|| Stuff For You: || Plot Blog CSS [code included]


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This is for those who want to get fancy and visual with plots related to their character, or want to display character(s) coming into the world with images and music to set the mood.

Click here to preview

Click here to get the code

The part of the div where the image file belongs is set to width:899px; height:10000px by default. I would suggest any images you put in to have a width of 899 (do not edit the width of the image div, it is set to be the same width as the wrapper's), but you can alter the "height:10000px"of the image div according to the height of the canvas of the image you want to put in there.

You can (of course, and you most likely already know this) copy and paste the image div if you plan on putting in multiple images shorter than the default in the blog.

On another note, please edit the text that is in the Disclaimer part of the code to suit you. What is in there now is just example stuff (except for the CSS credits) XD

The example/test image in the preview is bad quality because I had to stretch the canvas in the art program I was using, so sorry about that XD


CSS template/codes from Unplugged

TreeDancer's picture

tracks for future use

tracks for future use <3

Long time no see, guys! >

Long time no see, guys! <3 I decided to peek back into here and I remembered these little tutorial blogs I made when I was last active. Thought I'd boop them in case anyone who's active these days needs any help with this haha.

Thumbnail "how to" ->> http://endlessforest.org/community/node/105150