Need your help! -> Poltergeist's friendslist? LAST CHANCE

Seele's picture
So! I decided to make a list of friends for Poltergeist. It has a purpose, too. I want to feature all, or as much as I can of her friends in an artwork. I decided not to make the list myself, because the human memory tends to fail at crucial moments and I don't want to dissapoint anyone!

So! If one of your deer is friends with the following doe:

Whom carries THIS pictogram above her head, list their name! I think I'll be capable of finding the bio/some artwork myself, but if you want to make my job easy, feel free to post their bio/an artwork featuring your deer/a screenshot!

If you're not sure if Poltergeist sees your deer as her friend, I can assure you that if your deer thinks of her as a friend, she most likely thinks the same <3

If you're not sure about having your deer featured in the vague description of an "artwork", I would like to give you a more detailed explanation if you give me your email ♥, but I think a suprise is more fun! Don't worry, I will not put words into their mouths or let them do things they wouldn't do!

I hope I explained enough this way. I'll add some deer to the list myself if I notice they are not that active here anymore, so may have missed it, etc.

Thank you for your time! ♥

The list so far!

Sariebearie's Vipin
Custard's Yorisumo
Kaoori's Kaoori
Dannii's Rutilus
and her Rhapsody
Rai's Rowan
Pinkpaws' Laurette
Shimmy's Wudiin
Tuhka's Quamar
Amazon's.. Well Amazon <3
VeryCrazyGirl's Virgil
Flyra's Flyra
Meadow's Iendoe
Kiraki! XD
Verdala's Walter
Zebbie's Jester
Nuevapaz's Oisín
Nopje's Pride
Nishi's Trees
Fincayra's Esll
Iaurdagnire's Iaurdagnire

Thank you so much guys <33

So now for adding those I think should be added!

Raz's Cirrus, Corvus, Draak
Hraeth's Voxraati, Noelle
Ravenflights Ravenflight

Uh... As said, I know there's most likely more, but my memory is not the best. I'll try to add to this as soon as I remember, or as soon as more people decide to swing in and help! <3
Also, if I put you up here, and you're like "NOOO WAII", I won't take offense, just tell me XD

Vipin, I would think.

Vipin, I would think. <3 I'm excited for this Miiisss 8D POLTTNNGGG
Custard's picture

I don't know whether she'd

I don't know whether she'd class Yorisumo as a friend.
They don't hang around together all the time, but they do at least know eachother.

You can decide anyway, I'm curious what this is about~ o3o
Kaoori's picture

me, me MEMEME

me, me MEMEME

Rutilus, and perhaps

Rutilus, and perhaps Rhapsody?
toboe's picture

Row :3

Row :3

I'm not sure if Laurette is

I'm not sure if Laurette is classified as her friend, but they've played with eachother before~

*shoves Wudiin

*shoves Wudiin like...the form of shooting stars or something*

*frolics away*

Tuhka's picture

Well, Quamar considers Poltie

Well, Quamar considers Poltie as his friend, though he's been rather unactive lately so you don't have to add him really xD
But he sees her as a friend still. :]
Amazon's picture

(No subject)


Verycrazygirl's picture

*Waves* &heart;...

*Waves* &heart;...

Flyra's picture

Mh, Flyra maybe? They've

Mh, Flyra maybe? They've spent amazing times together (; Even though my laptop is still acting up that much so they haven't seen each other for a while...
f l y r a b l o g avatar by tinkee, sig by Quamar
Meadows's picture

Iendoe C=

Iendoe C=
Kiraki's picture

Oh hai there :3

Oh hai there :3

Verdalas's picture


Trickster's picture

Oooh ooh, mee mee~! :D Even

Oooh ooh, mee mee~! Laughing out loud :D Laughing out loud Even though she might not approve of him possibly knocking up her mum, I would say Jesterness-he adores Polteroonie *giggles* ♥

Oisin. Of course. &hearts;

Oisin. Of course. ♥

Well, Pride is her

Well, Pride is her friend-family Smiling <33

BrownLupine's picture

I guess Trees. She declared

I guess Trees. She declared herself Polts adoptive mom after all XDD

What nature divides, the spirit unites.

Fincayra's picture

I know he doesn't spend

I know he doesn't spend enough time with dear Poltergeist, but I've always considered Esll as a distant friend... or acquaintence. <3

By the way, that screenshot is very beautiful for some reason. I love her pose.
Iaurdagnire's picture

*flails arms* Me!

*flails arms* Me!
Seele's picture

A little bump, to make sure

A little bump, to make sure i'm not missing anyone! Currently going to start, so that's why XDD
Thank you all! <333