Depersonalized, derealized, and somewhat depressed.
| BODY |
A bit haggard
03/20/2017 Well, I've no idea what to do with myself now. It would appear that I have misjudged this forest and its inhabitants. I encountered some today who seemed quite civil, if a bit unpredictable. Though glass houses and all that, I cannot say I did not make an ass of myself in the throes of distress. I do believe I have plenty to be distressed about!
Many of the beings I met, such as Mr. Cat and Kamaya, seem to travel across different worlds with ease. I thought it was madness when I first learned of it, yet to these locals it is such a common thing. I always assumed the forest's residents enjoyed being here, but many seem to find themselves trapped in this place one way or another. I think... no, I am positive that is what happened to me. The question of course is what to do now that I'm here. I tried to leave by asking Kamaya to cast some sort of world hopping spell, though that backfired horribly and costed me my bloody antlers. I likely should not have attempted such a thing or encouraged her to do it, but I've grown unbelievably tired of this place. Beyond that, I wanted to try and like magic as much as the locals seem to. Alas, I must be allergic, as my reactions to it are very unpredictable. Physical intolerance, perhaps.
Before that, she mentioned to me I must have some purpose coming to this forest. I scoffed at it at first, but I am beginning to believe she may have a point. Far back as I can remember, when I first arrived in this place I felt the sense that I was looking for something. Naturally, it would follow that once this thing has been found, I should be able to return from the place I came from.
If only I could remember where that is or what I have to find... remembering anything about where I came from has proven highly difficult, as I don't even know which world I come from! I recall someone mentioned the human world. Other worlds, too. One that starts with M, another with V... perhaps my bad memory is not exclusive to past events; I already feel like much of today is slipping from my grasp. I wish this place didn't feel so unreal to me.
Anne told me my brain may be making me forget in order to protect me somehow. From what, I don't know. Maybe that's the point. If there is any point to my existence in this god forsaken forest in the first place!
I don't know. I don't know what to think. What I think is already so far removed from what I thought yesterday that what I thought yesterday is entirely meaningless. Perhaps sleep will help clear my mind.
03/18/2017 I awoke to find I'd been spelled by some strangers in the forest once again. Only this time, I found the culprits! An odd pair, one very pink and another very excitable.
I was somewhat curious as to what all this excitement was about. I followed them out of the mushroom patch to see where they were going, the two of them hopping and frolicking all the while. I don't see what there is to frolick over in a place like this. We passed another stranger who appeared for all the world to fade into thin air. This did not appear to trouble the other two. Perhaps my mind is beginning to play tricks on me...
The energetic stranger soon disappeared, and the pink stranger was joined by a fawn, which, to my dismay, I have learned is the source of that bizarre braying I keep hearing. I thought it best to return to the mushroom circle. Child rearing is not my strong suit.
I still cannot figure out why I was awoken to begin with. Did they mistake me for someone else? I don't look so haggard as to blend in with the locals, do I!?
03/17/2017 The madmen are about with spells tonight. Every time I wake up I become a different colour. I sat down by the banks, was spelled thrice, sat down at the oak, spelled twice by the same being no less. They seem to think it's all fun and games, some show of bravado. Bah!
I miss home, wherever it is, and I am running low on cinnamon sticks.
03/12/2017 I've been wondering about that odd little being I encountered last night. They were there when I awoke the first time, and when I awoke the second time, they were gone. I should have asked them about the nature of this place, but something kept me from breaking the silence.
They were unusual company, to be sure, though I suppose there could be worse. I could have woke next to a creature with a skull for a face or something...
03/11/2017 Do not panic Edwin, do not panic. You will find you way out eventually and escape these strange, pagan rituals in time.
...though how much time? Night has fallen, but how many hours did that take to happen? I am under strange stars indeed; all my attempts to map them end in failure. The celestial patterns shift and change each time I look up at them.
If I can thank these stars for anything, it is that this night is a quiet one.
03/03/2017 ...what was I doing again? I think I was going somewhere, but I can’t remember where. I know my name. I know I was looking for something. What was it? Did I get lost?
I wonder if these other creatures are intelligent. They must be, if my reflection is truly accurate, for I appear to be one such creature, though nothing here seems to do much of anything. All I hear is a distant braying throughout the woods, a most loathsome sound. I don’t know how the rest manage to sleep like the dead through it.
I hope I can find my way out of this place; it gives me pins and needles, the trees, the deer, the ring of mushrooms... the statues especially. I nearly cracked my head open trying to escape the feeling.
I don’t like this place. I bet I come from a nicer forest, one that doesn’t make my skin crawl with locals who don’t wear skulls and strange masks on their heads. That must be it. Surely I will find my way out eventually...
Edwin always wants something. He might not even know what it is, but he wants it. Money, glory, respect, everything you have and whatever's left after that too. He learned from a very young age what to take, when to take it, and whom to take it from. One day, perhaps through a logical miscalculation or pure blind passion, he tried to take too much from an entity far bigger and far more powerful than himself, and now he has nothing but his own bitterness and malcontent to keep him company.
Why is he here? Do the gods want to punish him or make him suffer? Or maybe they simply pity him. Either way he feels as though there's nothing for him here. Nothing he especially values, at least.
He grew up speaking a strange language in an even stranger land of stone and broken people, and it was from there that he first learned cruelty. The man who saved his life taught him to speak properly, but he left him with another important lesson: that he should use that cruelty against the very lesser beings he used to be one of and, having escaped the hell he once shared with them, didn't want to embody. No, he wasn't like them any more. The rest of society saw this cruelty and declared him a gentleman.
He wanted so badly to matter. He chased money, influence, success, and women. What he chased best of all, however, was deer, and using this gift he impressed the elites and climbed further up the social ladder, further away from everything he despised. Fine trophies became lavish gifts for his adopted father's--his future--associates. On some occasions, you could see through the act when he grew too impassioned and the hint of his mother's foreign tongue haunted his speech. He tried desperately to bury and forget her, but the ways the world had broken her never left his mind.
One day, he did succeed in forgetting her. At the cost of his body and soul, he forgot everything. Believing--no, pushing himself to be better than the rest, he followed a deer into a patch of land no man had returned from before. It was there where someone, maybe a man, maybe a god, struck him down. All that remains of his old self now is damaged pride and the old, familiar cruelty, though it's different now. He doesn't take as many risks, or engage foes bigger than himself: he knows better than that after what happened the last time. Instead he opts for putting up a distant and haughty facade, to invest in a delusional and grandiose idea of himself. He may not be better, smarter, or particularly more good looking than you, but maybe, just maybe, if he acts well enough like it you'll be too distracted to see the pathetic truth underneath and rob him of what little he has left.
The truth is, Edwin is fearful of more than just the forest, or those in it. He thinks he's afraid of losing the last of what he believes is his humanity, but what he doesn't know is that he lost that long ago when he learned to reject the imperfect mess of what he is. Now he's left perpetually confused by this new place; he doesn't know why it makes him so uneasy, or why concepts that seem so sensible to other forest denizens feel so backwards to him. However, his own curiosity is beginning to betray his delusions of grandeur. He's growing restless. He wants answers, even if those answers come from those he considers less civilized than himself.
Maybe now is the time for him to rejoin the very kinds of beings he's spent his life tormenting and learn a new way of being.
Edwin is an IC deer, and a historical character to boot. Many of his views are outdated and, quite frankly, kinda shitty, and they in no way reflect my own views as a player. I also make an effort to tone down Ed's grouchiness around non-IC players such as nameless deer and new users, and take full responsibility for any hurt feelings I might cause while playing IC.
While my deer have haunts and places they frequent, none are territorial, so don't feel like you're intruding just for existing in the general vicinity as my deer! Even Edwin isn't that mean. :V
If you'd like to interact with my deer or just want to chat in person, feel free to add me on Skype (firefly_blood(at)outlook.com) or Discord (fireflyblood#2344). Please mention you're from TEF first if you do! If you don't have either of these platforms, you're also more than welcome to comment on any of my deers' bios, or on my personal blog. Yes, even if it hasn't been commented/updated in forever. I'm often very busy or just plain low on energy, but I'll try and get back to you in a reasonable timeframe. If I don't, feel free to poke me again. I don't bite, that's Carnyx's job.
If you're going to engage in violent interactions with my characters, please let me know first so we can negotiate the rhyme and reason behind it and personal boundaries and all that good stuff. It's worth noting that I don't find violence for the sake of violence to be a very interesting source of drama or character development, so my odds of doing super grimdark stuff are pretty low. That said, this blog may include mature content from time to time, though nothing explicit, blatantly triggering, or above PG13.
The art and the brunt of the coding (sans Unplugged's helpful CSS reset snippets and GMSuerte's awesome script to track online players and use external script files) are my own. That... should cover it. Happy endless forest-ing!
This character brings my
hello hello :3
Hi there. c:
tossing a track in here
also the css is gorgeous asDFGHJ
Thank you.
track! c:
Thank you. ^^ Updates
Updates started. And so it begins...
Soon. ♥
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(No subject)
I wonder where you and your
^ Hope everything is well!