August 11, 2010 - 7:58am — PriyeVodou
So, I made my first trip to the forest as a named deer today (so I guess I should apologize for any amateur mistakes I make whilst posting! I think I got the category right? Yeah, I'm sure I got the catagory right...)
Anyways, it was such an interesting experience to see how everyone interacts with each other. Needless to say, I heart the Endless Forest. I heart it a lot.
I even managed to find friends, haha. Massive all-fawn dance party near the Pond? Good times. XD
Also, I wanted to put up screencaps of some of the deer I met today, just to see if I could find them here, but I don't...exactly...know how to go about that, heh...
In your TEF folder, there
You can host them on a site like photobucket, tinypic, or imgur. :3 Just copy the url of the image (direct link) into [img][/img*], without the *.
ALSO, I adore your fawn. To pieces.
{Click to view Nine's bio}
Oooh, okay, gotcha. Thanks so
Aww, shucks.
I...don't think I remember seeing your pictogram today, though. What did your deer look like?
Welcome! =]
Hello and welcome ^^ Sounds
Sounds like you had a lot of fun
Welcome 8D I srsly dunno how
I srsly dunno how this 'new member wave' came here xD
It was a doe, your fawn
{Click to view Nine's bio}
Heya, welcome to TEF. ^.^
Oh hai, and welcomes to the
Oh and your username's interesting... *cough*Ou palè kreole?*cough*
Hiya! c: I second what
I second what everyone else has said! Welcome to the community and the game. :3
Thanks for the welcome, guys
And Kittyo8, no, I don't speak Hatian Creole, heheh. I just love some of the language's words.....and then steal them shamelessly.
Oh I see, sorry about
O.O" -so its you who took'd mai word!-
--im in ur dialect, stealin'
Don't worry, I'll take very good care of it!