August 30, 2015 - 5:46pm — Razguul
Hey all - I have an account for TEF where...Firefox remembered my password. So I can log into the account.
BUT. I do not remember the password.
I cannot get into the game without changing it.
So, you can change passwords while logged into the account, correct?
I try that. It always says "saved successfully". But even putting in a manual password change with the "Forgot your password?" button only works ONCE. But it doesn't. After that, the account reverts back to it's original password!
I don't want to bother M&A with this, anyone have any advice?
Huh...That is weird.
Perhaps it is the same glitch as the email not arriving when you sign up for a picto? As I heard there was a solution to THAT problem.
Are you using the same email as the one the account was made with?
I'm not, but the email goes
Problem for M&A, if no one
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