in a world I choose. This day had long been coming, and he was finally stable enough to see it. Growing up as the celestial disappointment, falling from the heavens, meeting his end in a pool of his own blood, and existing as an orb of energy and light for three years had all taught him a crucial lesson. Not every world is for me, but I am sure I will find my place. Fate will guide me with strong arms and determined steps to my destiny, I’m sure of it. For once, he felt at peace. No longer was the endless tide of rage, blinding him from his duty to himself. He needed to start living for a higher purpose, not for spite and revenge. My anger can wait for another day, but my life must begin now. But where to start?

It seemed like a distant dream, her explorations in the human world, getting shot, and portal business. These days, Damisona had been journaling about the forest and its inhabitants. From the deer, the Twin Gods, the squirrels, to the strange entities always passing through and choosing this world to rest in. Her archives continued to grow, steadily but surely.

Jolos had heard tales of portals, attached to objects or summoned by entities. Through his years as an orb he had seen many guests in the forest, merely passing through or taking a moment to relax in the peaceful environment. He himself had been hurled from the skies through dimensions by his own mother, so he knew it was a possibility. To think there are unexplored worlds, maybe there’s one perfect for me. He felt impatience rise in him, akin to the feeling of anger. But who might send me away?

In her studies of the forest, Damisona had acquainted herself with the Twin Gods. A good way to learn a people is to try and understand their faith. She cheerily muttered to herself as she made her way to the twin idols to pray. Praying, she realized, might be the closest she could get to communicating with the forest gods. She hoped to learn more to add to her archives, which she felt had needed more readings on higher beings. I’ve met gods, angels, shapeshifters, great sorcerers. I’ve documented every species I’ve met. I just wish to understand the nature of a god who makes no law and demands no temples. To be all powerful, yet to remain so individual and unknown to the very world you built.

Even in death, he still held foolish hope that the gods of this land would interact with him. Despite this world being cruel to me, I see how much peace it brings to others. Maybe I am just cursed, or maybe I am just not built for this world. His mind always wandered to “why’s” when he floated around the two statues standing at the heart of the forest. I’m not sure why I was sent here, dammit. His heart used to be filled with such anger at this forest and its inhabitants, but these days he just felt tired and worn out. Not everything in life will have an answer, no matter how infuriating that may be.

As she approached the statues, Damisona noticed something she hadn’t recorded before. This is a new development! What are you? Floating maybe five feet off the ground was a small, chickadee sized orb of light. Is this a sign of the presence of the Twins? Continuing to mutter to herself, she approached the floating orb, quill and journal readied.

It wasn’t until the white doe was right in front of him that he snapped out of his train of thought. Exclaim it took a moment, but after the initial shock of being snuck up on it hit him. Is this?.. No, I’m not that lucky.. Could it be? Standing before him was an entity known as “Damisona”, who in this world took the form of a white deer with golden hooves and antlers that connected in a circle like a halo. If it’s actually her, then above her head.. There! Above her head protected by her antlers was a purple orb. It is her! A solution! He had seen her before, using her powers to open portals. Why she was here was beyond him, but it didn’t matter anyways. What mattered was that she had miraculously appeared, and that she was the most useful entity to him in this moment.

As she approached the curious orb it seemed to have a reaction, jolting up sharply and brightly flaring for a moment. Oh! You’re an entity, I see. Her heart raced. Was this a new species? Was it new? Had she missed it in the past? Could it communicate? Was it sentient? What could she learn from it? She had to know. Can you verbalize?

The thrill in her eyes as she approached, quill and journal floating by her side, was almost intimidating. She started rapidly asking questions, regarding his sentience, communication, species, and origins. It seemed as if she was just trying to think of the questions to ask later, because she didn’t wait for any answers. She had been swept away by the moment, her obsession for knowledge becoming painfully clearer by the second. It was overwhelming, even for an orb-former-celestial such as himself. STOP!!!!

STOP!!!! The word rang clearly in her head like the screeching of one thousand seagulls. Holy… That was loud. You speak telepathically? What are you doing here?

He paused for a moment, but chose not to question how she could possibly hear him. I’ve been here awhile, I even died here. That’s irrelevant, I need you to open a portal for me. He was watching her for a reaction, noting she was intently hanging on his every word. If I tell you about my life and how I got here as payment for it..?

He knew the deal already, knowledge and stories for portals. That, she watched as the orb flickered, Is an excellent proposal. We’re set for a deal. But, first thing in business, what’s your name?

This was it, his chance at a new life. Now, his name? It had been so long he had almost forgotten. I am Jolos, born of angels and thunder, and felled by my own preservation. Welcome to my story of storms, rage, and false idols. May the gods who created you never deceive you. But most importantly, welcome to my new chapter.

It's raining! Cuddled up in her den, making a new backup of her journal. Three is a good number, right? Going over her notes, filled with a sense of happiness.

Noirin came and healed her. Afterwards, the doe promptly fell asleep. Didn't wake her, as she figured the healing magic would be tiring. Watched over her, cuddled her in case she needed warmth.

Seems to be healing, but nervous now. Not thinking about exploring anytime soon, is content to hide in den with her journals. Later found in her den by Clarion, forced herself up to greet him but then promptly sat again. He asked if she needed anything, and she asked for food. He brought her berries and leaves, which she happily ate. Now that she was full, she asked what he was up to. He told her he had looked for her a few days ago, so she explained that she had been visiting the human world. He explained that he needed her help to visit the human world, but she needed to heal before she could help. He offered Noirin's (the healer) aid, and she gratefully accepted it. Noirin would visit tomorrow, In the meantime, Damisona asked if Clarion wanted to read her notes on the human world. He gladly accepted, and asked to take the journal with him on his journey to better prepare himself. She agreed, as she will keep her copy of it with her. He thanked her, so she gave him a happy hug, tried not to move too much though. He asked her then the process of getting into the human world. She explained that she uses her magic purple orb to open a portal at the crying idol, she explained that she can lend a portion of her orb to him, and that it will float above his head until reunited with her. She also explained that, if he chooses as he enters the portal to be a human, that the magic will listen. The orb, in human form, is expressed as a tattoo over the heart. Magic, however, is weaker in human form. Clarion the brought up an important question, how to get back. She told him that he would need to go to where the portal first put him, then use the orb to reopen the portal. They then proceeded to hang out until Clarion had to head home. Gave him a hug then decided to rest.

Exhausted, hasn't left den except for water and food, but then hides in it again. Tending to her wound, found an odd piece of metal in her wound and pulled it out. Screamed when she found this to be painful, but continued. Now tending to her reopened wound, but feels as if it will heal better without some literal metal in it. Examined the metal, put it with her journals to write about later.

Home, limped through her portal and collapsed at her den. Resting.

Will be home tomorrow, filled with hope. Side hurts less, but worried it will become infected or leave scarring.

Getting closer to where portal opens. Her energy store is low, and her purple orb is not as bright.

Found a familiar river, washed herself in it and drank. Wary, feels too open here. Continued onwards after washing her wound.

The pain hasn't eased up. Still pushing to get home though. Worried.

Woke up, and for the first time in her life started cussing. Her side really hurt, and the family had left her with a note. 'We had to leave to protect the twins'. She understood that, and was grateful that she was no longer endangering them. But, holy fuck, her side hurt. With her side caked in dried blood, aching and with the risk of an infection, she had to move quickly. But it was going to be painful. She had to head home, now.

Apparently white deer being targets is true. Heard loud noises and felt a piercing pain in her side, she and the family fled. All escaped but she was bleeding a lot. It hurt. Rolled in leaves and put pressure on it, patched herself up. Not her best work but it was something at least. Thinking of heading home.

Nervous, in a forest with skiddish deer. Say the humans have deadly sticks. The deadly sticks shoot fiery balls. Damisona hopes they're joking, doesn't think they are. Is sticking with a small family of four for now. A mother, father, and two twin boys. They all seem worried about her white pelt, but she doesn't know why that'd be a problem. There's snow everywhere. They say that white deer are often targets. Damisona asked why, but they couldn't give her an answer. She wasn't a complete stranger to being hunted, as in one of her previous worlds poachers tracked her for her golden hooves and antler(s?). The two twins thinks her magical purple orb is awesome. That's all the little ones care about.

Food is harder to find outside the forest, it all seems polluted. Also there are metal contraptions, and other materials. It's all very intimidating. Sees humans everywhere, they all seem angry, staying away from them despite their being smaller than her. What a confusing world.

Has decided to venture beyond the forest for a bit to learn more about the world...

Met a nameless deer and had a lot of fun with them, also helped a fawn get their set and played with them

Slept in a flower patch, had an odd dream of a dusty library. Woke up sad.

Helped pearlslug get their pelt, ran away from a stranger who kept changing her mask and chasing her everywhere. Nervous, confused.

Met Peri, a small, delicate fawn. He was curious about history, and so Damisona went on a rant consisting of all her knowledge. Enjoyed his curiosity, a pleasant surprise.

Met Zeljana and an unnamed deer today! Helped the unnamed one get their set, had a lot of fun socializing. She even got turned into a raven briefly! She wrote all about it in her journal.

Ran everywhere! Visited everything, read all the tombstones at the ruins. Determined she likes the birch forest best, but especially the blue flower patches in them. Didn't see anyone she knew, but that was okay because she was busy recording the day in her journal.
Update: Played with Jonquil and Clarion, really enjoyed their company. Floated on air, accidentally gave Clarion permadevout (idk how) but cast a pelt spell and it went away.

Played and ran around with Jonquil and Spinalcord, had a dance battle as well (which Spinalcord missed). Lost to Jonquil, but had a lot of fun! Got her set as well, and overall had a good time.



Reference For Head

Damisona and Jolos

sneaks on in here

sneaks on in here
Sybilline's picture


Tracking <3
sig by AceAshling, icon by HeartClock
Urschanabi's picture

What an interesting lady, why

What an interesting lady, why haven't I met her before? Hope to see her again soon! Smiling

Signature © Draak


tossercook's picture

@ Urschanabi thank you! I've

@ Urschanabi thank you! I've been inactive so all my characters have been awol, but I'm back so now they're flitting around:) We hope to see you in the forest again soon!
@ Lathyrus <33 yesss I love her purple theme

Signature by Wildflowerdeer and Profile by Sybilline
Personal/Character Hub
Urschanabi's picture

Ursch was curious about the

Ursch was curious about the orb, but didn't realise it was alive. He thinks it's some magical decoration of Damisona's den that she particularly cares about (:

Signature © Draak