Need some help

Hey all - I have an account for TEF where...Firefox remembered my password. So I can log into the account.

BUT. I do not remember the password.

I cannot get into the game without changing it.

So, you can change passwords while logged into the account, correct?

I try that. It always says "saved successfully". But even putting in a manual password change with the "Forgot your password?" button only works ONCE. But it doesn't. After that, the account reverts back to it's original password!

I don't want to bother M&A with this, anyone have any advice?

Huh...That is weird.

Huh...That is weird.

Perhaps it is the same glitch as the email not arriving when you sign up for a picto? As I heard there was a solution to THAT problem.

Are you using the same email as the one the account was made with?

I'm not, but the email goes

I'm not, but the email goes to the email I am currently using - that change worked at least...

Problem for M&A, if no one

Problem for M&A, if no one else has a solution..
Aivilo's picture

You may be able to view your

You may be able to view your saved password in the settings somewhere in Firefox; I know Chrome lets you do it.